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Florida Growers Thread

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Guest 88950

with questionable PC you might have something in court but its going to cost ya.

they are lying fuckers, dont trust them ever. a sad thing is a good high school friend changed carrers b/c no work and hes a cop in north georgia now. when most other industries are struggling leo's & prisons are hiring.

Graham Purwatt

on a lighter note,i went to my second substance abuse class today. i learned that i have messed my life up with my addiction to nicotine and have hurt those i care about by being addicted to nicotine.apparently according to my counselor, it has led to me being in these classes and i need to come to terms with my addiction and apologise to my friends and family for it.i'm sorry to all my fellow florida growers if it has affected you. i was also told last week that i am addicted to money for commiting a crime to make sure my children had a roof over their heads.i'm such a bastard i guess and an addict:moon: what a joke.

Guest 88950

fuck em. or is it f.u.c.k.e.m.

they only want the money! gotta keep that racket going.

Guest 18340

I thought you guys might find this article interesting. 5 out of 6 New England state were rated top ten peaceful places to live.
Florida ranks as the 4th LEAST peaceful state. No surprise their huh...


Study: Maine the most peaceful U.S. state, Louisiana the least
By Brett Michael Dykes


A study by the Institute for Economics and Peace finds that Maine is the most peaceful state in the country, while Louisiana is the least peaceful.

The inaugural United States Peace Index purports to be the first state-by-state ranking of America based on levels of peace. The group's standard for measuring a state's serenity was rather simple: "absence of violence." Using data compiled from the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the FBI and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the group focused on homicide rates, percentage of population that is jailed, availability of small arms, number of police officers and overall violent crime rate.

And despite what you may think, with all the mass public protests going on around the country in the last couple of years, the index claims that America is getting more peaceful as a whole, with neither Republican nor Democratic states having any sort of an advantage over each other.

"The USPI report reveals that peace in the United States has improved since 1995 primarily driven by a substantial decrease in homicide and violent crime," the IEP says on its website, adding that "peace is significantly correlated with factors related to economic opportunity, education and health."

The group lists the ten most peaceful states in order as: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Minnesota, North Dakota, Utah, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Iowa, and Washington. And here are the least (also in order, with Louisiana leading the unrest): Louisiana, Tennessee, Nevada, Florida, Alabama, Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Maryland.

It's worth noting that Louisiana was ranked as the laziest U.S. state in a separate study last year. Apparently, kicking back and taking it easy doesn't amount to a life of calm in the eyes of some, though many Louisianians, this reporter among them, would probably argue that they're not lazy or non-peaceful, just misunderstood.

Graham Purwatt

must be the snow lol, most of the most peaceful are cold places,most of the least peaceful have a pretty warm climate


komrade komura

Active member
Funny shit about Louisiana. Shooting them crawfish with a 9mm.

I have heard nice things about Vermont...and the cannabis laws in Maine are just a dream...although their governor is a complete retard.

California...didn't make the best or worst list.

Throwing out Utah as a theocracy state and as such a statistical outlier...one thing sticks out: Hotter locales have more violence.

But Evlme2...you planning on leaving the police state later in the year....really? Heading off to colder climates with friendlier laws? Driving in snow sucks....a garage is a must!!

Guest 88950

alabama, arkansas and oklahoma are in the worst 10 states...WTF goes down there to put them ahead of Cali and their gang / border wars.

i guess you have to watch your back in Little Rock, Mountian Home, Dothan, Birmingham, Oklahoma City and Tulsa?

Guest 88950

true, i guess your some what safe as long as they are aiming at you. its the innocent bystanders that get shot.

still, cali not on the least peaceful list is beyond me.

Green lung

Active member
alabama, arkansas and oklahoma are in the worst 10 states...WTF goes down there to put them ahead of Cali and their gang / border wars.

i guess you have to watch your back in Little Rock, Mountian Home, Dothan, Birmingham, Oklahoma City and Tulsa?

Ghettos and trailer parks........not good for peace

Graham Purwatt

hell i've spent time in alabama,working in dothan,montgomery,enterprise and troy and it was one of the quietest,most polite places i've ever been.

