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Fort Bragg, Cal. Council members split over taking sides on Measure B - Here we go...


New member
sorry for the wrong website, the correct one is nomeasureb.org. Recently purchased land in a neighborhood of yes on b folks and let me tell u that they are a bunch of oldsters. Never seen such an antagonistic and imature group of supposed adults in my life. They make us look like very wise people. We are not going anywhere, let them leave. Mendo is no place for the close minded.


Please note, everyone, the EXTREME reality that growing ganja in "The High Times Mecca" presents.

Kevlar, You got it. I see people acting like teenagers, regardless of age, in the area...

It is IMPOSSIBLE to please all the neighbors. Own or Rent.

One year, three different neighbors (who were separated by quite a lot of space, BTW) either called the landlord, or the authorities. One of the callers also sported a Prop 215 card. One of the others was a State Police calling the landlord to advise her of what she already had agreed to...

None of these calls panned out to any visit, but times are certainly changing. One could almost say that ANY complaint may be enough to cause severe unpleasantness or way worse, in one's life.

It is quite a dance, one of wearing MANY hats.

So - if there is not acres between them and us, it is usually gonna pose at least SOME problems.

Even if it is just an envious, passive-agressive asshole next door who uses his Motion-Detector lights with Floods, and knowingly trains it on the area where the plants will be... A cardholder of a Prop 215 card, no less...... Peeps do stupid, dramatic, unnecessary, immature, and potentially damaging (to THEIR health) acts where buds are concerned. THEN there are the tweakers... 'Nuther Story, entirely.

Gotta go indoors, I guess. That is where things are going anyways, in total.
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New member
yeah the funny thing is that there is about 50 acres between me and my pesky neighbor, hasnt tried to turn me in or nothing but makes me worried none the less. Going indoors is great but the enviromental footprint is large. Ganja is our right, it is no different than the wine grapes that are growing around here and it not going to go away. thanks for listening peace


I concur, Kevlar.... After hearing about an audience with our Sheriff, they won;t come out unless there is a good number of plants, or if a complaint is a public safety issue.

They will be busy this summer, I do not envy their job.

Looks like the weak-ass Doctor's lobby inland has decreed that the previous limits were a 'sham,' and thus they, in their infinite and uncorrupt wisdom would like to see Measure B pass..

Measure B never had the appropriate signatures garnered, in order to get it on the ballot. The Supervisors of Mendo Cty. simply decided it should be on the ballot. I hope some one legally questions the validity of this. I heard that this tack was being taken by a group against Measure B.

Looks not too good, as many people who fit into the demographic of being against Measure B often do not get out and vote. And the oldsters usually do.

This would be a serious mistake this time around. VOTE or lose yet another right.


Good question, Brain......

From what I see and hear, these 'forays' by LEO's are called in the local vernacular, "Shopping Expeditions."

The authorities load up on whatever they can get, and Overstate the Drugs found, while somehow, Cash always gets understated. The common rule is Half the money, all the weed (and maybe equipment, as well).

Basically, a huge inconvenience - because court proceedings do not usually produce convictions. At least for complying medical Users/growers at or near the limits. These limits may change soon to 6 flowering and 12 immature plants, as we all hold our breath, and plan to vote, Against Measure B for SURE.

If we lose here, it cannot bode well for nearby counties.

Measure B = BAD.....

The old Measure G = Good.


i was talking to a friend of mine who has lived in fortt bragg and laytonville for his entire life, he was saying that alot of the big producers (growers) will actually vote yes on b to sustain the market... in sad sick way this makes sense from a business stand point.


It seems to me B only effects the personal grower. Reducing the amount of plants a person can have only effects those within the law. People with hundreds of plants were already above the limits so it doesn't matter what the limit was.

Save Mendocino County-NO on B


Listen to Brain.

Only an Blustering Idiot (BI), with no care for the Movement, and a selfish sense of making money (actually counter to that which they proport to support) would vote for stricter limits (6 plants) so they could cash in.

Thanks for the viewpoint, I am not attacking the messenger.... But, that is appaling, and amazingly arrogant. Again, Pot-grwoing Megalomaniacal behaviour brings many to the stage of Icarus-Wing-Clipping....! You guys are killing me.

No offense to the messenger.

Maybe these mega-hotshots, some who exhibit (but not All) with their alcohol habits, ATV's, guns, anger-issues, unsociable behaviour, too many trashed-out-vehicles on the property (ghetto-isers), and barking big dogs (bad neighbors, basically), should grow better strains, and maybe less of it, instead of the crappy Mids, for crappy prices, which add to the increasing glut of things like SNOCAP, and such..... We are still recovering from this, in the Medical community....

Grow gourmet pot, please. It is all around. Not hard to do.

All of the folks I know would LOVE to have a few words with such Blustering Bufoons.....

Obviously not Family People.

Although, if they want to attract all the LEO attention this summer, good on 'em....! Let 'em have it...! lol


thats areally capitalistic way of thinkin imo and selfish way of thinkin ,if they think like that out there i wouldnt put it pass them to snitch on othr grow op


We can only register to vote, and then go vote.

Several already in-office public employees, ex-DA, etc., are showing support for the measure which made it to the ballot without the requisite voters petition signatures.

The sheriff is unable to take a stand, but is on record of saying that he will need to go from 1-2 full time employees on pot-related wild-g00se-chases to six. I think he is trying to tell the people - without saying it, that it will not help costs any, and he is not really for it, from a purely pragmatic standpoint.

Bunk. Vast amounts of activism gone backwards....


The newspapers are having a field day arresting the teens who deface or remove the "Yes on B" signs....

As goes Mendo goes California......



People who see B as a savior just don't see stupid teenagers doing teenagers do, they see big criminals doing what criminals do. F***'em both.


Cannot even imagine what would occur if the limit of 6 was enforced...... Sounds like a Sisyphus task..... One can only assume that the real priority is the illegal grows in Nat'l park or other Public lands.... They are appalling. The destruction to the enviornment unconscionable.

This place would be full of penniless people without social graces.. Danger, Will Robinson.

There would most likely be an increase in speed use, and the ubiquitous criime that follows. Don;t even get me started on that....


I saw my first no on B sign today. It was low to the ground, black and white, and small. I bet most people miss it. I wasn't around when G passed. Were there no on G signs everywhere?


A vote for Paula Deeter for Supervisor is as good as voting against B...

So, vote against B and FOR Ms. Deeter....


On the other hand... I believe it is Senator Conyers - Not from Ca., and I like that - calling for the D E A to leave states alone who have Med MJ programs.... We may have something here, but it looks like locally, Mendo is up in arms about the irresponsible growing that has occurred here in the recent past.

Although, I still suspect that most of the momentum for this campaign came from inland towns (and the county seat), where people are maybe more concentrated, and backyard burglaries scared them. Cannot really blame anyone for that, but it is not like that everywhere....


New member
let me assure all of u that the folks that want measure B are not going to stop at 6 plants. It will swing momentum towards their cause- getting rid of the herb all together. If its about the money and those who vote yes to secure high prices, well they should learn to grow better herbs so they can stay competitive in todays market NO ON B


There is no choice but to go through this - it is the human way. Pathetically unlikely that it won't pass by a wide margin...

There is a legitamite reason B came around - problem is, nothing about B really addresses that problem, the current climate and B are taking on the real local criminals like Jeff Burrell, whose life is probably getting wholesale ruined right now, just pathetic.

But trust me, the B'ers will have their day, and will rue it, many of them, as they watch their children being taken off to jail for growin that terrible devil-weed!

Oh ya, they'll figure it out - it's the human way - to go OVERBOARD!

Just my 2 cents...



I'm seeing a lot more No on B signs around. Even a big one in front of a house. About time..