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Hey all , this thread will be a repository of all the different treat recipes i come up with, adapt, use and abuse. I'll be posting pictures, descriptions and effect along with the recipes.

Here's some pictures to check out while I write up the recipes.. i do everything from scratch (unbleached flour, cocoa powder, etc,etc)

Magic Cocoa Brownies

Abusive Blondies

P'Burgh bi-layer chocolate chip peanut butter bars (say that 3x fast!)
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Magic Cocoa Brownies

This latest batch of mine was by far the strongest yet. Shown above are 3 brownies. These would be halved or quarted for a large or small dose (Havent eaten a whole 2x2" piece yet).

I used 1Cup of heavily (heavily) infused ganja butter, made from about 4 ounces close trim/popcorn buds. The 9x13 tray produced 16 cuts, each cut being able to be halved or quartered for a total of between 32 and 64 doses (!). They are quite strong; a 1x1" square is a mellow buzz. With each bite of these it seems to exponentially add to the perceived effect..great for getting through hours and barely feeling as if any time has passed at all.

Note: One thing i noticed about this treat, it might be the high amount of infused butter in the batter, but i find the treats to hit me very quickly, much quickly than normally eaten ganja confections

Onto the recipe..
* 2C white sugar
* 1C infused butter
* 1/2 cup cocoa powder
* 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
* 4 eggs
* between 1 - 1 1/4C all-purpose flour (i like unbleached personally.amount depends on ambient RH, moisture in the flour, etc))
* 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
* 1/2 teaspoon salt
* 1/2 cup walnut halves (optional, some like it some dont)
*Confectioner's sugar for dusting after cooled

Melt yer butter and cream it together with the sugar, add in the eggs then vanilla. Mix/beat. sift together your dry ingredients, add them and mix into your creamed mixture and pour into 9x13" greased tray. Bake at 350* (oven must be 350 when you put them in). Bake for 30 minutes.. stick a toothpick in to check, if it comes up clean (no batter), they're ready. Let them (mostly) cool, dust with the powdered sugar.

Allow to cool in the fridge, or freeze for an hour or so, before cutting. a cooler product is easier to cut when it comes to cakes n'at. i recommend cutting into 16 2x2" squares and then halving or quartering resultant squares.

Take care tune in next time
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damn , im getting hungry, seems like some strong butter, how many sticks for all that trim.


The most recent recipe, the brownies pictured above, called for 3-4 ounces of trim/wispy buds to about 2.5 sticks of butter. which comes out to exactly 1 cup of infused butter once you strain and squeeze and all that. peace


I really thought there would be more stoners and medicinal users tuned in.. my Magic Cocoa Brownies are of medicinal quality and very little is needed to be ingested before effects manifest themselves. Will add new recipes and such later (i'm a busy guy). Love, fort.


I was thinking a few chocolate chip, or cinnamon-sugar, muffins.. will update soon (I have butter in the fridge)


hi everybody this is my cookies and cannabis cacao and my outdoor stuff :)