The pdf from the 10 year research at UC had an article saying that the right amount of pot is good for pain relief, but too much ("overdosing" as we call it) is bad for pain.
Anyone who has overdosed on pot knows that.
However, Fox News tries to spin it to make pot sound like it's bad for pain relief.
"Wallace and colleagues call for further research, including studies of the clinical value of the pain-reducing effects. Based on this studies findings, Wallace said he would not recommend marijuana as a method of pain reduction at this time."
Anyone who read the pdf would know that it sounds like the doctors were 100% for marijuana as a medical drug.
Let the Fox-hatin begin
The pdf from the 10 year research at UC had an article saying that the right amount of pot is good for pain relief, but too much ("overdosing" as we call it) is bad for pain.
Anyone who has overdosed on pot knows that.
However, Fox News tries to spin it to make pot sound like it's bad for pain relief.
"Wallace and colleagues call for further research, including studies of the clinical value of the pain-reducing effects. Based on this studies findings, Wallace said he would not recommend marijuana as a method of pain reduction at this time."
Anyone who read the pdf would know that it sounds like the doctors were 100% for marijuana as a medical drug.
Let the Fox-hatin begin