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Flowering under 1000k HPS 12/12 vs 14/10



I am currently 4weeks into flowering under a 1000k HPS. I have always turned down to 12/12 to start flowering for first 30 days the I switch to 10 on /14 off. I was always under impression it forced faster flowering but recently reconsidering so im starting a thread.

What do you say 12/12 whole way or stay with 14/10 Thanks in advance
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Well, you would think that once it is flowering the more light it was getting the more energy it could put into bud. So I would THINK that the 12/12 would be better. I have seen discussions on this here and other forums, and that was their conclusions as well. I have not tested this, only my theory and what I have read.


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
youcan go 12/12 then cut them back in hours as the weeks go by at the END of flower to try to speed them along if you need to at the end.
i think its trickin the plant to thinkin the days are getting shorter,and they speed up a lil bit for ya.hope i could help ya out maing.peace


yea thats what iv always thought. I am going to cut back to 13 off with one of the grows the longer flowering indica i have and see what happens


Tom 'Green' Thumb
Just this last grow for the first time I put the clock at 10 hours on/14 hours off for the last week of bud just to see if it would finish up a little more than usual. Actually I did seem to notice the buds seemed to finish a little quicker, but the difference was not huge. The end product seemed a little more done than usual at the same time with the same strain, so I do believe it helped a bit.

I think this is only beneficial if you usually let them go say 8 weeks and they seem finished but not quiet there. By reducing the light the last week it seems to give it may be a few days earlier finish. At least that is what it seemed to do for me. Not a huge difference, but enough to make a differnce in the end product.



Expuse this question if it sounds newbie but hear it gos.. Do plants flower while lights are of? While light are on? or equally? I mean if it just a matter of tricking the plant then it would seem that 12 hours of light would generate larger yield, However if buds grow at night then its an obvious answer....food for thought.....


Personally, speed shouldn't be the issue here, unless you're going on vacation. Stick with the 12/12 and get the yield quality you desire. Plants flower during both on and off, its just different processes in each. Growth and recovery. Now there's plenty of people here that are more experienced than me that might want to elaborate, but thats just the way I roll.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
I kind of agree with everyone here

My view on it is, ultimately you want to try and emulate the natural outdoor cycle as much as possible. So the area I live in I would pretty much have a 8 or 9 month growing season, sometimes longer, but normally 8 to 9 months. We all know when the sun is at it's longest, so ultimately slowly removing the light source everyday would be ideal, until the 12/12 cycle starts, in my area, normally around sept 7 ish.

So From June 21 to Sept 7 that is 49 days, so to change your light with the sun, would be turning it off about every 1.22 minutes earlier, completely unrealistic

The 12/12 thing works well due to Marijuana having a fairly set finishing time regardless of the light schedule, as long as it is at least 12 hours dark, so adding extra hours of darkness daily, will not do much.

I personally usually give the plants about 12:15 of dark and 11:45 of light, just to be on safe side

Good luck with your grow


Tom 'Green' Thumb
Just to add to what I wrote above so people don't get the wrong idea, I wouldn't reduce the light to less than 12 hours a day unless I am doing it in the last week of bud. Any sooner and I think it would effect yield in a negative way. The last week loosing 2 hours of light is not going to effect yield, but for some reason it seems to finish it better - at least that's what I have noticed with my strain.
