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Force Flower With the Moon Question


New member
Hi all,

I live in a shit place for growing anything, 41 degrees north but at 7500 feet minimum elevation, I have some real nice (bag seed and F2's of a local strain) looking plants 15 of em 12" and about 75 clones. My problem is I don't think these things will survive much past september because it starts to snow and get cold real quick.

If I force flowering along with the moon in july by giving 12/12 for 10 days starting the 19th of July through the 29th of July will they continue to flower and be finished by september?

There are only 14.5 hours of light here on July 29th and I will be using Red plastic to stimulate bud production.

I'd like to hear from someone who has succesfully forced flowering early.

Also I want to know if you think it would be a good idea to wait a month and start forcing flowering before the new moon in august, say august 10th through the 17th and allow the new moon to continue what I had started.

Sept 19th is supposed to be first frost. Will pot do well if it is large and has a frost?

I forgot to mention these plants are to be grown using Supercropping inside of Coldframes which contain black milk jugs full of water as a temperature buffer. This will work well for the clones however I expect the others to be at least 4 feet tall by the beginning of flowering so they will be exposed to the frost.

I attempted to search for information but couldn't find any solid guidelines on how to force flowering such as the number of 12/12 days needed to begin a plants cycle or how to sustain flowering without severly impacting the plant.

I would appreciate any advice thanks alot and good luck outdoors in 09!
dude i dont know much about high lat., high elevation growing as i am low elevation and low latitude....however i just wantred to mention im pretty sure the quote you were looking for is "colt 45 and 2 zig zags, baby thats all we need, go tot eh park after dark, smoke that tumbleweed." i hate to be just chiming in to correct that but ive seen afroman play like 50 times and im pretty much 100% sure that the line....

regarding cold temps.....my experience is that the plants tissue must get below freezing to have problems, not just the air temp. if its 60 all day then goes down to like 31 or 32 at the coldest part of the night for a few hours, the plant will be fine...i had soem ladies that withstood a lil cold snap of like 40 in the day and 30 at night for 2 or 3 days, just turned them a lil purple.....is this guerrilla or do you have good access to the ladies where you can tend to them often? the black plastic jugs are smart...if you got good access to the site you could even wait til the temp is around 33 or 34, then fill them jugs with hot water and carry them out to radiate heat to the ladies


very photosencitive strains will flower with 15 hours of light or so.


New member
dude i dont know much about high lat., high elevation growing as i am low elevation and low latitude....however i just wantred to mention im pretty sure the quote you were looking for is "colt 45 and 2 zig zags, baby thats all we need, go tot eh park after dark, smoke that tumbleweed." i hate to be just chiming in to correct that but ive seen afroman play like 50 times and im pretty much 100% sure that the line....

regarding cold temps.....my experience is that the plants tissue must get below freezing to have problems, not just the air temp. if its 60 all day then goes down to like 31 or 32 at the coldest part of the night for a few hours, the plant will be fine...i had soem ladies that withstood a lil cold snap of like 40 in the day and 30 at night for 2 or 3 days, just turned them a lil purple.....is this guerrilla or do you have good access to the ladies where you can tend to them often? the black plastic jugs are smart...if you got good access to the site you could even wait til the temp is around 33 or 34, then fill them jugs with hot water and carry them out to radiate heat to the ladies

Thanks for the INFO... there is more than one verse and the song can be performed diff live look it up. He's a rapper last time I checked both lines rhymed. Not saying you are wrong just saying quote is correct.

It freezes here about mid september (snow), but according to the idea that plants will flower at 15 hours of light they should remain in flower if I stimulate it early as long as the days keep getting shorter. Will update with pics as soon as these bitches hit soil, 3 days away!


pure dynamite
Below 5-10 degrees Celsius they slow down (almost stop) photosynthesis.. so I think is not a good ideea to keep them outside while it freezes. Almost sure you'll get lower quality bud.

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