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Flushing with Botanicare Sweet


I received free samples of the sweet grape and have been using it throughout flowering.

Anyone flushed with just water and this nute? Does it leave a chemical flavor or is it okay to use up until harvest?

Thanks in advance :D
I couldn't tell ya, I am thinking about running it until harvest though myself. I've got 2 weeks left I think I 'm just gonna go for it.


I am in the same spot as you. 2 weeks away. I believe it doesn't have any nitrogen in it so im thinking it might be okay.
I was reading on another forum that maybe only up until the last week is good. Another grower said, "I wouldn't say the sweet buffed up my yield, but it sure does increase trich counts near harvest and assists in swelling. The taste is extremely pleasant and flavorful.
The trick to my sweet flushing is for the 1st week, I give my plants about 2-3 gallons of water with sweet. I feed the containers a gallon every 2-3 days.
The following week, I take em to the tub and do a good 15min flush till the runoff is clear and not yellowish. After that, they dry for a complete week before I chop them down."
This is real close to my setup so I think Imma try it this way. Let me know how it turns out, I'm going to start using more molasses and less sweet but if it can be used until harvest why not?


I found another article

"Never overload the soil with nutrients, even organic kinds, because you want all the elements to be used up by the end of flushing. The last three weeks should be just water and Botanicare Sweet, a natural carbosugar that impacts flavor and weight."

So I am guessing that it is okay to use up to chop day.
I have used Sweet up until the last few days, everything flushed out nicely and burns to a pure white ash. Worked fine for me


ive done the 'sweet flush' before...
the whole flush week the plants were given nothing but water and berry sweet at 50ml/G (yes, super heavy dose!). the plants come out nice, for sure...

but i have found better results (results that i personally favor) using sweet (i LOVE sweet) in an ascending manner (gradually upping the dose per G) over the course of the grow up until day 49, then from that point on i feed/flush plain PHd water.

good luck