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Forgive me for my ignorance...

OG Redwood

New member
but lately I've been pondering an interesting aspect of weed that I'm sure most of you have experience with, but about which i can find no information (and yes, i did search these forums). Throughout my smoking career I have been blessed by what i can only rationalize is a genetic gift...low cannabis tolerance. Yes, I smoke everyday, and yes i have been doing so for many moons, but i still get fucking baked off of way less than other experienced smokers, and even most newbie smokers. For example, i honestly am DONE after 2 blunt rips off medical grade sour diesel. I simply cannot push further without completely losing touch with reality/ knocking out. While initially this made me embarrassed, it's actually a great money saver.

Anyways, we all know that the second time you smoke in a day it takes more to get high. We also know that our tolerance has built up from our rookie days. However, is there some sort of genetic or otherwise physiological reason why some people can suck back blunt after blunt, while others like me are left buzzed as fuck off of a half blunt? I do only smoke quality ass cali meds, but really, my best friend who rarely smokes can out smoke me on any given night, and i'd like a better idea of why :badday: lol. I'm not small by any standards, and i don't have a low alcohol tolerance so yeah...what are your experiences with this? If it is physiological (as opposed to psychological), are there any cannabis scientists on here that can explain why?(for example, low alcohol tolerance is caused by less of a certain enzyme in the liver which breaks down alcohol)
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personally, it has a lot to do with how I smoke. for example, if I just inhale and exhale quickly I end up with a mild high no matter how much I smoke. however, if I inhale the smoke and then inhale a significant amount of air afterwards and hold it a couple seconds, it makes me totally stoned and couchlocked for quite some time. just my observations.


I'm the same way.Been smoking for 23yrs and I only need the smallest amount of weed to get me ripped especially if I'm with a group of people.I really prefer to smoke alone.Being a grower for as long as I've been smoking and having some anxiety issues may have something to do with it but I've seen plenty of growers I know smoke blunts one after another when I'd have been running for the hills.Daytime smoking is worse for me I prefer the late night.So much bud ends up in my compost pile or given away because I can really only burn up about a quarter oz of Sour D a month.PEACE!!!MUCHA!! :joint:


all praises are due to the Most High
hello Redwood,
I think the issue of tolerance does not only apply in the sense of the general length of time you have been smoking; but also how often have u been partaking cannabis during that general length of time. for example, two people have been smoking for 20 years, both smoke daily; but one always wakes and bakes, has a middle morning smoke, another for the after-lunch spliff, the middle-afternoon smoke, the after dinner one, and perhaps the one late into the night spliff. while the other man may smoke a few tokes from a glass pipe, say, he takes 8 rips from 6pm up to 10pm. their tolerance will be different as well as their high.
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redwood, you are a lucky man. it's an individual thing. my gf, to my amazement will smoke 3 times as much as me if i didn't lock up my stash and she would still want to smoke more. i'm fasinated. i smoke nothing but the best. 2 joints get me to a very happy place. i have no reason or desire to get any higher. she will sit there for a couple minutes and say lets smoke another joint. i just look at her in amazement. she is never too stoned. ever. hence the fact that i have to lock up my stash! i love her but if comes down to her or my reefer, she needs to pack.

some mornings when there is nothing going on at work, i'll take 3 hits and go to work. i get a lovely buzz. i drive real early so no traffic. if i was sitting at home where i usually get high, 3 hits wouldn't do anything noticible.

i don't like to get stoned but prefer to be high. know what i mean?
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my gf has read the above post and has politely asked me to present you with the following message.

i am an asshole. i would never, ever give up my beautiful, charming delightful love for marijuana. a good woman is a thing to cherish and i better start to figure that out muy pronto. it was a stupid guy joke and when the fuck will i grow up?

anyway, thank you for listening.

how's that baby?? :)

OG Redwood

New member
Thanks for the responses. It's good to know theres other seasoned smokers out there who are in somewhat the same boat as me.

