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Well considering what has transpired since I started out with the clones, it pretty much has turned in to my diary and I have been updating it as such so I am going to make this my official first grow diary!!! Well as you can plainly see it all started with my clone situation and took off from there.

The ups, downs, scares and triumphs. I have since been pretty much been pulling on BLAZEONUP’s coat tails and the good folks here at IC for advice here and there, but my soil mix is strong so im confident, to those who bumps into this thread, look through, there is some simple but important info for the beginner/newb, and enjoy. The one thing i do apologize for (after sme thought) is that I really don’t keep in/up with the time lines as far as dates, but the day I post is the day it happens, so this is all in real time and current!!!

Brief history, I was gifted these SSH beans from a new found friend/ grower. He saw my zeal as a fellow grower and passed them onto me as my firs elite strain to grow. I ll never forget that day, we rolled p something nice (man it was always something nice) and that’s how the ciphers always began. This day the phone rang just I asked him for some seeds on a cross he happened upon. He told me to hold on, came back five minutes later with 12 SSH beans!!!! Needless to say I was shocked! Asked him how much, he says nah don’t worry about it, now I am f**kin stunned! So since then ,I have lost four, pooped four and have four left, and well the thread explains the rest. . . .

i took a chance and took some clones from my plants way too early, and forgot to mark them. i have 2 xSSH left over from 4 after switching to 12/12 (you know the males just gotta go!!!). the clones , all are rooted but i just dont know which ones are which, i have 11 cuts in all and honestly i am glad they all took, since i really didnt use any additive to help the rooting process,they were young, had some treated plugs but thats about it. can i switch those clones to 12/12 , sex them, keep the females and then switch back to 24/0 until they are bettere built up for flowering?

is there anyway i can change, or insure that the ones that are males will switch to female? maybe a light change (time wise) or a nute additive

other factoids:

-before i flowered, i looked for those little pistils steming from the nodes and all of the plants had them, so i went with the thought that they were females unitl i a week after switching 12/12 and the balls dropped on the two. its also the reason i took a chance on cloning so early, they were about 2 or 3 inches tall at the time of cuttting

-clones are under 3 x 40 (something?)watt floros, and they are honestly taking off, shocks me how well they are doing since it was my first time taking clones, they slightest bit of H2O and they perk right up!!!

-i water them with a light EWC tea that i let soak over night, they are in cups with a EWC and promixBX with a little EWC in it (very small 4oz cups,i will transfer to 16oz cups tomorrow since i can see the roots against the wall of the cups)

. . .uhh. . .i guess thats all i can think of to tell right now, please post any other questions about info that i may have left out
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I don't think you were looking at the pistils, the pistil-like things on the nodes are on every plant. The pistil comes out of a calyx, not the nodes.

You probably won't even need to put them into flowering to know their sex, i'd just grow them out a little and see if any preflowers show up. Most likely you'll be able to sex them if preflowers show up. Infact, i wouldn't be suprised if some of your clones already have preflowers on them. I'd check to make sure.

If that doesn't work, i'd put them into 12/12 and as soon as you know the sex, revert back to veg. I prefer not to do that, as it puts the plant through some stress, but it's your best bet if they don't show preflowers.

Don't use any stress techniques or additives to reverse your plants sex. It's hard for a male to turn female, but if you used stress techniques that would most likely hermie your females too. I wouldn't even think about giving my plants additives to change there sex. I would never trust a plant that was originally a male anyways, most likely it could hermie or revert back to being male at any time. I haven't researched the subject though, as i haven't seen many males turn female.


maybe you're identifying them correctly, but I have a hunch that those "pistils" you saw are in fact just new growth from the nodes. if a plant were to show a pistil, it would be a definite female.

now if you're convinced that these were females before 12/12 and they're showing balls now, perhaps they've hermied. I would remove those balls and see how the plant develops.

remember, sex = predetermined
Show us your balls, man ;-)

Do they look like this: <img>http://www.onlinepot.org/images1/cannabis_gender1.jpg</img>???

I would avoid clear cups, especially for clones, it shoots out nice thick, mature roots that do NOT need any light ;-)

Aside from that: It's Rockin'!

