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Food For Thought


CT Guy

Jeff and a few others were kicking around the idea of a certification process for aerated compost tea providers/manufacturers. I think it would be a great idea because it adds credibility to the industry and also weeds out the people selling brown water with little or no biology. It would also force people to test their products, either with a lab or microscope.

Clackamas Coot

Active member
CT Guy

Silly me! I thought when I stumbled on CompostTea.org that they would be doing something along the lines that you're talking about. Foolish thought on that one.

Ed Neff (Soil Soup) and Michael Alms (Growing Solutions) sit on the board of directors - 'nuff said.


CT Guy

You caught that huh? It was a marketing ploy on their part since they can't get any valid recognition in the industry from Dr. Ingham or Jeff or others.

Clackamas Coot

Active member
Yeah - pretty pitiful.

RE: Growing Solutions

I lost most of my respect for Down To Earth when they hooked up with Growing Solutions and are distributing their tea brewers. Probably all of my respect actually.

It's a real shame. On Saturday mornings at the Down To Earth main store in Eugene, they have a large tea brewer from Growing Solutions running and they're selling 'aerated compost tea' to unsuspecting organic gardeners that come to that store specifically because they carry all of the Down To Earth product lines. They also have 'master gardeners' there to answer questions for newbies.

I'm done with them and would never recommend the company or any of their products. They're all available from other sources and are the exact same specific products.


CT Guy

People call and ask me all the time about other brewers like Soil Soup or Growing Solutions. It puts me in a awkward spot because I don't want to criticize other companies, even if I think they have a poor product. The nice thing is that once people educate themselves (or look at Dr. Ingham's recommendations), then I don't have to worry about it.

I do have a concern for companies that spend more money on marketing than testing or product quality.


Active member
:bump: cause this thread deserves it!
The first post is radical, it turned me head over heels.Now I'm so glad I went all organic!:jump:


Once you begin to understand that organisms will pull any nutrient off ANY surface, and convert it from one form to another, releasing plant available nutrients, right where the plant needs them, then the whole loading-chemistry-on approach to doing things will be thrown out. Messing with pH is NOT the way to do anything!

I wonder what TomHill would have to say about this...:wahey:

"You're just throwing humus at the problem"


Well-known member
I have had very similar health issues, and I have come to almost the exact same conclusions , and cures.I found store bought yogurt didnt work for me , neither did herbal formulas or western medicine.What seems to help me is diatomaceous earth and homemade kefir(which has over 30 different living cultures.I am interested in the em1 for internal use , can you tell me more about it?I also have made the correlation between how we have similar biological needs and relationships as plants do.
I also have made the correlation between how we have similar biological needs and relationships as plants do.

From 'The Power of Movement of Plants' by Charles Darwin and Francis Darwin
It is hardly an exaggeration to say that the tip of the radicle thus endowed [with sensitivity] and having the power of directing the movements of the adjoining parts, acts like the brain of one of the lower animals; the brain being seated within the anterior end of the body, receiving impressions from the sense-organs, and directing the several movements.

This is root-brain theory, it will literally turn your world on it's head. It did mine.