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my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
did you get 2.2 lbs from that plant Alone?

that's what Luke from paradise claims as its yield... a kilo per plant... what some guys will say to sell beans LOL


did you get 2.2 lbs from that plant Alone?

that's what Luke from paradise claims as its yield... a kilo per plant... what some guys will say to sell beans LOL

LOL. No. I got about 35 grams dry. That was the Mango Haze leaning pheno. (way better than the Lemon Skunk pheno below)
It was a good yielder, so maybe growing vert with FIM or multiple topping and 8 weeks veg time in 30 gln smartpots would yield that.

Lemon Skunk pheno~


my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
LOL. No. I got about 35 grams dry.
It was a good yielder, so maybe growing vert with FIM or multiple topping and 8 weeks veg time in 30 gln smartpots would yield that. :tiphat:

I don't think I have even seen an official one pound indoor plant yet... a whole kilo would be quite the site


Yeah alone that's basically what I do as well just making sure. Lol. Sorry for the random question about that in here :)

Dude those buds loooook amazing and super frosty and super colorful. How can you even want to trim those sugar leaves right. They just look so good. You wanna just Lick them lol. Amazing dude.

see i cant let bud go out the door like that.. but people in my area.. bitch alot wen they have leaves everywere.. plus i smoke my hash so more sugar = more hash.. and the more leaf left on buds.. the harsher the smoke..

i wish i could let it go out like that.. i personally dont mind it like that.. but people bitch.. and wat people want.. they get.. or u lose custys.


I feel nothing and it feels great

if someone doesnt want some super dank buds covered w/ sugar leaves dripping w/ trichomes.......

let em go down the street and get some bricky brick

theyll figure out what they REALLY wanted....... real quick


Where am I?
I've tried both and its no contest. Trim after dry is the only way to preserve that aroma and quality. Wet trim just aint the same.

So true. I remember a long time ago I did a DWC run of the Orginal first ever Cinderella 99(c99). And I just was in a rush or couldn't sit there and trim wet. So I just chopped and then hung it up with basically all the fan leave and everything. Maybe plucked a few big monster fans. Lemme tell you man. That was my first real successful harvest that didnt smell like grassy hay. Best tasting and smelling buds ever. It really is no comparison. Although some disagree. But that's really the only way I will ever harvest. Is just hang em up and trim when they are dry. Maybe after 3 days or so. Ill check em and trim a few leaves here and there. Nothing with a lot of frost. Just some leaves here and there. But truth. I figured best way. Is chop. Let em take as long as they need to dry I don't care anymore if they take 50 days to dry lol (imagine ). Patience bring happiness when it comes to out thing. I've trimmed wet plenty of times thinking it will be ok. Nope. End up with crap. After all that hard work its really discouraging And always at harvest time got me worried that it would end up like that no cure would change or help that. Best is the way you said it. Hang dry then trim. So what if it takes a little more PATEINCE to trim Its worth it for sure. That's my 2 cents

Basementgrower- I trim my stuff. Really really well I'm super picky. I don't like a TON of leaves on my stuff either I'm just saying. Sometimes it's hard to clip those super frosty frost sugar leaves. I was just messing around saying. Who wants to clip em but we do cause we don't want some leafy buds. Some peeps don't mind. Some do. Some people leave em cause they add extra weight for sales purpose. Me personally I do this for my own passion and Science of it. Never for profit. Just cause I TRULY TRULY have such a love for it. It's an obsession almost. So I trim as much and deep as I can go the leave stems if I could see them that is.


Some oldies but goodies

NocG/JackStraw Jackie-O#3

Diego Dunker Dunk! aka Triple D aka Pledge Kush