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:wave: EasyBakeIndica:" thanks for stoppin by but, sorry dude, they got the chop on site!!!, i wanna save the stems and make a onehitter out of 'em or something, they're jsut sittin on my work bench dryin out as we speak. thanks for the props, it feels good to be a this point after waiting so much time for the right time, but gawd these damned SSH's are takin a hella long time !!!

:wave: dope_roor : your right, i was over zealous and spotted the wrong thing for the right thing, i remember now, that its just a characteristic of the plant. no they werent all females, the thing is i changed 12/12 AFTER i took the cuttings, only to find that the plant i took a good amount of the cuttings from was one of the plants that happened to show the ball sacks, i just wanted to know if there was a way i can change the male cuts to females, but now that i think about it, i really am against f**kin with/stress them like that.

:wave: SweetIndica2 : nah brotha, no preflowers at all, just regular old plant matter, but as i explained in the post b4, i forgot to mark them, when i cut them, you kow, what clone came from what pot, and i have a memory like a sieve (?). they all look the same at this point, except for 2 of 'em that are lookin kinda meager. i guess all i can do is flower them out and see who does what.

well i am gonna just give them some more time under those floros and let them get two or three more nodes, top em, for the extra colas and then just flower them out, and see who jumps in what direction, if i get atleast 4 i will be good. i am definitely gonna do some of the DIESEL bag seed i have and take my chances with that, this sativa shyte takes way too long!!!lol but i gotta couple more SSH beans so im good, once the other closets go up i think i will grow them out in a space all by themselves.

wish i could get some i went to take a pic with the came, and the damned things batteries are dead, so i gotta get those b4 i can post new pics, i think i will post right after i top, cause a week after that i will switch to 12/12,and my moonshineman mix ingredients should be comlplete, wil post pics as soon as the camera is back up and runnin'. they have been transplanted to larger 16oz cups (of a dark color)

the temps have changed and things seem to be kinda stagnant in the new growth department, i cant wait until payday, so i can get the pH tester i need so desperately.
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ok, i ahve since repotted teh little ones and put them under the light with the moms, to see whos who. once i find out then whoo hooo! teh race begins, got some nycd germin right now, hope they do a lot quicker this time around. damned sativa is so slow!!! lol


good luck! yea sativas are painstakingly slow but i think the cerebral high they give is well worth the wait=)




hey all, thanks for the replies,

:headbange just to let everyone know, they are doing very well, i know i should but i am bad at keeping up with time as far as how many weeks/days/etc. but if memory serves me correclty its been about 2 weeks since i moved them into bigger party cups (about 16oz), and they are growing exponentially, and better than thier parents.:redface: saw some resin glands with the microscope, but i hope they make it to the end, they really dont look good, will post pics of them too

:redface:i dont get too many responses to my threads so i dont update too much, and i guess since i was gifted with these beans, i am overly cautious, kinda like that overbearing parent, but i do know when to backoff! lol

:headbange ok , since eyes are watching i am try and get that damned camera some batteries and get some pics up!!!:jump:

:rasta: i would have put it into a grow journal, but i guess i just dont feel that need for validation to "show my grow". the info and help with the grow is all i really need so i thank everyone for that, seriously. i figure, hell, if i am showing you pics of healthy/unhealthy plants you kinda get the jist of whats going on.

so its, 11:10pm where i am now, i get off from work in the mornig, so i gues i can take pics then. . . so c u in the mornin'!!! :wave:


ok folks as promised here are the pics as promised:

well in keeping with the subject of the thread her are the clones repotted and doing awesome!!!

this is my soil mix, or rather the new soil mix, i added alotta stuff since some of my last posts as to what was in there b4, ive got : PROMIX-BX/FF OCEAN FOREST/ FF LIGHT WARRIOR/ BLOOD&BONEMEAL/ GARDEN LIME + TONS OF PERILITE!! ITS REALLY FLUFFY AND AIRY

these are what was left of the original four. . .
iam excited because i saw some trich's through the microscope the other day!!! so i guess its doing ok for the most part

heres pheno #1

heres pheno #2

it was strange because the males that i had were similar to teh females, for that reason i was thinking about saving pollen for seed, but i didnt want to take any chances and i have four beans left anyway, so now that i am more familiar with this strain i am gonna try again , maybe the third or fourth grow who knows?

i was gonna build another closet to flower in and use my current C22 for mothers and clones, but once i get the rest of the junk outta the garage this weekend, im gonna just use a portion of the garage as a grow room, means more plants and greater security.

