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Fridge Farmer - Refrigerator Build


Active member
You're most welcome my friend. I was thrilled to find this grow as I gives me something to look at that answers several questions I had. I think you have an awesome advantage to the light bouncing off the walls of that smaller space. I've heard of light burn happening if those leD's are kept too close to the plants. But I've never used one, have you had any issues with that? How much longer are you planning to let them go before harvest?
You're most welcome my friend. I was thrilled to find this grow as I gives me something to look at that answers several questions I had. I think you have an awesome advantage to the light bouncing off the walls of that smaller space. I've heard of light burn happening if those leD's are kept too close to the plants. But I've never used one, have you had any issues with that? How much longer are you planning to let them go before harvest?

I'm going to cut the smaller one tonight. She's at 49 days and all the trichs are milky. I'm going to let the other go for about two more weeks. I did have some light burn right under the middle, but that was because I was out of town during a growth spurt and by the time I returned it was too late... Two central branches were basically touching the light.
After I chop Louise, I'll have some room for Thelma to move around a bit and get her out of the direct light and get her to finish with some amber in her trichomes.


Active member
That sounds like an awesome plan to me. I can't hardly wait for you to dry and cure them. I'm ready to see some weights! I bet you're excited to cut one. That should give you something to look forward to as you wait for the other to finish. I might even do the same thing you're doing. Harvest one early and the other later. What a good idea. Excited for you my friend!


Active member
...high bro and welcome to the hobby.

anyway, i'm guessing you've never seen any of Freezerboys work seeing as how he hasn't been active in some years now but since you are following a similar path i thought i'd share a list of links to his many threads, he was a gifted grower and a prolific author who wrote in a very easy to read style.

...it's a real shame his work has been mostly lost in the fullness of time.

peace, bozo

...you're welcome.
Today is the day I'm going to chop Louise. She's at 49 days and all trichomes are just cloudy. I'm guessing this one will have a more energetic uplifting effect, but will be a few more weeks before I know for sure.

It's basically a jungle in there and I need some room to finish the stronger of the two. Here are some updated pictures. It's hard to get good pictures inside the fridge. I'll get some better ones tonight when I pull her out.



Fridge Farmer, any news?
Have been following your topic - good build and a nice grow.
Have you kept them for a while or have you chopped 'em?
Looking forward to see the outcome and the smoke rep.
Thanks for following along everyone. This being my first grow, there has been a lot of opportunities for learning. I chopped the first one on Friday night. Mostly because I needed the room and I wanted to see the difference between 49 days and about 60.

The first girl came out and I couldn't believe how sticky she was. I didn't have gloves on yet, whoops, and I was sticking to everything. Once I started, I couldn't really take pictures because I was so sticky and I wanted to work fast because it completely stunk. (I was in the garage, next time will do it inside) I Cleaned up the large fan leaves and then hung them in a closet I had prepared for drying. A fan in there with a dehumidifier seems to be doing the trick. The small stuff from lower down the plant seems to be getting pretty dry today after about four days. May trim them up tonight.

I moved Louis into the center of the fridge and moved her branches to the sides of the light to avoid light burn. She is looking really good, even with just a couple more days of light. I think I'll let her go at least another week before chopping her.

I'll get some pictures up shortly.
You can see in this picture that after getting Thelma out, Louise has a lot more room to fatten up.


Some of the Colas hanging to dry


Close up shot, horrible lighting, of one of the drying colas



Just this guy, ya know?
Great. remind not through the old freezer out.
Hashcam, don't throw out the old freezer :biggrin:

Also great grow Fridge Farmer. The first one is always poignant. Now wait till you get to smoke weed you grew. I swear it smokes even better :biggrin:


Active member
Seeing this I'm debating the ak48 for my next grow. But withings winter time fast approaching I'm thinking of trying to get a few autoflowers. Thoughts???
Seeing this I'm debating the ak48 for my next grow. But withings winter time fast approaching I'm thinking of trying to get a few autoflowers. Thoughts???

It's a nice looking plant, and I haven't had any trouble whatsoever. I'm using majorly diluted nutes though and no fancy techniques.
No, but I bet I will easily about 50 - 60g off the first plant once it's dried. The second lady is really filling out the last couple days. I think I'll let her go until the following Friday (63 days).


Active member
If you got 2 ounces off of one plant that's amazing. I hope you do. I'm not saying I DON'T expect you to. But it would testify to the quality of the light and the strain. If I get 2 ounces total I will be over the moon. But I've made several little mistakes that I'm sure will cost me. And I'm using a cfl.:biggrin:
If you got 2 ounces off of one plant that's amazing. I hope you do. I'm not saying I DON'T expect you to. But it would testify to the quality of the light and the strain. If I get 2 ounces total I will be over the moon. But I've made several little mistakes that I'm sure will cost me. And I'm using a cfl.:biggrin:

Seemed pretty dry so gave her a final cleanup, weigh, and into the jars. Just under 50g