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found out my "resin" is PM!! AFTER HARVEST!!


PM is everywhere...

PM is everywhere...

you can't get rid of it.

We shouldn't be smoking anything in the first place.

Smoking bud covered with PM isn't going to cause you any more harm than smoking in general.


Active member
you can't get rid of it.

We shouldn't be smoking anything in the first place.

Smoking bud covered with PM isn't going to cause you any more harm than smoking in general

Where did you get this from? Is this a guess or can you post a link?


if it were an issue, we would all be dead by now

if it were an issue, we would all be dead by now

can you find an example of it causing harm when smoked?

I'm not working from an article but rather the reality that we've all smoked bud with PM on it.

That's not to say that there aren't some really unhealthy molds and fungi out there ~ but PM is not one of them.
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Active member
can you find an example of it causing harm when smoked?

I'm not working from an article but rather the reality that we've all smoked bud with PM on it.

That's not to say that there aren't some really unhealthy molds and fungi out there ~ but PM is not one of them.
I think it has to do with exposure amounts. If he had that much pm and thought it was trichs, well thats a lot of pm. And pm sticks to the sticky trichs. Smoke 500 spores compared to 500 MILLION is a big difference.

So let me ask, what does your experience tell you, as to when one would notice symptoms of infection stemming from the inhalation of mold spores?

In general, from my understanding, one in good health doesn't need to worry about common molds (including pm). But people can get sick from molds and get allergic reactions/symptoms to molds. Compromised immune systems, elderly, etc are at risk for serious infection.

Respiratory issues can take years to develop. So you can't immediately tell if the real damage is done..

Also, its not like every time you smoke it, you get "sick" or symptoms or what not. It just means you put yourself at risk. Doesn't mean you get it, but that you put yourself at risk.

And if he wants to smoke it himself he can. But who knows who is buying it. What if someone buys it for his father who has cancer. He finally talked his dad into trying some cannabis to relieve his symptoms.


tea spoon of fresh squeezed lime juice, tsp of baking soda. mix in liter spray bottle. safe up until week before harvest. kill the pm.
i just sprayed my veg plants. yesterday i used a dust mask for half a day, then i took it off. i did not think i was inhaling anything. i figured the soreness in my lungs was from smoking that one hit.

today i did not use a dust mask. i did breath in some vapors of kaligreen and my throat immediately started hurting instead of my lungs so i put on a dust mask again. i think it was too late cause my throat got worse. then i used Listerine and my throat all but closed up and i can barely talk. so it was probably all from the potassium. anyway, i am still just going to bake cookies anyway. it is past the weekend and the only person who sold pot for me quit. not because of this tho but selling it aint an option and i frankly don't want to smoke anymore anyway just in case it was what made me have chest pain. goddammit i wish i could just do anything where i was sure X happened because of Y. shit.

there is a great sticky already on PM and one that should be regarding PM in bloom about two pages in. they think Dutch Masters Zone with DM Penatrator permanently kills it (inside and out),as well as a product called Eagle 20. I could not find anything but the Zone but had the pot.bicarb given to me. It says 'wear' breathing protection. do it!
signed, dummass.
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real ting

i just sprayed my veg plants. yesterday i used a dust mask for half a day, then i took it off. i did not think i was inhaling anything. i figured the soreness in my lungs was from smoking that one hit.

today i did not use a dust mask. i did breath in some vapors of kaligreen and my throat immediately started hurting instead of my lungs so i put on a dust mask again. i think it was too late cause my throat got worse. then i used Listerine and my throat all but closed up and i can barely talk. so it was probably all from the potassium. anyway, i am still just going to bake cookies anyway. it is past the weekend and the only person who sold pot for me quit. not because of this tho but selling it aint an option and i frankly don't want to smoke anymore anyway just in case it was what made me have chest pain. goddammit i wish i could just do anything where i was sure X happened because of Y. shit.

there is a great sticky already on PM and one that should be regarding PM in bloom about two pages in. they think Dutch Masters Zone with DM Penatrator permanently kills it (inside and out),as well as a product called Eagle 20. I could not find anything but the Zone but had the pot.bicarb given to me. It says 'wear' breathing protection. do it!
signed, dummass.

Get yourself a respirator, and where it at all times when spraying anything. Your lungs will thank you.