:jump: :jump: i am really not into claiming space like my wife, but she has told me that the garage is the mans area, so i am free to do with it what i will :jump: :jump:

i will come back with measurements and maybe some comments/suggestions as to what i should do or how i should cut up the space, so i really want your guys input!!!
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for those that are interested, hereis a vmall view of what i am running:

DIY carbon scrubber:

DIY cooltube/reflector:

i actually had to take apart the original light i had in there and use the reflector for the cooltube,i was loosin' way too much light to open space

my hydrofarm 146cfm exhaust:

and last but not least what i water feed with and pH correct the current grow with:

well thats it for now, i got some pics of the leaves in their current state and i am gonna go post those in the infirmary thread and see who can tell me what about them. really weird ass colors!!


oh happy day!!!

oh happy day!!!

:jump: :headbange :jump: :headbange :jump: :headbange :jump: :headbange :jump:

well i am happy to say that i have gone into the closet and found that out of 11 cuts that i didnt mark and had to wait to see sex, i have 7 females and 4 males!!!!
:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

i guess only a few of you can understand what that means but OMG, this is truly a happy damned day!!!!! on to the pics:

here are the male bastards, that are gonna get the chop, it would be nice to veg them out for the pollen , but i really want that pure right now and with 7 :woohoo: i should be good!!!

and here are my lovely ladies all waiting to be placed in their new boodwahs' (i hope thats how you spell it?)

and heres a pic of the happy family!!!

the other reason i am excited is the fact that i have all of my soil amendments now, and i should not have to deal with the pH probs i had with the first go-round. this time i should be able to just water and watch them grow!!!! you guys dont know how long i have been waitng for this day. i honestly think i am happier than a free slave, boy i tell ya!!!!!!!!

well tonight they get transplanted into my soil mix and the 3gl grow bags i bought, so now they have more space, which is also why i think my current females looked kinda stubby, to me anyway. both are at a low 18 inches,so i really think it had everything to do with pot size with the SSH.

well enough for now, gonna take pics after the transplant since i found a good pair of batteries around the house.

truly a happy happy day! i feel ike singing "zipadee doo dah, zipadee aye". . . but lets not get crazy.
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ok since my last pics i have been quite the constant gardner:

so everyone is safe and sound, their new homes are 3gl. i pH'ed the water to 5 b4 i watered so things are cool so far, i took blazeoneups advice and "busted up" the root masses right b4 i transplanted, i would suggest anyone do this, it wasnt as bad as it seemed!

gonna definitely check on 'em and see how they are doing, having since been watered.

well until next the next update . . . . :wave:
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looking very good my man. i'm interested to see how you end up designing your garage space. i'm in the same sort of situation myself :). Been wanting to get my hands on some SSH! I missed it by the skin of my teeth, a club was sellin' clones of it but by the time i got there, all that was left were rejects :(

i envy thee :headbange


:wave: hey sardonic ,

yeah man, i honeslty know that i hvae been blessed by the ganja gods for the people that i have been meeting so far. atleast where you are , you cansay the words club and cannabis in teh same sentence, i on the other hand :badday:

pelase man drop by anytime, and tell me where i could improve , i jsut finished measuring and its (l/w/h) 11 x 7 x 8-7 (due to slope). so you know what that mean. . HYDRO GROW!!!!!!!!! more DIY !!!!!!!

sorry, but i love my tools and the fact that i have space now is :woohoo: !! and it will be a journey cause i have to finish the garage, build additional spaces besides flower area and then i wanna run a subpanel for power. i have to change my main panel box now , so when i do that, i wanna run the wires one time, and get that big grow room like the big boys!!!

