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Friend owes me a fiver :P


Active member
Stupid post but its monday morning and im bored

2 weeks ago this geether who lives in my town and befriended me a year ago calls me and asks for a tenner cos he aint got any food right, so i tell him i only got a fiver on me and he says OK... he promised to return it next monday and BRING IT TO MY FLAT.

So he popped in to catch his fiver and next monday he didn't come in saying he is afraid of chavs in my area...

So, LAST monday, week ago i come to his flat and we walk to cash machine afterwoods. He checks his ballance and says he hasnt got enough money to pay bills so he cant give me money back!

This isnt first time he borrowed from me and previosly he gave back the dosh but not this time, this is last time i am lending him quid tho.

I guess i could try to pop in his flat next monday :)


Active member
i dont collect on small loans like that.

if its a friend in need, then i must be a friend indeed.

if its a real friend, they´d hand you a tenner if you needed it and they would never collect it either.

dont make money more important than people.

real friends are hard to come by.

so is a good family.

money is a piece of cake while walking in the park in comparison.

you cant have good friends and family unless you are one too.

so your friend is having a difficult financial time, it happens.

but is he a good friend? do you enjoy his company?


If he's really so broke that he has no food, then I wouldn't worry to much about getting the money back, but let him know that he owes you a favor now, and the next time you move you full well expect to see his bitch ass there hauling boxes


they do say if you never want to see someone again,lend them a tenner .lol so you are half way there ! give them an inch ,and they take a mile .its not about the amount its the principle ,so if you dont like him lend him the other fiver as well .and i will bet you a tenner you will not see him or the tenner for 12 months ?


Wow, if it was a true friend that i knew was having financial difficulties- I'd give him whatever i could spare and invite him to eat at my place for awhile until he got his bills in order. (a true friend wouldn't take advantage of you in that situation, eating up all your food for months)

I also do not lend friends money that I cannot live without, just in case they cant pay me back for whatever reason. Money is paper. True friends are basically family.


I see what u saying guys

Also, it is in pounds, so a 5iver is more like 10 dollars :laughing:
you fool,im a londoner,thats only a jacks where im from ,no biggy,if he takes the piss,it only cost you a fiver,if you really like the fella right it off,minor.


this is y u do not help people who havent previosly helped u .. or have asked or offered to help you .. once u guys find out where u are with eachother then lending money can be done.. but u need to evaluate your friendship.. seriously.. people are rediculous.. dont ask to borrow money and say you will pay back on so so a day.. and then not do it .. your only as good as your word.. so this dudes a doushbag.. fuck em.. i wouldnt let em borrow a fuckin penny after that shit. i did that with a friend also.. sept i let him borrow 100 bucks an he wouldnt pay me back cuz he had bills.. but then i saw him at a concert.. he had money to go get 2 80 dollar tickets.. butnot pay me back.. people use and abuse over friendships this is y . real friends are hard to come by.. honestly.


Well-known member
money and friendship don't mix well (most of the time) -> write it off, learn your lesson, move on :)


headband 707

Plant whisperer
Think about how you would want to be treated if you were in his shoes . If it's not a real big deal to you then write it off. If your really broke and need the cash then ask him and be honest.If not chaulk it up to your first charity donation and definately move on.. headband 707


Boy I think I need new reading glasses...I thought you said a friend owed you liver.


just dont lend money full stop thats my policy !! ................... just use my line !

' hey dont bitch to me iv got my own fuckin problems ' :p

if that was me id of said come to my house ill give you some food to take home :)


Active member
dont lend money you cant be without.

if you are thinking, if you dont pay me back, thats gonna affect our friendship, then dont do it.

(money is basically become the means to get everything, without it, im on the street or in some welfare home.)

keep it like this.

if you have enough money, divide it like this.

for the home.

for the food.

for the regular entertainment. (without which quality of life is seriously lessened.)

for saving.

for the burn.

now from the home and food cash, you dont lend, period. (except in the direst of cases for the best of friend and family and only if you see you can make it stretch.)

entertainment fund, maybe, for the best of friend and family.

savings fund, only if its a real need for a friend or family.

burn cash? sure. if its a real need and i like ya.

here´s the thing though.

you do consider money above his friendship.

you are not a true friend.

his friendship means so little to you, that losing 10 pounds over it is giving you trouble.

and he´s borrowing money when he knows he cant pay you back and he probably knows that its gonna bother you too.

he´s not a friend either.

might be "sorta" friends, but thats it.

you might want to re evaluate your relationships. :)


basically you have learned for a measly 5 quid, that this guy is not as good as his word. this is valuable intel about people you deal with on a regular basis. so really it's his loss, as if he had paid up as promised or at least showed up and offered to pay half now and half next week or something, then he could probably rely on you in future in hard times, but now he has fucked up the relationship for a pack of cigs essentially. this tells you a lot.

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