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Friend's first ever grow results.

dan K

A buddy of mine just harvested his first grow, which i kinds helped him along the way. Single 400HPS in a cabinet about 4x4 and 4 ft high. Started 25 seeds and ended up with 12 females. He ran into problems all along the way: Started seeds in miracle grow dirt and stunted their growth big time, nute burn in early flower, bad mite infestation in late flower....it wasnt the easiest first grow lol. He ended up with around 3.25 OZ total after about 7.f weeks 12/12. He water cured his buds and it has now been 7 days since harvest and they r good enuff to blaze...not to smelly and a bit dark due to the watercure, but definitly nice smoke for only 7 days from harvest.

Heres a lil sample he gave me 2day when i got off work....about 6 grams.


Active member
nice, should trim those buds up thow :) they still look a little moist, ide put um on some newspaper for another day or 2 and jar um up, generous friend thow eh :) have fun with that, tell us how it smokes

dan K

ya theyre nice n dry now....he watercured em tho so they were dry enuff to smoke 8 days after harvest....ya he was glad to throw me a bit i basically guided him thru the entire process and let him use sum of my nutes and a few nug seeds ive been saving...smoke is not bad a lil bland taste/smell wise i think due to the watercure...but decently potent for just planting random seeds he had layin around....lol literally laying around we just cleaned up his tables and looked thru our bags of regs to get seeds.


Hi dank

Hi dank

Not bad for seven day water cure. Looks like they would be very tastee.


if watercure takes a week...how does one smoke a bud a day after the water cure?
dan K said:
ya theyre nice n dry now....he watercured em tho so they were dry enuff to smoke 8 days after harvest....ya he was glad to throw me a bit i basically guided him thru the entire process and let him use sum of my nutes and a few nug seeds ive been saving...smoke is not bad a lil bland taste/smell wise i think due to the watercure...but decently potent for just planting random seeds he had layin around....lol literally laying around we just cleaned up his tables and looked thru our bags of regs to get seeds.

dan K

he watercured b/c he wanted to be able to smoke his harvest asap, and also he had mites late in flower and thought watercuring might help wash the buds of mites after the chop.....Overall it was a decent first grow and the H2o cure was interesting to try and did seem to improve potency a bit but the lack of nice smell and the darker appearence of the buds i dont think ill ever water cure any of my harvests.....but not bad smoke at all for 1st time considering it was random seeds and he encountered a few problems thruout the grow cycle.

dan K

unicorn said:
if watercure takes a week...how does one smoke a bud a day after the water cure?

he water cured for 7 days and then put the buds in a dehydrator...after about 3-4 hours in the dehydrator the smaller, popcorn buds were all crispy and smokeable and by the next morning same goes for the bigger cola's.


best thing about the first yield, is knowing you grew it i think :)

Satisfying feeling. And over the yrs as the standard climbes, so does the pride in ur work. Good luck buddy and hope u enjoyed the fruits of your labour.

Take care,

FIngers :joint: :wave:


New member
That looks good I too an on my first 400 watt grow looks like he made out better then me and my roommate. Our plants have a copper defficiency and It seems to have slowed their growth considerably :frown: