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For Those of You Who Live in Alaska


Alaska is a great place to live.

I have been here for ten years and will probably never leave. I love it up here. It is definitely not for everyone and I think that in itself is something that I like, along with the natural beauty and endless outdoor activities. It is mostly small town living and for the most part the people are great.
The marijuana laws are about as relaxed as you will find anywhere. It is still illegal but just barely. If you are selling it you will probably get caught and have legal problems, if you are a personal use grower and are discreet you will most likely not ever have anything to worry about.

Where I live the climate is very similar to New England, more rain, less snow. I love the fact that during the summer i can be catching salmon in a crystal clear river at midnight, or I can do it before work when the sun comes up at 4am. The winter here in southern AK is nothing like up in the interior, darkness from about 430pm to almost 9am, but does not last for too long. Like anywhere it is what you make of it. The state is huge, so even though the latitudes are very north there is quite a variety in weather and daylight depending on where you live.

I definitely think that anyone who enjoys the mountains and the outdoors should at least visit Alaska, thats how I ended up here. It kept me.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
^Whats the difference between orange and yellow (besides red. ba dum bump)