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Active member
Seed savers. Heirloom seeds are the only answer. It not enough to grow Our Own Food, but We must also collect Our seeds, and save/trade them.
The Whloe may well be to frigging LAZY, but those of Us Who care enough to know better, need to start doing BETTER. when Our Neighbors see how EZ it is, and eat Our shared bounties, then We will stert to see backyard gardens sprouting up all around us.
The Factory Farm Model is here to stay(unfortunately). We cant stop that. We can However take Control over what Our Families put into Our faces.
I am on a journey to do just this with My aquaponic garden that I recently got started.
I am still learning to grow My Own food. If I can do it, so can anyone.


Red Fang

Active member
I have been (partially, most vegetable needs anyway) been growing my own food for 2 1/2 decades now, not well or great all the time but overall not too bad. It can be done, keep up the faith!




Seed savers. Heirloom seeds are the only answer. It not enough to grow Our Own Food, but We must also collect Our seeds, and save/trade them.
I am still learning to grow My Own food. If I can do it, so can anyone.


yes there are specialized companies which deal
and collect sustainable seeds. in austria we have one
which is called arche noah..

but those a little fish in the big pond.

chaining this idea with a more self sustaining mentality
could sure be a key, but that would also mean that
everybody is to become a peace of ground.

i live in vienna, not bad as a city but as far as i can see
only blocks and cars and a few trees in between
and unfortunately my grow box system is a bit to small
to grow pumpkins and cherry trees.

edit: at least for now
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New member

Fried chicken titty with lemon Tabasco sauce and blue cheese crumbles/ sauteed veggies and some garlic mashed taters

Don't get me wrong i love my veggies but you need some protein in there! :tiphat:


i love chicken, regarding the protein i found the following,
guess that should clear up the preconceptions a bit.



Feeding the ducks with a bun.
Last night.
Grilled pork loin marinated in apple sauce and bourbon with fresh fig and a cold snap pea/string bean/beet salad.

Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home
i love chicken, regarding the protein i found the following,
guess that should clear up the preconceptions a bit.

View Image

This seems to provide different info.


Is the chart you posted, claiming that spinach is 49% protein?

If so,

With a total of 28.9 kJ of energy, 8.8kJ coming from protein, that's 30%, not 49%

56% of the calories from spinach, come from carbs

That chart is misleading... :tiphat:


This seems to provide different info.

Is the chart you posted, claiming that spinach is 49% protein?

If so,

With a total of 28.9 kJ of energy, 8.8kJ coming from protein, that's 30%, not 49%

56% of the calories from spinach, come from carbs

That chart is misleading... :tiphat:

sure there are several charts out there but even if it would be 30%
according to your calculation that would still be more than meat.

i absolutely dont know if the chart is correct i didnt make it
but somebody did and i guess they are not trying to lie.
you guys believe too much in the evil in everything

i am talking about that we totally underestimate
the power of the vegetables.

unfortunately i read at many places that the meat industry
has made a pretty good job with misleading facts.

such as one of the biggest misconception that protein coming from meat
is supposed to have a higher value because of the amino acids it contains

but that our body simply can crack up those amino acids in an eye blink
into all the amino acids we need its being perfectly blinded out.

sal opette

ICMag Donor
This used to be great tread...... People celebrating food, showing the love they put in to their cooking, taking great photo's, commenting, giving cooking tips.

Asche - Please stop posting the stock vegetarian pictures, there has always been a few stock pictures here but enough is enough. Please give us a break your scaring off the great regulars here.

Those protein figures are rubbish, veg protein isn't as digestible as animal protein, almost totally useless....

I am recovering Vegan (I did 12 years!) and you are even managing to wind me up a bit :laughing:


thanks sal, i sure think about that. but why would i stop participating as a regular myself.
i am not trying to scare off anyone, i am posting some nice pictures from time to time
which do look very tasty i believe.

and i had the feeling that the quality of the pictures increased a bit
i dont want to say thats due to me but that what i hope to inspire with

please read 2 posts above you what i wrote about digesting vegetable proteins.
from what i have read that this is a shady misconception which omits a few facts.

sorry to hear that you have to recover.. what happened?
to be a vegan means having a lot of control.. control which can go a lot wrong either..

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