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Florida Growers Thread

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Dawn Patrol

Well this is some bullshit right here.....
After several years of illness, my son-in-law took his own life Sunday morning. He leaves behind my daughter and two children.

I am back in New Orleans helping put the remaining pieces back together.

Apologies as my contributions will be intermittent for the next short while. Major decisions need to be made now.

Hope all are well, safe and stoned.

Please raise your next joint, bong, bowl or vape bag for my lost son-in-law, Matt. He will be missed by family and friends.

komrade komura

My deepest condolences as I'm late to the proceedings, but burning down a bowl in honor of Matt and you KK.

Peace, Love and the strength to handle the cards you've been dealt my friend.


Well-known member
Simply HYdro

Welcome Elbarracho.
I ( or we) saw your post a couple of weeks ago, and most of us knew right off the bat who you were referring to.
First let me say that I've met Alan ( the owner), he's a great guy, heck so are his employees.

Wait for it......

BUT, he at this point KNOWS that his Largo store is being watched and that ALL who enter are in grave jeopardy. Hell even his employees are in danger and HAVE been arrested ( not smart, seeing as he had to of known).

99% of the people who go there aren't there to grow fresh tomatoes or hot peppers. There new to this and there fore have no clue what there about to get in to.

And Alan, if your reading this ( I know you might be), MOVE...get a wider range of product like at your other store....make some kind of change to lessen the danger for the uninformed for gods sake.

And to Det. Peppermichael, WHY could it not have been you recently , instead of those Honorable men just down south a bit?
Your a first class piece of shit. You know damn well that you aren't getting "big fish", your getting beginners whos homes and property you can seize without the danger of REAL police work. PUSSY.

I HOPE that there is justice in this world and you die a painful, long, alone and meaningless death. Really. I wept for those men and there families, you I would laugh and give money to your assailants defense.

Sorry, for my rant....now back to lurking about in the shadows....


Well-known member
Damn, I should really not post before I've had a chance to smoke one in the AM.:nono::cuss::crazy:

I am by NO MEANS advocating violence, just the ravings of a lunatic citizen who's tired of seeing the Constitution trashed.

P.S. K.K. my thoughts have been with you and yours, there are no words....


Active member
good to know evil! thanks for that post! i havent seen smart meters in my area but its good to know that if they come i wont really need to change my setup..
btw ive got ur c99 in flower, week 4 :D.

Guest 18340

Watch out for her Relentless, she'll stretch like a mofo. But she's also a great yielder:)


Hey FLA,

Haven't checked in on you guys in a few months. All I have to say is fuck Rick Scott. Asshole steals millions from the state to buy a position in power.

I'll pop in to rant about this ass clown in another couple months.

Sorry to vent,


ps - Stay strong komrade komura... that too shall pass
Hey FLA,

Haven't checked in on you guys in a few months. All I have to say is fuck Rick Scott. Asshole steals millions from the state to buy a position in power.

I'll pop in to rant about this ass clown in another couple months.

Sorry to vent,


ps - Stay strong komrade komura... that too shall pass

Great post we must be neighbors if your talkin about Rick Scott.I agree 100%

Anyway I havnt checked on my fellow Fl growers in a while How is everyone.
Anyone notice the crazy amounts of Sour Diesel around? Its not bad and seems to be everywhere.

I was considering starting to grow outside again. Havnt done so for many years and it was before I really knew how to grow.

Can anyone tell me what is the best time to put the plants outside?
And what month do you usually harvest from a indica dom strain?
thanks for any help I appreciate it


Active member
i veg indoors and flower out so anything i put out hasnt veggd outside at all everything goes into flower no matter what time of year it is as soon as its put out :chin: i dont know the best time for seeds but i belive anythig started the end of this month to mid of may does pretty good and if satty dom sould get huge with the spring showers/sun

stay safe

komrade komura

Active member
Thanks for all the well wishes lads...family is piecing the parts back together slowly.

Routines change...daughter is working hard at her job to avoid thinking...microscopic reminders everywhere. I finished off his Diet Dr. Pepper at last. Set up 529 education accounts for grandkids and funded them.

We took my grandkids to their first mardi gras parade sunday...corner of Bourbon and Canal at the edge of the french quarter. My wife's first mardi gras parade too. A pleasant distraction involving beads, stuffed animals, uneaten strawberry pancakes and lots of chocolate milk.

As a father, it is frustrating that I can't fix this one and my little girl is so sad.

