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Florida Growers Thread

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the bill doesnt say a "patient" can grow there own anywhere in it ,it also says the gov/leo can overrule ur script if they feel like it :noway:
like i said n the thread about the bill im happy sumthins happenin but i liked pufmm's bill better this 1 seems written for a monopoly on the market the minute we get 1 :yoinks:
bill is very vauge and leaves alotta wiggle room for leo

how can gov/leo the choice to decide that what the doc say i need is excessive? :no:

but i am glad to atleast c sumthin happenin down here legal or not ima grower and plan to stay that way :cool:

stay safe

Dawn Patrol

Well this is some bullshit right here.....
We're not on the cutting edge of MM here in FLA, and we have a bald headed dildo that raped the health system for his own personal gain to the tune of millions of dollars as a governor.

There will never be a Medical Marijuana bill passed in this state that allows personal grows, there are too many big pharma interests in Florida trying to sell existing drugs to old folks that will see to that.

I've lived here almost all my life and I want to see MM laws like Cali, but I'm afraid that will never happen. If MM is legalized, it will be with the stipulation that we buy our medicine from the "approved" (read "We paid for the approval in billions of dollars in campaign contributions and kickbacks/bribes!") pharmaceutical sources and nowhere else. I expect that personal cultivation will still be a crime and possession beyond your normal 30 day prescriptions dosage will also be illegal.

We are growing crops here - if the possession of more than a 30 day supply of wheat/oats/tomatoes/etc were illegal, how would man survive?

Guest 88950

...but i am glad to atleast c sumthin happenin down here legal or not ima grower and plan to stay that way :cool:

stay safe


regardless of what occures, MMJ will come to vote in fla within a few yrs.

i understand the cynical view point but now that patents prove that there are medicinal properties of cannabis no court is going to deny me my right to grow my own, especially since the fl supreme court has already upheld a patients right to grow/posess cannabis for medicinal use.

is the state going to continue to waste tax dollars regarding medical cannabis by arresting patients, convicting them and then upon an appeal at the fl supreme court level overturning the lower court's conviction or will they finally address the issue w/o prejudice.

im hoping the latter.

Dawn Patrol

Well this is some bullshit right here.....

I truly hope you are right and that we can all finally grow and medicate without fear of prosecution, but I'm afraid our good ole boy political system is too conservative and too corrupt for that to happen anytime soon. the current proposed legislation is not what the average smoker needs or wants, here are a few links:




At this point we're only taking about a referendum to put MM to a vote and while that is a huge first step, there will have to be a lot of work done after that to get Cali-style laws on the books.

If we really want to change things, we will all have to become more politically active and take more risks to affect those changes. That's going to mean contacting your state congressmen and representatives and hounding them unmercifully so they know exactly what we want and need and don't let big pharma into the picture in any way.



Active member
ill be glad some ppl will be protected :yes:
but i think ive been hittn to much oil cuz i c scripp's research gettn the the green light to b fl's med producer/distributer as they have been workin with our plant for years now and have been workin on usin it for a treatment to Alzheimer's Disease and where better than FL to produce and market ur product
from there site- Scripps Florida, whose researchers focus on basic biomedical science, drug discovery, and technology development.
about there research with our plant

like i said im stretchn pretty far but i dont trust it when a gov offical comes up with a bill for mmj instead of usin the 1 the ppl wrote/have shown support for (the pufmm bill) that already had 1000's of sigs :chin:

stay safe and enjoy the great weather this weekend

Guest 88950


thx for the links but i have yet to see a proposed bill and any bill has to be passed with a 60% super majority vote by our fl legislators and since the majority are Republicans a CALI - Style MMJ bill would never fly here.

personally, Cali is why there is so much opposition to MMJ and a disgrace to true medical users everywhere. there are other models that would be better suited for a Republican led state. Colorado for example has a model that has a better chance of making it into law here.


i agree, i wish PUFMM was leading this charge but thats not the case. i dont see any large publicly owned company dominating the MMJ field until Cannabis is Federally re-scheduled to a Class II controlled substance.

as a patient i will never trust a pharmaceutical company to provide my cannabis related meds. ill grow my own regardless of the law.

at least things are rolling in the right direction.

Ioni Botani

I agree, Cali's 'not for profit' laws would make growing a nightmare, Colorado's 'for profit' laws would make it (how do you say..?) an enterprise much more 'worth your while'! Lol.

Either way.


dj digigrow

Active member
Got my spot/ spots that I'm gonna run this year..
Quick question, what would you guys reccomend, planting directly in the ground with newspaper bottom or in a buried growbag?
Spot is great, got 500 -800 acres of preserved land near me had tp go under a barbedwire fence to get there. walked for miles, no footprints, no trails, no trash... almost too good...lol no water anywhere nearby though.. so that's gonna really limit my #'s... how do you guys get water to your spots?
I remember seeing someone catching the rainwater into lol pools he made with pondliner.. any help would be great......


Game Bred
Got my spot/ spots that I'm gonna run this year..
Quick question, what would you guys reccomend, planting directly in the ground with newspaper bottom or in a buried growbag?
Spot is great, got 500 -800 acres of preserved land near me had tp go under a barbedwire fence to get there. walked for miles, no footprints, no trails, no trash... almost too good...lol no water anywhere nearby though.. so that's gonna really limit my #'s... how do you guys get water to your spots?
I remember seeing someone catching the rainwater into lol pools he made with pondliner.. any help would be great......
i grew many years in that same type of area(i recognize the local flora) and will tell you now bury 5 gal buckets with the bottoms cut out!
mix in some sort of water retention stuff in yo soil.
make sure you have not crossed into fed land(the military bases are huge and unmarked up there)
plant 3X what you want to harvest.
hit me with ?s about the soil...

dj digigrow

Active member
i grew many years in that same type of area(i recognize the local flora) and will tell you now bury 5 gal buckets with the bottoms cut out!
mix in some sort of water retention stuff in yo soil.
make sure you have not crossed into fed land(the military bases are huge and unmarked up there)
plant 3X what you want to harvest.
hit me with ?s about the soil...
I'm ordering watercrystals tomm.
I have 5gal. Grow bags that ill be using,
No water nearby at all..


Game Bred
the sandy soil there is FULL of tannic acid from the pine needles,so dig your hole double and backfill with your treated soil to prevent your Ph from sinking.
that shit will leach through your bags and fuck your shit up!

for fun try running a plant up those pine trees with a pulley and rope.
i ran a few that way BITD


Hiya Floridians :wave:

Been looking into the Ceramic Metal Halide bulbs. Any of yall use these? Do they run cooler than an hps? Been searching, but can't find a straight answer.

:thank you:


Game Bred

bear catch salmon

salmon jutsu means no tackle necessary

mmmmmm yummy!!!!

wanted to show my FL brothers why i love my new home!

in reality im just trying to get BOO to come visit ;)


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