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Florida Growers Thread

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Guest 88950

...It is actually THEM that are creating the truly hardened criminals.


so very true.


this state would rather jail us than help us stay healthy. i feel ya on moving, Cosat Rica or Panama seems to be calling me but i aint moving anytime soon b/c of work.


i dont completely agree that extreme wealth can not be made by someone / people who are poor or middle class.

bill gates & paul allen, charlie munger & warren buffett, roman abromavitz and richard branson are just a few examples. im not saying what they did was easy or repeatable just showing that it can and will continue to happen.

im far from being wealthy but i see myself having the ability to get there. nothing happens over night and my business is developing new products / technology and work that has been done over the past 15 yrs is starting to pay off.

i guess if you think that you are limited to what you can make or achieve then you are.

Ioni Botani

Agreed SSH, it isn't completely impossible...however, the chances of thinking of the next Microsoft are quickly diminishing...

And fools like the "Grand Ole Party" surely are quickening the apocalypse. (There's a reason why they're grand & old...and I'm willing to bet it wasn't through an honest days work. Maybe they're Constituents hard work, but not theirs)

That's the funniest part. It's the middle and lower class, primarily white people that support these jokers, and it's them that it will effect most. Not saying minorities will suffer any less, they just already have nothing to lose...but not the 'middle class.'

Boehner looks like a reptile that stretched tanned human skin over his exoskeleton.
This guy gets his tan on playing golf all day with lobbyists (on our buck), getting off on how many more ways him and his GOP cronies can stick it to us some more.
Fucking fascists.

Anybody remember BUSH?!

Don't think that Obama just walked into the White House and America suddenly went broke.

This had been happening. If I didn't know any better Id say this whole bail out shidazzle was preplanned, but I know that conservatives don't have the attention span to think that far in to the future.

No more pensions (unless youre a CEO, in which youll get a raise)

No more protection of private sector (These people put out our fires, keep the electricity on, teach our children...basically umm EVERYTHING important)

Privatize it ALL, let em reap what they sow.

Vote Republican again, I dare you. (Talk about 2012!)

Democrats really are no better, for letting them get off on us the way they do..

Holy crap, sorry. Ive been raised around 'Red's my whole life, Ive seen the destruction that mentality causes. Believe me, that way of life will bring about the end of human existence on this planet if we are not careful. They know it, and they get off on the fact.

"Some men just want to see the world burn"


komrade komura

Active member
Wife and I are discussing Wanee right now....hahaha...thanks for the reminder.

Might be a nice way to spend the weekend...see the Allman's twice, Taj Mahal, Robert Plant.

Hope that my ipod can drown out Steve Miller....fly like a fucking eagle...psychedelic music for adolescents. Much prefer 'In memory of Elizabeth Reed'.

We will check the camping gear status tomorrow afternoon and make the call.

Ioni Botani

Wife and I are discussing Wanee right now....hahaha...thanks for the reminder.

Might be a nice way to spend the weekend...see the Allman's twice, Taj Mahal, Robert Plant.

Hope that my ipod can drown out Steve Miller....fly like a fucking eagle...psychedelic music for adolescents.

HAhaAHAHahah! Spoken like a champ. Had to put it up, just in case there were any takers out there ;)

Won't mind me some Midnight Rider, however!
Always wanted to see Robert Plant too, love me some Zepp...all I need is at least one cover and I'll be set. :D

Suwannee is beautiful... But watch out for undercovers.

Dawn Patrol

Well this is some bullshit right here.....
I am a parent of a murdered child and I need my meds to keep me level. I tried the usual anti-depressants (lexapro) and it made me suicidal. Florida has no compassion whatsoeveer for the sick/desperate/dying.

evlme2 - you do, and have done a lot for ICMag and this group in particular. Your contributions are greatly appreciated and you have my deepest sympathy for what you've been through.

Best wishes for your future plans, I sincerely hope things work out for the best.

Dawn Patrol

Well this is some bullshit right here.....
Vote Republican again, I dare you. (Talk about 2012!)

Democrats really are no better, for letting them get off on us the way they do..IonI

You're dead on Bro, but KK said it best:

Originally Posted by komrade komura
democrats make me ashamed to be an american.
republicans make me ashamed to be a fucking human being.

Graham Purwatt

evlme2 - you do, and have done a lot for ICMag and this group in particular. Your contributions are greatly appreciated and you have my deepest sympathy for what you've been through.

Best wishes for your future plans, I sincerely hope things work out for the best.
well said and i am sure all the regulars to this thread, myself included feel the same evl.


evlme2 - you do, and have done a lot for ICMag and this group in particular. Your contributions are greatly appreciated and you have my deepest sympathy for what you've been through.

Best wishes for your future plans, I sincerely hope things work out for the best.



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Yeh Evlme2 I know you got to do what ya gotta do and roll on up out the sunshine state. I have plans myself in the near future. Good Karma forever bro you deserve it for all the good you did. Here is a nug shot for ya of some Strawberry Diesel 99. I have a thread semi thread of diffrent stages of the plants life in the Ganesh forum. Hope you Floriders enjoy.....




Active member
Anybody going to Wanee?

Allman Brothers
Robert Plant
Steve Miller
Among others.

Wanting to.Seems to be the only damn time or place to hook up with good ole uncle sid.I don't understand how some thing such as "uncle sid" is so hard to come by now a days......what da fook!Where in the hell did it all go?Used to be all over.Now mofos are lookin to get $12-15 each!WoWzzErS

Stay safe everyone.

komrade komura

Active member
Ioni - thanks for the heads up on the undercover. Iolite vaporiser makes it fairly stealthy when in a crowd. But the MK Ultra I've been smoking is gonna stink no matter how I burn it. Less than 20gs is da rule I guess.

To see Plant sing Kashmir again would be great. I survived several Zep tours back in the 70's.

Guest 18340

Thank you for the well wishes everyone:thank you:
It was twelve years ago and with the help of MJ I've had the chance to glue myself back together somewhat.
Being a Mod here gives me something to do and keeps my mind occupied.
I had to learn to grow mj in order to save my own life. And it was a long/expensive learning process. I gladly share everything I've learned so that others don't make those same mistakes.
Anyway, gonna be a beautiful day today:jump:

komrade komura

Active member
Friday night - BBQ party at our house. Quite a few people coming over, one couple staying over night. Just what this reclusive paranoid person loves....hahaha. Early lights out for the girls tonight.

Wife is a people person. Not very thrilled with my security briefing last night.

'What's the 1st rule of fight club?'...hahaha.

komrade komura

Active member
Yo Evlme2...glad you got an escape plan in place. Where ya looking to land?

In a couple of years you're gonna have to come to spain and help me set up, once we reach escape velocity.

komrade komura

Active member
Just wondering:

If the government shuts down....does this mean that the DEA shuts down?


If you don't get paid, but are forced to work anyway...isn't that slavery?

Me thinks that our troops should consider going on strike. I can't support paid killers, in the mafia or in the mafia we call our government. At least a strike would reduce the body count.

Shut the bitch down.

Left Liberal wife disagrees with me....but then I am so far to the left, Tea Party people mistake me for an ally for a minute or two.

After a brief discussion, they want to send me to GITMO....hahaha. They can't understand direct democracy and libertarian socialism....fucking retards.

We remain:
One nation under greed, with liberty and justice for OIL.

Guest 88950

if you plan on carrying multiple strains keep it in the same bag / container. if a MM amount of cannabis is in multiple packages then its considered poss w/ intent = felony.

ill carry multiple strains when gone, for a.m. / p.m., but always keep it in 1 container.
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