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Future Psychopharmacologist
After kinda posting this in another thread I've decided to post it here too to make sure everyone gets a laugh.

Go here: http://www.freevibe.com/Drug_Facts/scenarios.asp#

Then go down to the bottom and choose the first scenario. I won't give away the ending but wither one you choose you're in for a laugh. NOTE: MAKE SURE YOU ARE HIGH WHEN WATCHING THIS!

Oh wait both scenarios are about pot lol. Watch them both!
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Future Psychopharmacologist
You know something about the second one is when they see people smoking pot they imediatly call them stoners. Does that mean if I see someone drinking that I can imediatly call them a drunk?


"eric plays sports we will hang with him im sure he doesnt smoke pot."

haha yeah right. thats why half of the athletes today are busted for pot. nothing like settling down at night after a long day and getting blasted.


Hahaha.. oh my that whole site is pretty much a joke. Peoples ignorance never seises to amaze me.. there are REALLY some outrageous articles on that site..

"Did you know that smoking weed can effect your ability to learn, memorize and problem solve? Read the facts before you take your next test!"

DUHHH I'm not ganna take a phatty bong rup of trainwreck and completely discombobulate myself before my next final.. DUH!!!!!!



I found it hilarious he said want to smoke a joint and they asked

"Do we look like potheads?"

First of all one joint doesn't make you a pot head, second how can someone look like a stoner...I have tons of stoner friends (including myself) we all look differen't...

All the information I read on that site is so damn biased, but the scenarios were fucking hilarious.


Future Psychopharmacologist
Yeah sry about that but you made a good point and I just thought not enough people saw it.


Thats funny shit, back in college the whole damn football team smoked weed, and they went to the national championship game, it was funny every few weeks or so you could see half the team lining up outside the local headshop to buy the clean out your system tea.


ive been so drunk i couldnt walk or stnad up. i didnt dare drive. Ive also been so high i couldnt even make another minute without some water, and i could relily drive or walk to get some ;) you can turn the key, put it in drive, steer, and brake exactly the same high as sober, aslong and ur not tooo high (never have been)

lol makes nosence how they say a high driver is the same as a drunk driver :p

damn cotton.... and damn Nevada!