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flushing coco coir during veg.


New member
i am using coco for the first time. using floranova grow. how often should i flush during veg, and is it ok to use tap water left out for a few days ph'ed down a little bit?


Hi Carp, welcome to the boards. All you need is Floranova Bloom. Yes even in veg it has everthing you need. 8ml per gal.

Second, how far along are your plants?

You shouldn't have to flush at all during veg if your temps are good, and you watch your EC levels.

Also, if you don't have an EC meter, refill with water with the number of gallons equal to half your rez, then start nutes again. Coco likes to build up salts.

Then replace rez before switching to 12/12 and maybe flush coco to be safe, and if you don't have an EC pen, bet one.

Hope this helps, and you'll probably get about 100 other opinions, but that's my 2 cents.


New member
the temp is usually around 79-80, sometimes a little lower. i have them in pots and i just water by hand. i have been watering with tap water, i recently got a ph meter and have lowering the ph slightly now. i got small plants about two weeks ago. they have been under a 1000w mh since then.


Do you water to run-off , i do a runoff of maybe 5% and I've never had to flush

Super, you should be more specific. I mean if your watering everytime at 1300ppm, then coco will build up salts and lock out.

So if you hadn't had to flush doesnt' tell us much about your feeding regimen. Are you feed, water, water. Or 1/3 strength everytime?

That all makes a difference when giving advice, or suggestions.

Carp, if your plants have been doing good for two weeks, I'd hand water full strength, then just water, water, next two times. Now its all strain specific, but until your plants tell you different, less is better.


New member
the ph was around 7, but i have just started putting in 2 drops of ph- per gallon so it looks likes its around 6 now (i only have the drops to check the ph, not exact). only done one watering so far with ph down. i have been using 1 tsp per gallon of the nutes every time i water. there is some stuff going on now, but i cant really tell what it is though. there is some iterveinal chlorosis but its on the leaves in the middle not the bottom or the newest ones. also some of the mid height leaf stems and parts of the plant stem near there are purple. it looks like maybe i'm starting to get some lock out of mg and fe or mb. also the last feeding was at 1 1/2 tsp. i was thinking maybe i am not feeding enough, then it dawned on me that maybe the salt is block some of the nutes out. not really sure what to do, just trying to get it right early before anything gets worse. they are still growing pretty good, but some of the newest leaves seem to be bunched up and wavy around the edges.

and yes i do water until run off. the catch tray under each pot gets about a half in. to 1 inch full.


I've read a lot of things before, but Carp take a deep breath, your okay man.

When you've been watering at whatever tbl spoons, is that full strength?

How long have your plants been under this regime? (didn't look back)

Just switch to water, water, then 1/3 feed, water, water, again until your plants are thriving.

Unless you really gave em a dose.? Then maybe a flushing is in order?

Hard to say without more detail and some pics all in the same post.


New member
yeah they were definitely being burned from over fertilization. is one of the early signs of this interveinal chlorosis, or is this something else? i flushed and i am going to follow your advice lokes. water, water, 1/3rd. would 1/3rd be 1/3 of a tsp per gallon? the bottle says 1/2, 1, or 2 tsp per gallon for seedling, early grow, later grow? i guess the idea is start low and slowly increase until they are thriving, so i dont really need an answer to this.


The 1/3rd is 1/3 strength of whatever feeding regimen you're in. Then yes slowly increase it as you go. What I would probably do, is just do the 1/3 strength until the plants look as if they need something. Then maybe go 1/3, 1/3, water, or Full strength, water, water. Whatever you choose.