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Fridge (dwc?)


nah gonna be runnin 8 27w 1700 lumen WARM white cfls and 2 or 3 18" tubes in corners vertically wanted the 250cmh but cant find a suplier in australia so cfls and aquairum philips pink tubes and uvb tube in middle vetical on back wall (overdriven of course 2 ballasts 1 4 tube 1 2 tube 4 tube for pink philips 2 tube for uvb reptile light (only 6 hours on in midlle of 12 hr photoperiod) with the pinks on with cfls 12/12 :rasta:
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how are you gonna ventilate it? I'm gonna start using a mini fridge for clones but I can't figure out what I'm gonna do for intake/outtake fans.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
growsmall said:
could get awat with a 250w with enough ventilation but im after something more stealth and a big noisy fan aint gonna help me
I cooled my 150 HPS with a 4" 76 CFM (31dB) axial and a single, matching 4" passive intake. The 250 CMH turned my cab into an easy bake oven. Like a fool, I got an inline and blew my stealth to hell. Once the grow was finished, I cut a second passive intake and returned to my axial fan.

The axial is not silent. However, it and the slight hmmmm of the ballast combine to sound exactly like ... well, an old freezer. Short of moving the fan into another room, silence isn't going to happen. The key is to mask the noise with something louder (radio) or to pin the noise on something else (aquarium, computer, freezer.)


bin awhile sorry peeps had to tear down to move, im now running a bathroom exhaust fan (the old rickety fridge sound is unreal u wouldnt believe it wasnt a frdge) in the freezer so theres very little room in there but i still have a 27w cool white cfl to keep mother alive and possibly root under
down stairs has changed to 2 plant dwc scrog using exsisting wire shelfs, currently running 6 cfls 20 & 27w cool and warm and 1 18" tube in the middle have another 2 tubes to add soon and some 48w cfls for better penetration cams in the shop will get pics up in a few days
peace & pot!!

still after a mom can u believe all 7 were male?
currently have 12 in the flower cab 12/12 from seed to find my mom seeds from a friend appartly a northern lights, aurora indica cross with a local hybrid

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