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foilar spraying?


I wanted to foilar spray my plants to help them get some nutrients quicker. They are in week 4 of flower and have been getting water only for a week or more so they are starting to show some deficiencies. I just mixed up a fresh rez with nutrients

Can I just take some water/nutrients out of the rez and spray it onto the plants?


That depends on your type of nutrients and the ec you use, consult your nutrients manufacturer. I would prefer to use a special soft foliar nutrient. If you're into organics: compost tea, kelp and humic acid, all great foliar sprays. Do not spray with lights on, allow time for the leafs to take up the nutrients. This would also be a good time to ad some magnesium to your water, actually a week too late. You might see some magnesium deficiencies showing as a chlorosis in the middle old leafs.


ICMag Donor
Why not try it on one or two plants and see if they grow any better / healthier / quicker :D


I was working on the room, putting up air cooling for the lights, drilling holes etc and stuff was everywhere. I covered the plants with sheets when drillin on top of them to prevent drywall, fiberglass etc from getting into the buds. Stuff still got on the table, res etc. I thought it was going to be one or two days and I kept getting sidetracked with projects at work. So it took over a week. I was doing water only cause I knew i was going to rinse the tables, change the res etc and 200 gallons of rez water is alot of nutrients to waste.

So I finally called in sick, and worked all day and night till 6Am and finished it all up.

Hydro set up, E&F tables.
PPM is 1300 total
5/10 micro/bloom
cal mag
liquid kool bloom
powder kool bloom

One table with around 40 plants looks fine, very little signs of deficiencies. The other table only has 5 or 6 plants but they are much larger, they cover a 4x8. They have alot of yellowing leaves.