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Flowering.. What do you use?



I may well move to using meals only. I have used meal in the past; I'm following you guys with there fermentation stuff..

Algamin has been a trusted drench additive in combination with fish emulsion in my coffee mix drench.
I did learn to avoid it when switching to flowering. It can exaggerate the stretch and bud inter-node spacing in my situation.

I believe Algamin is great for early boost in quality and is the biggest contributor to plant smell.

Clackamas Coot

Active member

I'll leave it at this: Algamin is a great product. Over-priced - big time but all of the cold-extraction kelp products are so there's that deal.

Still - their basic premise and/or advertising materials information indicates that under specific applications, their manipulation of certain auxins have a legitimate purpose.

How that plays out in a container situation is something that I'm still not sure about.





I'll leave it at this: Algamin is a great product. Over-priced - big time but all of the cold-extraction kelp products are so there's that deal.

Still - their basic premise and/or advertising materials information indicates that under specific applications, their manipulation of certain auxins have a legitimate purpose.

How that plays out in a container situation is something that I'm still not sure about.



I believe Algamin is kelp meal in suspension. Same thing I think.. Now I have used Bull Kelp and I will use it during flowering but It is on my "do I really need it" list.

NP CC thanks for the input friend.

Clackamas Coot

Active member

I didn't want you to think that I was slamming Algamin, per se, vs. the actual original product name, i.e. either Kelpak or KelpGrow as that was not my intent.

Let me give you an example on how the 'soil amendment' industry works.

I've advocated using 'neem seed meal' (aka 'neem seed cake') for years. The problem is that in Oregon the only distributor (i.e. the only company who has applied for and received a certification for) dealing in neem seed meal is Down-To-Earth which charges about $85.00 for 50-lbs. Fair enough.

In doing some research, I found the actual importer of this product based down in Southern California who charges $35.00 per 50-lbs. Again - fair enough.

Oregon is the 2nd largest grower of nursery stock in the US. In a couple of weeks is the annual "OAN" (Oregon Association of Nurseries) trade show known as "Farwest 2009" and there are over 850 exhibitors this years. Everything from soil companies (Pro Mix, Sunshine Mix, et al) to companies selling $150,000.00 soil mixing equipment. Again, fair enough.

One of the companies exhibiting this year is a company out of San Francisco, California (or at least the general area) who sells neem seed oil. Much to my surprise I discovered that they also sell 'neem seed meal' and when I asked them where I could buy their products in Oregon they told me that the had not applied for the Oregon 'certification' but that they had a company who handled their product, i.e. Down-To-Earth who sells this product for the price that I indicated above. This company charges $65.00 for 50-lbs. of neem seed meal.

So we've gone from $35.00 up to $85.00 for the very same product from the very same importers/brokers.

When I told the $65.00 per 50-lb. company about the price-gouging they offered me 100 lb. free just for calling them. That's how the deal works.

Same thing with the various cold-extraction kelp products, i.e. they'll give you huge amounts if they know that you're a 'real grower' and could possibly help them move products into this industry.

So far, Pro Mix has promised me 4 free bales of their products to try out. No charge.





So all I have to do is make CaliCannabis.com a farm and then I will be in like flynn.



crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
i'm just a noob here in organic town, so i definitely won't be offering any suggestions.
just a question for clackamas coot:
you've advocated neem seed meal for years, but is that for container grown cannabis or another outdoor venture of yours?
i worry about having too much N slow releasing late in flower when i don't want it there.
any thoughts about this? I can get the meal straight from dyna-gro, who then sells it to down-to-earth and sparetime.
thanks bud!

Clackamas Coot

Active member

LMAO - you nailed the 'deal' big time, i.e. Dyna-Gro neem seed meal is the exact product sold under the Down-To-Earth label! Good work!

I advocate the use of neem seed meal for both container as well as in my raised beds for the reasons advocated by the neem seed importers.

For containers I recommend about 1/4 cup sprinkled on top of the soil in a container. For raised bed I use the recommended amount as indicated on the package which I don't recall at this moment.

I've also used it as part of a 'seed meal' product that I made up which is 1 bag (50-lbs. each) of alfalfa, linseed, canola, cottonseed, soybean meals along with 1/2 portions of neem seed meal, crustacean meal and kelp meal.



Active member
you have me this close to ordering some clack (I really like dyna-grow), but if I have the oil "do I really need it"?

I'm just micro growing.... what do you think of wetting some bokashi bran with neem oil, then using that as the amendment?

Clackamas Coot

Active member
you have me this close to ordering some clack (I really like dyna-grow), but if I have the oil "do I really need it"?

I'm just micro growing.... what do you think of wetting some bokashi bran with neem oil, then using that as the amendment?
Hmmm........it would definitely be an interesting experiment.

You might enjoy taking a look at this bokashi project in India - here

Check out the list of ingredients that they're using in the bokashi bran fermentation. Lots of good ideas, IMHO



Take Five...
I use BioBizz bloom, Floralicious Plus, Top Max and molasses in straight coco...

I am in the process of switching to the PBP line and I use the PBP grow with much better results than the BioBizz grow. I still use the BB bloom because it is left over but will be switching to PBP bloom when it is gone. Same with the Top Max. I am running comparisons to see what is the best, most cost effective enhancer. The last run I only used F/P with the bloom and molasses. This time I am adding TopMax to see if there is a noticeable improvement. It is pricey stuff and a big hassle for me to get, since my BB source moved further away. I am hoping to drop it from the lineup.

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