Ioni Botani

alabama, arkansas and oklahoma are in the worst 10 states...WTF goes down there to put them ahead of Cali and their gang / border wars.

i guess you have to watch your back in Little Rock, Mountian Home, Dothan, Birmingham, Oklahoma City and Tulsa?

It also said, "% incarcerated, number of police, amount of guns"

These are bible belt states; thus more police enforcement and guns = LESS PEACEFUL.

Im pretty sure you'd get thrown in jail in those states for nearly nothing to further the prison-industrial complex...NOT going to happen in Cali. because the cops there KNOW better.

These un-educated backwoods cops (Most of which didn't even graduate High School) have no idea what TRUE crime really is...

It is actually THEM that are creating the truly hardened criminals.


Guest 18340

Funny shit about Louisiana. Shooting them crawfish with a 9mm.

I have heard nice things about Vermont...and the cannabis laws in Maine are just a dream...although their governor is a complete retard.

California...didn't make the best or worst list.

Throwing out Utah as a theocracy state and as such a statistical outlier...one thing sticks out: Hotter locales have more violence.

But Evlme2...you planning on leaving the police state later in the year....really? Heading off to colder climates with friendlier laws? Driving in snow sucks....a garage is a must!!
Oh yeah, leaving at the end of summer to head back up north.
I was born in NY and raised in NJ so cold weather/snow is no stranger to me. I can't risk my freedom anymore. Florida tried to "case me up" 5 years ago, extradited me down from Mass.
I really don't see things getting better down here anytime soon as far as MJ goes.
I am a parent of a murdered child and I need my meds to keep me level. I tried the usual anti-depressants (lexapro) and it made me suicidal. Florida has no compassion whatsoeveer for the sick/desperate/dying.
On a lighter note, here's a shot of some GG a good friend harvested two weeks ago...

Ioni Botani

Ghettos and trailer parks........not good for peace

This is a big one too, low income rates. If all you got is a dead end job, and all that's around are LIQUOR stores, and GUN shops....well OF COURSE your gunna get drunk and do some stupid shit with guns. ESPECIALLY if ya got nuthin' to lose...

These states aren't actually POOR, its the Republican 'leadership' that is pooling money at the top, with BIG business.

JUST KEEP ON GIVING 'EM TAX CUTS, see what happens.

Don't be fooled, WE will NEVER make enough to qualify for these tax cuts. They just want you to think that you could MAYBE one day be rich enough that YOU won't have to pay.


NO TAXES for the poor (150,000 annually and less)


Problem solved.

But this will never happen.

Not with people like BOEHNER calling shots.

Guy is a fucking orange retard, a pawn for big business.

Same with TEA partiers. Ever heard of the KOCH brothers?!


komrade komura

Active member
Ioni...well said bro....orange retard...love that one!!!

Since the supreme court ruled that corporations are entities with rights just like people...then I reckon that they should also be subject to criminal laws and the death penalty. BP on death row would make it seems fair....after all 11 dead people when there was a conscious decision of profits over safety...smells like murder to me.

Reminded me of one of my favourite rants by the late George Carlin:


Evlme2 - understand where you coming from. Freedom is a crap shoot down here at best...a losing hand at worst. I am trying to get my family outta da country...fuck it, I've had enough of paying to kill brown skinned people for their natural resources. And I don't like being around people carrying guns, unless I have one too....and that is particularly true when it is a cop. Some cities in the US, you are more likely to be killed by the bullet from a cop's gun than from any other weapon.

Holy shit bro...didn't know about your child. You have my deepest sympathies...no parent should ever experience that and I don't think I could cope at all.

But the GG looks soooooo purdy! Still showing a good bit of purple in dem buds...makes me want welches Grape Juice.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I don't know why but that Gorilla Grape reminds me of Fruity Pebbles. Good work keep it rolling.......The Internet, television, and music has brought what we think of slow country state up to par with the fast city life. The country folks seem to have more to prove since there is less going on. So that equals more trouble to make and get into. Plus a lot of city folks has migrated to the country and hill side looking for a cheaper way of living. Over time their city ways and corrupted the minds of the good old hospitality of the country folks. So no surprise to me these particular states mention are ranked the way they are.
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