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Fort Collins, Colorado



Hey guys

I am moving to Fort Collins this Spring..I'm very excited :jump:

Any input would be appreciated.
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Place is changing fast, I lived on View High Drive. You should like it though, very nice folks for the most part. Housing is not the cheapest in the world, but not bad by west coast standards.

Be sure to check out Mile high sub shop.
When you have time, check out Horsetooth, The Cache La Poudre River.
Fat Tire is OK, there is another Micro brewery downtown thats good. Just can not remember the name.
Yellow house is the local headshop, it is on College Boulvard.
Jax is the place for fishing & hunting gear.


Well-known member
I lived on remington

I lived on remington

right behind the "CLUCK-U" chicken place on university.. HG berger, Coopersmiths microbrewery and poolhall has some great beer. I'm trying to think of my favorite brewery there and all I can remember is the name of the beer I liked.. 90 shilling.. they also have cut throat porter and some other greats. you'll find em fast. theirs a decent skatepark as well, and theirs tons of concerts. I give the girl rating a 6. however there was plenty of em..
thats being generous coming from SoCal...


Active member
I lived in Cheyenne WY, and Laramie WY for a while, and everyone from there goes to "Ft. Fun" almost every weekend.

Laramie and Ft. Collins peeps like to brawl alot w/ each other too... lol.... (football fans) :confused:

Ft collins has grown BIG TIME over the past 10 years tho...Before long its gonna be just 1 big city from ft collins to colorado springs w/ denver in between (It almost is already).

CSU is a VERY good school (if your into that sort of thing), and LOTS of hotties!

My time in Ft.collins usually involved me and my buddies (all BMX street riders) gettin' kiked off the CSU campus by campus cops for thrashing their nice ledges and handrails. (we'd always end up going to Boulder where they don't care about that as much).

Also seen ALOT of good underground punk and hardcore shows in FT C. ....and I mean Alot.

Ft C is more conservative than most of colorado, especially for a college town. (This means more "frat boy" type preppie drunks than stoners)....CSU is a "state college" so thats of course where the rural farm kids' parents want them to go, (and u know they have conservative upbringings) CU boulder is MUCH different.

...not that good weed isn't there (Only place I've ever come across "strawberry cough" is in Ft C)

You'll prolly like it there, just be sure to make your own fun....I woulden't wanna be a part of the pack around there.

Also Estes Park isn't too far away. And if you like fishing go to Wyoming.

good luck bro :wave:


im told that ft collins is the grow capital of colorado, many indoor dank operations going on. !?


I went to U.of Wyoming for four yrs...yes we have a serious rivalry with CSU..Ft Collins was a lot of fun..plenty of ganja but I know its change a lot.Much more populated.As Yukon said there are great shows in Ft Collins..Enjoy...P.S.Finding good weed shouldn't be a problem


Never knew there was one.
Check GW's downstairs, look for a smoker. If nothing ya see there strikes at ya. Go to the third floor game section. Lots of heads hang out up there.


i guess i know the wrong people. but come harvest that leaves more for me :joint:


there are a few good spots to rock dive on the pudre river, there are lots of places near ftc, like veedawoo (SP?)Wy, good camping and rock climbing, lots of good trails out side of town, and if i remeber correctly that is where i used to get some of the best weed on the front range, the pot there beats the pants off of boluders offerings, big city burrito is the fire! just be sure while you are there to get out of town and into the hills because that is where the real beauty of that place is.
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The West Indeed is Changing

The West Indeed is Changing

Growing pains all over. I visited Colorado in the early 90's, loved it, fell in love with idea of living on the West Coast. Its crazy when I came back how so many things were different, so much growth like another poster mentioned it will eventually all be one giant city. I had a good time when I was there. Great things there, people too, just rapidly growing. I suggest some of New Belgium's danker beers - try La Folie, its weirdly mindblowing. Fort Collins Brewery is the name of the other brewery, lol, everyone else was trying to come up with the name.

Fort Collins is also an energy vortex, if you're into that. I'm still not sure if I am, but I think there's a strange power some cities exert over people. Same/similar things happened to other people in high-energy concentrated areas.

PS Do they still get you drunk for free at New Belgium?