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FREEwoman's Not A Virgin Anymore


Rosin Junky and Certified Worm Wrangler
WOW! They are really looking fantastic! They look like they're gonna be some fatties!
Outstanding work.

I can't wait to see some pics without the light on.

Do you know what strains are in there?


I know I'm two weeks late posting. Maybe I just smoke too much weed, lol, but I lost my digital camera until last night. It was hiding in an odd place that's for sure. It's like when you find your keys in the refrigerator. Anyway, now that I'm back from my brief vacation, I figured I'd post some current pix. All I have to say is - Damn! Those ladies are HOT!!! I simply cannot wait to try them out. About a month or so left, but this is the beefiest I've ever been able to get my girls. I can't imagine how beautiful they'll be on harvest day =) Tell me what you guys think! (And I'll try yet again to catch them before the light comes on - next week).





Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
Very nice indeed !! Course i only have the use of one of my eyes, the other was almost poked out a bit ago :nanana:

Great ta see another grow by you :friends:


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
FW: The apple apparently doesn't fall to far from the tree at all. K+ and my hat off to ya' gal. Everything is looking generally healthy and thickening up nicely.....surely you deserve the fruits of your labor. :)


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
beefing up nicely,have fun on harvest day...tell Lap u gonna pay him 10 bux a hr to trim :muahaha:


late for the show but pulls up seat anyway , but not close to 311 , lookin good



I finally was able to take my pictures in the dark with a flash. What do you guys think? I am not the best photographer, nor is my camera that amazing, so sorry if the focus isn't great. I think the girls are looking nice and fat though. There are a few big donkey dicks that I've been keeping my eye on. I haven't had any trouble at all with this run (so far, knock on wood), and I'm patiently counting down the days until harvest. I know I'm like crazy bug lady, but I cannot emphasize enough how perfect of a solution they were for a huge, HUGE out of control mite problem. I wish more people would give the lady bugs a shot. Small price to pay for the quality they help produce, plus no fucking around with neem oil or other products during flowering. I must say, I love being an organic farmer. Can't wait for the day we all can grow out in the open =D

And, sorry Brother Bear, I don't know who would be that big of an asshole to poke your eye out! Glad to see you checkin out my grow with your good eye though :pirate:





♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Ladybugs eh? They DO work, however in a limited capacity...simply because they won't completely eliminate their food source (ie-mites and other baddies). They're apparently better at environmental homeostasis than humans are......because they'll herd the bugs up like livestock and leave enough to multiply so they've got a steady food source.
Unlike humans who'll strip every resource they can find and multiply uncontrollably in some cases.
Anyway, they are effective at getting your nasties under control. If you really want to get into the melee knee deep, get yourself some pirate bugs, green lacewings and/or predator mites.
Those F.U.C.K.S (especially green lacewings) will eat everything in sight until they turn on each other. Green lacewings are affectionately known as the "garbage disposals" of the insect world. Always a great alternative to sprays and other stuff.
So that's one to grow on for y'all FW!


Still enjoying the 'set-it-and-forget-it' phase of my job. The only work I did this week was to train and transplant my clones for the next run. I'm doing a lot of Cheez next time so I'm super excited about that. Other than that, I'm still anxiously awaiting my harvest.

Access - that's funny - I am fairly certain the lady bugs do turn on one another once the food source disappears. Lap taught me this and I even recall reading an article in which native US lady bugs are facing a huge issue with cannibalism. I think that could involve foreign lady bug species, but I don't recall. I want to look further into this - it's interesting!! Anyway, I haven't seen a single mite since my bugs came to town so I'm going to count my blessings :tongue:

We all have firmly established by now that my pictures tend to suck and be all out of focus. I'm blaming it on my camera and the fact that I'm always in a rush due to all of my jobs. Only two pictures this week. I had actually almost completely forgotten to take the pix, but then remembered at the last minute before heading to another appointment. But it's better than nothing! I am going to really try to do an awesome photo shoot next week




lookes amazing, I am tuned in. I also do organic soil but my nugz aren't so fat! I need to hire a woman to do my gardening that would probably increase yields right


I know I randomly disappeared for quite some time so I figured I'd offer a little explanation. First, I lost my camera. Then, that damn bitch Sandy hit and knocked out the power at my spot for a few days. I kept a flashlight on during the 'light' periods because I didn't have access to a generator. Luckily being only a couple weeks from harvest, this had no effect on the outcome and I had my most successful crop of all time :biggrin: Sorry no pix, but oh well. I had my fun and proved to myself I could do it - and do it well :pimp3: I've been going crazy getting everything ready for Lap when he comes home in freaking 17 days!!!! So I've entered into a temporary retirement and am handing the reigns back to the master. I'm going to enjoy this break from all the responsibility and paranoia that comes along with this job. I'm also going to really enjoy that first puff of a fresh bud from Lapides! Thanks to all of you who helped me with your support and advice. I'm sure there will be a lot of new adventures to come this year, now that our lives can finally be taken off hold. Yay to Lappy coming home!!!!


You DO have some lovely ladies there FW, HAD I suppose, but it looks like you will be back with more and I would love to see!! Natural growing sure is awesome; its a fascinating path to walk with so much to learn, a lifetime really. Go for it!!:)