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"Friends" betrayal



You guys are definitely right in saying I need to find new friends. I do have a best friend, only problem is he lives in Nebraska for most the year because of school(although he is home for 6 weeks). I guess I've just been fooled into thinking these people were my good friends. I really feel a big part of it is that I've matured(which in part I will say is due to weed, but in a good way), and they don't like who I've become. But oh well, fuck em.

I do try and see family, especially my 9-month old nephew. Seeing that little guy fills me with joy (so long as he isn't crying haha).


lives on planet 4:20
huey69...if you get high and then have contact with other people...especially the ones that know you...they might not like the way you act or what you say...this is reality and this is their right

now it is up to you to ''choose'' what you do with this.....there are many choices

1) get high with someone that you will hang out with, and don't mix with other people
2) if you choose to hang out with those people that don't like the way you act and what you say when you are high...then don't get high before hanging out with them
3) don't hang out with them .... period
4) there are a million combinations...but in the end...after you take any kind of action and you don't like the result you are getting...adjust your behavior and/or actions so that the end result that you get...you do like

you are simply having a value conflict...just decide what is more important to you....and act on it...if it more important to hang out with people who are two faced...but for some reason you want to hang out with them...then do what it takes to be accepted in that company

if it is more important for you that the people who you chill with respect you as a person and are not two-faced....then fu.. these assho...s and choose to find some new homies to get high with...and forget about these homos

just smoke amnesia haze and forget about them :rasta:

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
fuck friends -- i quit hangin around anyone i used to know --i went back for a party and ended up seeing alota of tha cats i went to school with.. they talk shit on weed (even tho they use to all smoek with me back in the day) and now they all border on line of alcoholics.. two of my friends got locked up for 3DUI offenses..my other friend that used to live down street is locked up cause of some drunk date rape..non of them have done shit with tehir lifes ... (the most successful friend is a ups driver..haha)while i have achieved much.. im surrounded by many beautiful ladies,,,whats your name baby... kim? ohh its pronunced with a ch?? sexy... wait and this girls named cinderella?? baby your all the love ill ever need,,,:rasta:
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Huey69 said:
Trouble: This has been going on since February...I've tried assessing myself from all different angles...and there is only one person I can think of that I've been an "asshole" to or "talked shit about" and that's my 28 year old brother-in-laws-brother. He hangs out with my group of friends(mostly 18-20 year olds...some a little younger, some a little older) and really is one of the main reasons I stopped drinking. He has been kicked out of multiples houses(including mine..), makes an ass of himself everytime he drinks, tries to start fights(again, has tried with me), and generally tries to be a hardass...but the dude has mental problems, but everyone prefers to hang out with him over me(which could just be becuase he can buy them booze, I cant). I'm not trying to pawn this off on him...but really thats the only thing I can really think of. There's more to it of course..but..ya..

To Everyone else: Thanks for the advice. I've been trying to hang out with different people, it's just hard sometimes because everyone already has their "groups." I have a few friends to smoke with, but even then it's sometimes hard to hang out with them due to conflicting schedules.

Jamesbong: Ya...definitely good friends haha

I think i'm going to add that quote to my sig. It's so true.

Wow, another Paul Bowles fan in the making... he has a lot of stories about kif smokers in Morocco, circa 1950 - 1970s...I think he's definitely one of the better cannabis-smoking writers out there. He had "tea" at 4 pm everyday according to a 1994 interview.

I wouldn't worry too much about losing certain drinking "friends," in my experience people come and go, usually based upon trivial differences of opinion, or misunderstandings, or just because they don't give a damn. When it comes right down to it, many don't have a true friend that they can really trust with their back turned. If you have one real friend you are luckier than most.

As I've gotten older, I've been more inclined to prune those acquaintances that annoy or aggravate me. It's not worth putting up with bad characters who will just get you in trouble, betray you and waste your precious time with their bullshit, just for the sake of thinking you're "popular." My advice is to be unpopular, but know who your real friends are. Getting mixed up with a bunch of fools is a good way to make your life hell.

Drinking sounds boring to me. It just puts me to sleep. I haven't touched a drop since I acquired a little bit of herb. The government expects us to blast our livers with poison, but herb feels better and is better for me.


HUEY69 said:
I talked to one friend who is also experiencing the same thing(he doesn't smoke though) and he told me the reason that my "friends" stopped hitting me up is becuase "I smoke too much and I changed and am an asshole all the time and talk shit"

Read between your own lines bro. They "shunned" another friend who does'nt smoke and said your an asshole and talk shit.

sounds like they just dont like you, mebe you should check yourself and how you act, yanno?


i grew up in small south ga town. school w/same ppl from K to grad hs. go to prison. u find out who ur real friends r! i had none...

family = blood is thicker than water...my take: blood drowns u faster than water. family will toss u "for ur own good" to the wolves as fast, if not faster, than a complete stranger. lots of us have no family, or choose not to let family dictate our lives. kind of my take on religion to. im me. take it or leave me alone.


hey, im smiling. what about u?