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Found possible auto-flower strain in random selection...


What should I do with them?

My stepfather was a grower and breeder and cultivated for probably over 30 years of his life... After he died I recieved hundreds and hundreds of his seeds but have no idea what most of them are because they werent labeled... Well In my current grow, out of a few different selections of beans, I found two of the same "auto-flowering plants" that look at this stage to be fairly potent and decent little plants.. Now problem is... If these things constantly auto flower... How do I clone it? I mean, if I clone it, wont it just keep flowering? (haha Sorry I have never dealt with and AF strains... :)
cloning doesn't work on AF's. You just get a stem with a little bud on it. Unfortunately without a male AF to make seeds there is nothing you can do to preserve it that I can think of. Sorry

Jah Bless


If they are both female, maybe try and ask around and find someone with some pollen. Then you'd have to breed them to get them fully auto. Are you familiar with colloidal silver for making feminized seeds?
I'm guessing that when you say they are looking pretty potent that they are a good way into flowering. Then you might have to just grow it out and smoke it and lose the genetics unfortunately.
But, were they just a big bag of seeds, or a bunch of individual bags?


Damn, Thats what I figured.

well, they were from a container that wasnt labled... And 1 of the two has a pretty nice top bud that looks fairly potent... They both look very weird compared to the giants next to them haha.... They actually look and smell (hardly any smell, but a faint grassy sweet smell) like a northern lights mix I saw a while back of his but it wasnt an AF mix... I dont have my cam witrh me right now, Ill try to get a pic later. :)


If i were you i would try to hermi one of them so you can produce seeds. AF seeds are always a good thing to have in stock, especially feminized ones...
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hmmm... well come to think of it... I just killed 3 amazing looking males a few days ago... I could have just snatched their pollen...
You could clone it, so AF strains can be kept in vegs on a 24/7 lighting cycle and flowered at 18/6 mayby your AF plants have this ability. If not you should get some pollen on her. Since the AF is usally recessive (From the female). About 75 percent of the offspring should autoflower. You could then stabalize the trait in future generations.

Mr. Stinky

You could clone it, some AF strains can be kept in vegs on a 24/7 lighting cycle and flowered at 18/6 mayby your AF plants have this ability. If not you should get some pollen on her. Since the AF is usally recessive (From the female). About 75 percent of the offspring should autoflower. You could then stabalize the trait in future generations.

if its well into flower, it wont revert. if you pollinate them, you will not get auto's in the offspring. more than 4 weeks into flower and you may not have enuf time to mature seeds.

where did you get 75%? and recessive traits aren't "from the female".... google "mendelian inheritance"...
If AF's are pollenated by reular pollen approximately 25% should be AF traits. The others will have shorter flower periods due to the AF genes, at least with most strains. FLowering times for trains that already have very short flowering times (ST,AK-48) will not be affected much.

If you crossed two of the AF offsripng from your "F-2" batch you would then in fact have 100% AF's in the "F-3" seeds....

Jah Bless
If AF's are pollenated by reular pollen approximately 25% should be AF traits. The others will have shorter flower periods due to the AF genes, at least with most strains. FLowering times for trains that already have very short flowering times (ST,AK-48) will not be affected much.

If you crossed two of the AF offsripng from your "F-2" batch you would then in fact have 100% AF's in the "F-3" seeds....

Jah Bless

^^^^^I reiterate^^^^^ no "should be's" about it.....

Mr. Stinky

your incorrect on all counts.

25% should be
AF traits. The others will have shorter flower periods due to the AF genes
(more bullshit)
, at least with most strains
your makin it up as you type.
FLowering times for strains that already have very short flowering times (ST,AK-48) will not be affected much.
(another load of bullshit)

If you crossed two of the AF offsripng from your "F-2" batch you would then in fact have 100% AF's in the "F-3" seeds....
you dont get to make it up as you go. try reading that wiki link i posted earlier trying to save you from makin an ass of yourself. take a closer look at the picture of the white(r) and red(D) flower, and the generations that follow. auto =(r) and regular=(D)... even if neither trait is dominant, you are still wrong... ZERO of the f1's will be auto. not 25% (some random number you made up). 25% of the f2's will be auto, and if you breed them, you will get 100% autos. so you got one thing right...baby steps:smoke:
I don't speak from someone else's work , but my own personal experience and that of a fellow grower.
Nice Try ASSHAT!!!!!!

Piss on your plants for Nitrogen