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Friend Was Being Watched, Busted Leaving My House, What To Do?


There is no mention made whatsoever as to whether or not you, your associates, or your associates' associates are growing anything illegal.

The Fourth Amendment dictates that you shall be free from unreasonable search and seizure but upon the issuance of a duly authorized warrant.

The pigs, if searching your home, barring extenuating circumstances, need no less than the standard of probable cause to get a warrant to search your home. Residential warrants are much harder to get, given the premium placed on your personal liberty as guaranteed by the US Constitution. Probable Cause, while a fluid definition, basically translates to the probability that a crime has been committed, or is being committed.

The question now remains as to whether what you describe happening will give the pigs probable cause to search your residence. While what I say shall in no way be considered as binding legal advice, as I have undertaken no current representative measures for you or your colleagues, if my friend was caught leaving my house with a QP and $10K in cash AND the pigs were watching me, I think it, without a license to practice law, is quite obvious that you are on their radar. Once you're on their radar, it's only a matter of time before you're fucked.

The warrant has to specify EXACTLY what they're looking for. I.e. if they are looking for drugs but find stolen art, unless the warrant specifies it, it is inadmissible. That being said, there are plain view exceptions too.

If they knock on the door, bang on the door, or make some fuckass excuse about how they have to get in... DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR. DO NOT EVEN ACKNOWLEDGE THE PIGS' PRESENCE. If they have a warrant, they are going to get in regardless. If they are knocking, they are just trying to fuck with you.

Additionally, set up a camera - web/motion activated/etc at the front door and let them know that they are being taped. Any violations of your constitutional rights can then be reimbursed under 42 U.S.C. 1983.

and if you didn't read all of that, the only thing you need to know is



My little pony.. my little pony
Two things I know. A QP isnt small enough that Im not going to notice it on you when you stop over at my house 'at the wrong time'. If Im growing Im not going to let someone come over to my place with felony amounts of drugs or cash.

Theres also no reason to pop a guy they know is carrying after they suspect he could have dropped off anything at said house. Makes no sense at all unless .. they are actually watching the house mr wrong came out of in the first place. Makes sense now since they caught him leaving said house with a QP and 10K. If you think mr wrong isnt going to drop a dime on you to get out of his bad timing mistake you must have really nice plants.

If said owner of house is still mulling about wondering what to do with a house full of plants they pretty much deserve to go down when the smart owner would have shut down and moved days ago. No cop is going to follow you cross country to bust you with jack after you move. Stick around and its all the reason they need to solidify their case against you.


Active member
Stick around and its all the reason they need to solidify their case against you.

I agree
My expierence is that they like to build there bigger cases and have several charges to bring against you at once, it gives them a stronger case if they can show several people who have bought from you, instead of just a single incident that a good attorney can argue away.
But if they watch you for a couple months they take pics, write down plates, get an idea of who everyone is and then swoop down and get everyone at different places at the same time.
This is an approach I've seen first hand to how they deal with what they consider to be "bigger ops" but even if your just a small time nickel and dimer, it's time to go.
And oh yeah, your buddy will roll on you in a heart beat no matter how much of a stand up guy you think he is, 99% of people can't talk fast enough if they think it will make their case better.


Freedom Fighter
You should take down any grow there...but honestly, unless your friend ratted on you, or the cops seen him go in empty handed and come out with the Q...then for all they know, you just bought some weed from him--
Honestly, they would have no reason to think you are "Mr Big"...if you were, he would have had more weed, and less cash--:2cents:


Well-known member
Well I didn't read all the replys to your post but, I'd find it mis-guided if some-one recommended that you didn't clean up the house...A bit surprised your even asking the question...Instead of taking the time to post this question, I would of been cleaning up the house...

good luck~


Active member
if your story is true then i don't think they should be trying too hard to build a case on you.. watching you if anything... or your little firned....... whateverrrrrrr

Now if your story isnt so true .. well your little friend coulda told the cops anything, no matter what your friend 'told you'... if this is case then you better dip foo.

If it's in a medical state im sure they assume you or someone is growing and selling.. in non medical state they arent as likely to quickly assume 'indoor marijuana cultivation' unless they have a big problem with it where you're at
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I am posting this story for a friend who is seeking some advice, long story short, a friend from the other side of town was apparently being watched. He comes to his house or whatever, and as he leaves he gets pulled over and searched about a half a block away. They find a QP and $10,000 in cash on him. Every since that has happened, He has noticed that there is someone now watching him. He doesn't have any traffic to his house, it just happens that the wrong friend came to visit at the wrong time. Should my friend be worried about a warrant issued if he doesn't make any moves and is pretty much one to stay at home? Should he "clean" up his house?

Thanks in advance, if you have any questions to give better advice, just post it and I will answer.
This is the easiest answer...do you want to go to jail? Ask yourself if you have that bad of luck what else is coming? A temporary hold on whatever activities is a small obstruction compared to the headaches a bust could bring. Be smart.....Clean up and lay low..LEO will leave you alone after a few weeks as long as its not feds....no local law enforcement has the budget to sustain survailance on a common citizen.......


Active member
Best be on yer toes mate. I would of ripped down as soon as i heard about your mate getting busted. No point risking keeping it going. QP and 10k isn't your averge "smokers" kind of pocket change, and i rekon they probably think you have even more. That's what i'd think if i was them anyway, unless i knew he had got the weed and cash somewhere else. At any rate, once you ripped down, you don't need to worry. So that seems the sensible thing to do.


Active member
WOW!! Thats a no fuckin brainer....you mean ya gotta ask a buncha assholes online what you should do?!?!?!

Some people dont deserve there freedom,go to jail:moon:

Wait,I gotta better one.....my friend just called and said he heard over the scanner the cops are coming to my house,what should I do?ROFLAO


Hell I torn down a grow that I was doing with a good friend when he got out of line and thought I was bullshitting about my number one rule:NO TROUBLE OR I TRASH THE GROW. There weren't even any cops involved just his dumb drunk partying and friends or I mean stranger drinking buddies coming over.
I would chop up everything, put it into styrofoam coolers, and fill them with hydrochloric acid (industrial toilet bowl cleaner) stir that shit every hour and evidence should be gone shortly. It will take care of anything organic.


Yep you better clean up. Trust me when you think they are not coming that's when they will show up.



New member
to many unknowns with this one, most likely its you and not your freind being watched. Why would PD follow someone to your house and then get pulled over? It would seem that if your freind was the mark, then he would have gotten pulled over some other time. Could your friend have been seen leaving your place with a "package"? PD wont waste their time with an empty ride.......Time for some house cleaning.....


Active member
i think it depend on if its actually him being watched and they happened to bust him, or if you were being watched and they pulled him over to get him to flip on you.

watch that show dea


New member
A lot of replies here seem to have misunderstood that it was your house the associate was leaving when he got busted. Didn't you say it was your friend's house, and it was your friend's associate that got busted?

Anyway, I would totally advise your friend to clean house. I knew some folks who got busted (I didn't even know they were growers), and the police said to the newspaper that they had been building their case for six months. They might be building their case now on your friend, and could get a warrant any day. If he's a serious full time grower he might want to clean out and move to another state. Or stay put, clean it all out and plant tomatoes, peppers, and lettuce, get slightly sloppy with the grow, and wait for a bust. I don't know--that last bit might be irresponsible. People get hurt sometimes in raids, and maybe they would find something you missed in your cleanup. Sure would be fun to watch if it worked as planned, though.


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