So much hate. People are so quick to jump on the bandwagon and bash what they don't fully comprehend, half of you can't even differentiate between gray mold or PM.

I personally can't find one instance of PM spores causing human respiratory infection. "Wine grower's lung" (caused by Botrytis cinerea) is a different matter. Inhalation of gray mold (and many other common fungi) spores can lead to hypersensitivity pneumonitis.

Signs and Symptoms:
* The acute form of HP occurs after heavy, often short-term exposure to the antigen. Symptoms appear relatively suddenly and include fever, chills, fatigue, breathlessness, chest tightness and cough. If the person is removed from the antigen exposure, the symptoms usually resolve over 24 to 48 hours. Recovery is often complete.

* The chronic form of HP is thought to occur due to longer term, low-level exposure to the antigen, and it often causes more subtle symptoms. Patients with chronic HP often describe chronic symptoms, such as shortness of breath or cough, that have gotten worse. Symptoms may worsen at work, at home or wherever the patient is being exposed to the antigen, but most often, patients with chronic HP haven't had acute episodes. Most patients seen in our clinic have the chronic form of HP.


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
Congrats on coming through in the end.


the end.

but ps. i did an electrical job at the green house. i am not a horticulture person. plants hate my fucking guts. i sprayed everything with Potassium Bicarbonate (Kaligreen) that i got at the greenhouse. No i dont have a fucking clue after four years. why am i still growing after all this torture? it's personal now. me vs mj. i want to choke it to death now.
the plants all liked the spraying. it took all day just for bloom and i have twice as many plants in veg and it's in there too. only one plant died from the kaligreen. the Serenade at triple dose killed the leaves it landed on. i will follow up with hyd.peroxide 3% at full strength. almost all signs of it are gone now. i dont have to rinse cause they absorb the potassium, but where else would toxins be except still there. so another douche for them in a week or so

i am totally well and healthy and now my lungs hurt from ONE hit with a BONG. it expanded like no other pot i have grown. got me higher on one hit than i've been in ages. there were six plants, my wife smoked a hit and her lungs hurt now too. so it's going into cookies cause i would probably light myself on fire trying to make bho

it is going to take all day again to spray everything down. i have been defoliating first to save spray and get better coverage. this blows. and no I AM NOT NEAR SIGHTED anY more. F U C K!



It amazes me that people are suggesting that selling weed contaminated with mold is anything but reckless and irresponsible. I've yet to see anybody on here that has a comprehensive enough knowledge on mold and infection to truly say that inhaling PM *while concurrently inhaling hot smoke and gas* is safe for humans.

And yet many defend the position of a poster who was apparently willing to take such an unprofessional gamble with the health of their consumers (whose medical histories they cannot possibly know).

This is why mainstream society views growers in such a negative light. The risks that some would willingly put others through for their own profit.

Marquis, the fact that weed is illegal in some areas has nothing to do with the *morality* of growing it. Legal status and morality are two entirely separate things. You can grow weed and be a 100% good person. Why not strive for that?
i agree 100%. i wasnt really serious when i said that. but the converse is also true. just because something is legal doesnt make it right. look at wall street. or texting and driving.

i have been sick ever since i smoked that hit but believe it was coincidental. i got a cold. could it be....kharma, Buck Dharma?? i tried it twice since and the next days felt alittle in the lungs both times. also my wife is sick too and she smoked more than me. sooo....

i kinda doubt it was mildew but then again, if we didnt smoke it would we have gotten sick? was it just from breathing so damn much of it before smoking? who the hell knows.

as for breathing the potassium bicarb. hell i read up on that and it's spozed to be the goddamned fountain of youth if you take a small amount (havent figured out how to weigh it yet but tenths of a gram) EVERY day. totally reverses bone loss as you age!! because we ate so many bananas when we were apes. so how could breathing it or getting it on my skin hurt me?

maybe the power of suggestion for both, over my weak-ass mind! got a free sample of Zone today and trying it out first. then maybe the lime and baking soda. that has to be rinsed off tho. pot bicarb is absorbed so does not.

thanks for all the replies, hateful spiteful or helpful, all appreciated. mds


Yo its not that HARD people, Pm is there with NO AIR circulation. so Buy a FAN and spray a Baking SODA and WATER gritty mix then DRY your plants with the FAN and leave it on low after ... EASY and DONE..