LUCHA - i especially can relate to you, as i also have anxiety, which i'm sure brings down my smoking ceiling...ESPECIALLY during the day. Smoking during the day can be nice, but i can easily get too fucking baked as well (eyes darting from place to place, feeling like i'm trapped in some psychedelic dream world [sour diesel] lol).

fatboycantpost said:
i would never, ever give up my beautiful, charming delightful love for marijuana. a good woman is a thing to cherish and i better start to figure that out muy pronto.

lol, as damn well you shouldn't.

Excel - but how tight is it when you cop an quarter with your friend and you still have bud left days after he's done? haha

la resis - yeah, i get what you're saying. i DO think alot has to do with how you smoke. For example, i get more fucked up via blunts than with any other method, and i think it has to do with my method of holding it in.

anyways, wondering if any scientists out there have any explanation for this?

daddy fingaz

Active member
i do think that women often seem to have a higher tolerance than men, my misses could smoke me and most of my mates under the table no probs!!

Personally ive been smoking around 14 yrs and i also think that my tolerance is lower than it was about 10 years ago when i could hit the bong all day! Even though i smoke most days i rarely smoke in the day time now i would rarely use a pipe/bong unless i had a few beers lol !!
on the topic of girls being able to smoke a lot... I've known a girl for a while who weighs 100 lbs at most and can outsmoke me all day long. It's really weird because she can be fully functional when I'm right next to her smoking the same amount and I can't even stand up. One thing that just came to mind is that she smokes cigarettes 24/7 and I don't ever... wonder if that could have anything to do with it. damaged lungs=less absorption of the active ingredients? seems like that could apply to some people.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
when you consider that women have more body fat than men, youd think it would hit them harder, as THC is a lipid soluble. I wouldnt be surprised if on average thc remains detectable in womens urine longer than in mens.... I dont think women have more tolerance than men though...i think men and women are the same in that respect from what ive seen over the years ive toked, with some who can take more than others, and everybody being able to handle more or less from time to time.
My tolerance changes all the time...some times i can spend a few weeks getting really wasted from less than a gram a day..and others i can go up to caning 4-6grams easy every day not even counting hash or what a might share/be given if I'm around ppl.
I knew a dealer who used to talk about how he was a big time smoker and how he smoked 20 joints a day ...but he used loads of cigarette, hardly any dope like maybe .2 gram in a 5-6 inch long j containing a full cig and even then barely smoked them, hed sit there talking and gesticulating with the spliff waving it around letting it burn away..... As soon as hed have a pipe though he'd be sat in silence like a zombie-coz his tolerance wasnt what he thought it was
I also think mood can have a lot to do with it...if ur stressed out, wound right up with a lot of tension then you might need a lot more to get the effect ur after, but if ur already pretty relaxed and feeling good, then less will do the job.
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Like PazVerdeRadical said, it doesn't matter that you smoke daily, it's how much you smoke that day. If I only smoked once a day I'm sure I'd get ripped off of 1 or 2 hits, but I smoke throughout the day everyday and so it takes a little more to do the job. Don't forget about the benefits of alternating what you smoke, helps take care of some of those tolerance problems.


Sneak attack critical
Ugh, my tolerance is the Juggernaut, bitch.
I'll hit two bowls and reach for more if I don't stop myself.

I don't see how some people will half-pack a bong, take two hits and talk about how high they are. All that shit does its make my mouth water for more...


Registered Pothead
I am jealous of anyone who has a low tolerance for weed. I need to smoke at least an eighth a day if not a quarter. I made ten grams of bubble hash for new years eve and it was gone the next morning. I was the only one who smoked it.


Freedom Fighter
OG Redwood said:
anyways, wondering if any scientists out there have any explanation for this?

Yeah...straight from the Lab here....
Some of us are fucking pigs!! (lol)
I get stoned just fine off a couple hits...but do not stop--
That is all-- :wave:

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