:redface: oh and by the way sardonic ol' boy. . . i know i dont know everything, so please i am serious about the input. i.e. -i just figured out to turn the flash off on my digi cam, and clean lense with alcohol to get better pics. . heh hehhe.. . .. haaaa yah. more picspof progress in a couple days!! too soon after transplant
sorry, but i love my tools and the fact that i have space now is :woohoo: !! and it will be a journey cause i have to finish the garage, build additional spaces besides flower area and then i wanna run a subpanel for power. i have to change my main panel box now , so when i do that, i wanna run the wires one time, and get that big grow room like the big boys!!!

I posted a little info on running a subpanel in Blazeoneup's dirt Thread. You may want to check out my posts to InVinoVeritas.



:wave: hey killer (gotta respect someone that calls themselves killerweed right! lol)

:rasta: thanks for the links, will do, since i am kinda tuggin' on blazes' coat tails for answered questions. will definitely look it up later on today. i have a "friend" that is an electrician, acutally newly found, how would i or do you think i would be able to tug his ear and beg a questioin? i guess i am relating it to the "growshop etiquette", you know where you can ask all the questions you want as long as you dont mention weed at all? but what kinda questions do you ask an electrician without mentioning weed at all.

:joint: i am thinking maybe i can use your info, DIY the whole thing and then once i get it all setup, have him copme by and then ask if everything is setup ok? i maena should i jsut go ahead and then build the room first with the subpanel up, or should i just seriously configure where i want everything to be and then build the room around the panel once i get the go ahead.

:redface: so far i have yet to let anyone, other than my bro, look at my set up or even come near it, i am not strict about it, buti am not lax either, i am quiet and stay to myself other than those i know. how do i approach this , what do you think?
Suggest to your friend that you are setting up a work shop. If you tell him your requirements in terms of # of circuits at particular voltages and amperages, he should be able to give you tips, or even help you wire it up. I would recommend keeping the actual purposes of your sub-panel a secret, as loose lips tend to get people in jail more often than we would like. I would recommend that you take anything weed related out of the area if you invite your electrician friend over. If you just have him check out your wiring, you can probably just give him a six pack of nice beers or invite him to stay for a good dinner and call it even, but if you have him do the wiring for you, you should ask him what he thinks is a fair price.

You will want to estimate your future electrical needs to the best of your ability, but also leave room for some future expansion. I would say something like, "my work shop will have x,y, and z power tools that I plan on buying right a way which require the following circuits (this is your best guess electrical needs), but I want to be able to expand in case I buy a,b, and c power tools, but as I don't have specs on them, I need some room for expansion (this is for the needs that you were unable to foresee)."

If you have your friend do some wiring for you, pay close attention to what he is doing and ask questions so that you will be able to do the expansion circuits when the time comes. It will be a bear to have to pull all your equipment when the time comes to expand, plus then you wont have to answer the akward question about your missing shop equipment ;).




:joint: thats always been my thing, and i feel it IS something to know, and that is HOW to talk to the right people and WHAT type of proper questions to ask. it took me a minute once i found my grow shop to actually go to it and get to askin the right questions, THE RIGHT WAY. very very very important IMO.

:rasta: thanks for the info, andi guess i got alotta studying to do with this whole subpanel thing, i think i DIY. i went to HD and saw the wriing 1-2-3 book and bought it, it does speak on subpanels. i will look into it and if i see i cant DIY then, i'll call in the big guns!! lol

well :wave: till friday when i take pics and updates



these pics show the growth in about weeks time, i wish i could get a pic of the trich's but this camera wont allow that:

this is the first pic after the transplant in my new soil

and heres what they are doing today, 7 days later

here are the main two ladies i had in flower for god knows how long then

and now

and if you notice ,i have decide to repot one of em, jsut to see what will happen. i was searching for info on repotting/transplanting a flowering plant. many said it was a good idea, many said it wasnt, but sorry i gotta see for myself.

once i started to pH correct my water the first two ladies really took off and strte to green right back up. according to blaze i shouldnt have any trouble watering with plain tap, but damned if i aint got the nerve to do that just yet!! lol maybe a little more into flowering or one or two more nodes, althoughi have reqched that point alreadyin adamn near a week. they do take their time, but lord they are beautiful plants indeed.

gotta run, more than likely i will come back to reaedit, but for now here they are!!!