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friends....how many of us have them?

billy_big_bud! said:
i am the biggest lone wolf in the world. i seriously dont have a single friend other than my dog. any one else stick to themself? i guess its because i have been burned so many times i just said fuck it. even when people who i know like me call to hang i dont answer or make an excuse. DAMN..... i sure am glad i have you guys :D

I hear ya, BBB. Same here. My dogs are my best friends. I talk to a couple of guys from school maybe once a year. I moved to a rural area 170 miles away so we don't really keep in touch much. I've always felt all alone in this world. Even when I was married. I still do for the most part. Part of being anti social I guess. LOL
It is not so bad being alone. I never have anyone come over to my house, not even my own family. Trust is a very rare thing around me. I grow pot, I will not go to jail or even prison for someone opening their mouth a bit too much. What can I say I am a hippie man, I like the nature way too much to risk being in a cage.
billy_big_bud! said:
thats the thing. im glad your man passed the test but who we are today and who we are a year from now is 2 different things. i hope your man stays down. i have had many men that were down deep and things change. one time i had a man who was down for me to the max. not only with me but was a seasoned criminal that served a couple of bids in jail and never cracked in the least. street cred coming out the wazoo. HIS downfall was his mouth. he got himself in trouble got bail did the same thing again. got bail and did it again. all criminal conspiracy involving phone taps. he just couldnt shut up to save his own ass. long story short because he was caught a third time and while still on bail he was permafucked. he decided to flip and sent them in both directions up the ladder and down. in all abbout 20 guys went down on his testimony. sick. there is no words to describe the feeling i got watching his video statment describing the way things worked saying "me and me friend jon smith were doing such and such and oh....i guess he isnt my friend anymore".

Good story. Sounds like he was the weak link in the chain and cops knew it.

Making friends is easy when you're young. All through school, I usually had at least one good friend, and sometimes two or three. But I would say that most people over the age of 22 do not have friends. After college, people go their own way. You might have a spouse, but that's it. At best you have a circle of acquaintances where you get together for dinner once in a while.

Then again... think back to when you were a kid and had a best friend. Could you really trust them with important shit, like a secret about yourself or your family? More than likely not. The reality of this world is we are alone. If it were possible to form really meaningful friendships with other people, would we even bother getting high?

The human race is a bunch of lonely bastards. Even the supposedly popular people, the ones surrounded by "friends", they are often the most lonely.


Proud Cannadian Cannabist
my best advice in life is.......BUY A DOG. unless it is an inbred freak you will have a loyal friend for life.



Very well said.

i'm a lone wolf 2. but we humans are social animals. so don't give up, there are good people, it just takes time to find them, connect, and grow.

Don Cotyle

I can count my TRUE friends on one hand, the rest I consider aquaintences and treat them as such keeping my secretes to myself! Don't get me wrong I treat people like I'd like to be treated, but most folks have a big mouth and are quick to put a knife in your back and twist. When I say true friends I meen the ones that would take a bullet for ya and the same in return!!!

Basically a Lone Wolf here too!


lives on planet 4:20
the more i get to know people the more i like my dogs...lol

i have had maybe three real friends in my life....none of them ever fuc...ed me

but i don't like hanging with many ppl and never really liked that

each friend I had we chilled together a lot, got high banged chicks etc....but now my friend for the past 14 years is my wife and my four lovely dogs