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Active member
looks like she might be a 12-13 weeker. my 9 weekers look that developed round week 2-3. maybe she a late bloomer. i had a hybrid like that. about week 6 or 7 it starts catching up to the others outta no where and finishes at 9-10 weeks too. either way other than a lil P to soon they look healthy. to much P to early is why ur leaves are taco curled down like that. not to worry though it happens. just wait a bit longer in the future to add higher P-K rated foods with that strain to avaoid that in bloom.
great job though and awesome build. u are truley resourceful and well thought out. K+ for the hard work and player ass room.
Thank for sharing your knowledge ,i have done a rez change this morning and drop Ec to 1.6 (830 ppm @ .5)


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
OMG look at ur spear jungle
its taking over the room attack of the spears lol
friggen cool man


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
Is ur wife asking " are u gonna smoke all that?" yet
Lol. Filling in I see. Looking good


So this is my first grow in this room.Now 10 girls are already in 5 more will be put tonight.
Room was 9x8x7 3k/sealed/co2/DIY UC culture bucket/fully
automated/sound proof/fire proof/DIY heat exchanger/
Ok some pics
i went through your pics and might i say, it seems as though you are truly ready for life on/in a space colony! lol, damned fine job, my friend damned fine indeed! :tiphat:


Active member
a few more weeks there eh. flying by for the voyuers
Maybe another 2 or 3 weeks all trich are crystal clear ,and they still swelling so!I am in stanby mode until harvest automation is fun but sometime boring.This morning rez flush dropping to 0.8 ec ph to 5.6 water temp 66 deg ,will see if they want more food ,first time doing under current culture never see a system so stable (PH) meaning add some water and ph down to 5.6 10 min.job reading some graff in GT soft.And giving some update pic.the bud in this pic is almost 24 inch long she is licking the base of the cooltube

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My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
I find that 18" from a 1k to be the best distance from tops. Any closer and buds start to grow narrower not as fat. Extremely noticeable on my indicas. To hot to get as fat as would otherwise.
That's is why I want a uc Stability!


Active member
18 are great for me to but these bitch have overgrow me. they were 8 inch when i flip to 12/12 they are 4 feet high now and they have been supercropped hard 3 time i dont want induce more stress so i have to give up somewhere


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
holy moly what a stretch. try some bushmaster on the next run if its available to you. helps a lot with that. may save u next time.
i bet ur tops get even fatter and tighter with better distance and bushmaster. hard to imagine it being any more full lol


Active member
Day 62 of 12/12 weekly pics update the entire canope have start to turn yellow but after nearly 9 weeks i think it's not bad at all.I have also some severe light bleach du to extreme stretch from those gals
Let's the show begin!


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