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Flushing mid-flower


Is it still necessary to flush coco during flower if the nutrient solution being used is around 400ppm? This is when watering a little bit everyday hydro style.


it doesn't hurt to flush periodically in coir, the worse that will happen is that your nug will smoke better. i prefer 800-1000ppm in a hydro style feeding program. it's all dependent on your strain and light intensity, how hungry is she? she'll let you know.
it doesn't hurt to flush periodically in coir, the worse that will happen is that your nug will smoke better. i prefer 800-1000ppm in a hydro style feeding program. it's all dependent on your strain and light intensity, how hungry is she? she'll let you know.
Good advice.


it doesn't hurt to flush periodically in coir, the worse that will happen is that your nug will smoke better. i prefer 800-1000ppm in a hydro style feeding program. it's all dependent on your strain and light intensity, how hungry is she? she'll let you know.

How would flushing cause your nugs to taste better?

You sure that is the "worst" thing that can happen? What is the "best" thing that can happen?


The best thing that can happen is that the plant doesn't have any deficiencies due to salt buildup.

For all flushes, except my pre-harvest flush, I use epson salts or a diluted amount (1/4 strength) of the fertilizer I am using in that given stage. Epson salts have an amazing ability to leach out natural salts that build up in soil or hydroponic mediums. Epson salts also have the ability to leave behind traces of magnesium which is commonly locked out with salt build ups.

To use epson salts as a flushing agent, mix 1-2 tablespoons per gallon of water and run the solution through your soil or hydroponic system. My second option, 1/4 strength fertilizer, works to pull out excess nutrients because alike molecules tend to bond to each other. A diluted fertilizer will leach out more salts than plain water alone.

For recirculating hydroponic systems, run an epson salt formula or diluted fertilizer regiment for a few hours and then return to your normal fertilizer mixture. If your plants are stressed due to a salt build up or a nutrient deficiency it may be a good idea to refill the nutrient reservoir at 1/2 or 3/4 of normal strength until your plants show signs of recovery.

I've tried weekly flushing with just tap without any other reason than being over cautious. In the end I was rewarded with incredibly clean smoking nug; white ash, etc.

That was in Canna coir and Canna A/B nutes.

I don't think it's all that necessary unless you are seeing some salty issues. It certainly hasn't hurt anything when i've done it in the past.


Active member
Something isnt right here...
Did you have to reduce to 400ppm because of burning at higher levels?
You might have issues with your environment


Active member
Watering "hydro style" in coco is several waterings a day. Even then your EC should be 1.5 or so


Active member
It's not "necessary" to flush at any stage except the very end. It's completely optional and lots of good growers get perfect results without doing it because they keep their feeds dialed in. If you do that, there's no need for any mid-point flush.

With regards to the "worst that can happen". If your plants are dialed in and getting just enough of what they need, flushing them unnecessarily can deprive them of nutes when they need them. What consequence that has depends on if and to what extent they're affected. It's not the case that it can have no negative effect at all. Far from it in fact, especially if you fuck it up.

For example - and I know you're not growing like this - but if you had 25L+ pots which you were saturating every 2-3 days and you flushed the medium with plain water, it could take over a week to re-establish the nutrient levels to be correct within the medium and that could have a big effect on the health of the plant and subsequently your final yield. On multiple daily feedings of small pots, it's probably never going to be a problem.