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Active member
How many times, & about how long should I flush for-for before harvest? I heard, every other day for about a week. After my final flush, do I harvest the next morning? Or wait a couple of days?


2 weeks before harvest I simply feed with water as apposed to plant food or any form of food if you will, simply and this is the theory,to remove anything that will taste or smell crap out of the bud.

So to directly answer you, Flush water, wait for soil to dry (obviously if hydro simply swap nutes for water) then flush again for a week or so then chop chop chop. :)

Namaste :joint:
im tryna figure this out myself, dont want my buds tasting like shit. but i figure i'll flush them 3 times a week before i harvest


Think about it like this, all the bad tasting water will leave and be replaced my the water that has no taste, so you need to kind of measure when the plant has replaced the nutes.(mostly)

So flush wait for the plant to eat what it can or drink if you will, then when the soil is a dryish again and the plant looks thirsty water, so on so forth.

the buds will mature quicker and I have even noticed a change in smell after flushing before.(but thats me)

So you cant really plan it exactly but it will become its own form of schedule as the more frequent and pedantic you are the plant will learn and accommodate.then BUDS :)

Namaste :joint:


In soil/soilless, I flushed for about 1-2weeks, depends on how heavy I fed them throughout the grow.

Hydro change res to clean water...I'd say for about a week, maybe more..

Best way to judge is by simply watching the plants....you'll know they're flushing right, when the leaves start changing colors...esp..from bright green, to yellow (assuming plant was healthy growing, and not having any issues)...some strains will start turning various shades of red, orange, and even purple...

I always (well, when I can) flush the shit outta them, and then leave in the dark for 1-2days...then chop.


@Incognegro, hey man stay outta my head :-D
I like that you are opinionative and not competitive when it come to advice . Good stuff dude

Bobbo4200, Personally I think you should be good now. :joint: here have one.

Namaste :joint:


Active member
When I flush, I thought I was supposed to use a few gallons @ a time... Like if I were using a 3 gallon plant container, I would use about 3 gallons of water per flush. Last time I fed was last Sat. on the 20th. I flushed Monday, & today (Wed.) with about 3 gallons of water. Is this right, or should I just be watering for the last two weeks?


Thanks Dannyboy!!:thank you:


What you're doing is almost borderline, if not, what we call leaching.

Leaching is adding water to medium, to flush out excess nutes and etc, at a given time, it's flushing out your medium, but not truly flushing out your plants.

Flushing can't really be done in a single given time...flushing requires multiple applications of watering... flushing is moreorless giving the plants a drink, without feeding them..

So in your case, if you've only got 1 week left before harvest time...now is the time to flush...give them only water from now on.

Give your plants water til the day you chop....you'll be happy! Much cleaner and pronounced natural taste, and smoke...vs with all the chems/nutes, etc..:tiphat:


I like about 10 days or so. I flush then only give ph'd water from that point on until chop.


Active member
Ok, I get that now. When you leach, you flush everything out of the medium. Per se you nutrient burned them, then you would leach. I'll just give them water for the two weeks before Harvest. Thanks!


house and garden has a product called drip clean. you give it the whole grow and it doesnt let salts build up, so no flush or very little. 3 days water in hydro and a few waterings in dirt.


house and garden has a product called drip clean. you give it the whole grow and it doesnt let salts build up, so no flush or very little. 3 days water in hydro and a few waterings in dirt.

Its true i had to pull some plants once a week early and really only got 2 days of flush. I thought it was going to taste like shit but it was bomb as always. Drip clean is good stuff.


house and garden has a product called drip clean. you give it the whole grow and it doesnt let salts build up, so no flush or very little. 3 days water in hydro and a few waterings in dirt.
will it help if you use it only once and awhile vs all the time? What effect will this have on the plants I wonder? Defiantly worth looking into.


Its true i had to pull some plants once a week early and really only got 2 days of flush. I thought it was going to taste like shit but it was bomb as always. Drip clean is good stuff.
Considering you only have to feed 0.4 ml/gal its really does not cost much either.


will it help if you use it only once and awhile vs all the time? What effect will this have on the plants I wonder? Defiantly worth looking into.

could be bad. H&G garden recommends you use it from start to finish so you dont release to much salts at one time.


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
yea i have flushed for two weeks and flushed with 2-4 gallons let it dry out and did it again for that two weeks. Some puffage tasted great some still tasted ahh before. I havent had that problem for awhile now but it has happened. :chin: Lets see who has a method that gives them great flushed nugsz with good taste too and proper burn.. peace n pufs.



Active member
i dont flush anything but my toilet. i just feed plain water last 2 weeks. but i have my nutes dialed in . organic ferts.

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