Here for weeks waiting for work permit renewal, but 6 weeks ain't enough to even do a run.

However I know a hot little wife who could easily finish it.

Not sure I will use the work permit once it is renewed...kinda depends on the state of daughter unit...and the humanity of my corporate slave owners.

I am smoking some GHS cheese my wife grew last year and damn if she didn't cure it well...not the strongest bud but a nice quality high....body stone and sativa spacey head too. She could finish off a little grow easily....hmmmm, me thinking a sweetie-do list is in order...hahaha.

I sent her a packet of SS Chronic Fems last year to start. However, she wouldnt consider popping them because she had plenty from the her two cheese plants harvest...hahaha. I advised against that strategy. It's time to restock her stash.

Toasted, that c99 oil looks so lovely. Why is it so light? The only oil I ever see is much darker. Is this the result of the genetics, the process, or both? Clueless about oils....except for the effect.

Would love to grow outdoors again. Back corner of the garden a couple of large shrubs in bloom. Yummy.

That sucks about the local store being watched...I have never been in a store yet for any gear. Online only and always outta state. Wish we would organise and fight back.

Tunisia, Cairo, Libya, Wisconsin...florida?

Does anyone notice the resemblance between the florida governor and the guy who shot all those people in Arizona? Same bald head and a look that says: critical parts missing.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Nice pics toast especially that sizzling oil. Here a some shots of what I call Black Cindy( The Black Clone X Mosca C99 BX1) shes at 30days. Hoping the C99 cuts the time a lot and holds the yield of The Black. If she smells intense like pineapples during the end might have to change the name to Black Pineapples lol. She stretches like hell.




Active member
Gsizzle-great shots looks very tasty :good:

KK- its mostly the strain

from left to right its ecsd,medi ,c99 scraped to early and c99 scraped after everything evap'd :yummy: u can c the diff in the c99 between fresh scrape and purge'd scrape

stay safe


From everything that I see in here the weed looks AMAZING but where does it all go? Certainly not coming my way that's for sure. All i can find beasters looking commercial.

Guest 88950

jgrow, u been a member here since '09 and your still buying beasters?

why, not in a place to grow? do a stealth micro grow or gorilla grow somewhere, there are options.

all mine goes in my lungs so none of my meds hit the street.


Game Bred
jgrow, u been a member here since '09 and your still buying beasters?

why, not in a place to grow? do a stealth micro grow or gorilla grow somewhere, there are options.

all mine goes in my lungs so none of my meds hit the street.


ffs man do a pc cab or sumptin!!!!


Any Of You Been Following

Any Of You Been Following

Florida Gets Medical Marijuana Bill


TALLAHASSEE - A state lawmakers is working on legalizing medical marijuana in Florida.
Rep. Jeff Clemens has filed legislation that would allow Floridians to vote on a constitutional amendment about medicinal marijuana.

It's the first-ever bill that tries to legalize the medical use of marijuana in Florida.

Clemens believes it makes no sense to allow people to use powerful prescription drugs like Oxycontin, Methadone and Percocet, but ban them from using a natural herb to treat an illness.

He says seven people are dying every day in Florida from those prescription drugs, but no one has died from cannabis.

Under his bill, medicinal cannabis could only be prescribed to people suffering debilitating medical conditions. It would also give protections to people who grow marijuana for medical purposes.

Cathy Jordan, who has lived with A.L.S for nearly 25 years, says she uses marijuana to treat her illness. She says she's been able to survive Lou Gehrig's Disease because of medicinal marijuana.

"Cannabis is a neuro-protector, anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory. I know this because the federal government has the patent," Jordan said.

Other advocates say there is much research supporting the safety of cannabis.

---EXTRA SOT--- Mary Lynn Mathre/ "Patients Out of Time" :)15) (Mathre is a registered nurse with 35 years of experience who says there is much research supporting the safety of cannabis)

"The plant can provide much pain relief from suffering, and greatly improves the quality of lives of any patients," said Mary Lynn Mathre, with Patients Out of Time, a medical marijuana advocacy group. "Patients are in desperate need of this medicine. We don't need more research. We welcome more research but the patients need this medicine now."

Clemens argues medical marijuana is a much safer alternative to prescription narcotics.

"We have a lot of people suffering here in the state of Florida and I don't think we need to be telling them that prescription narcotics are the way to go when we have other more natural avenues for them," he said.

The bill also says insurance companies would not be required to cover medicinal cannabis and employers would not be required to accommodate its use in the workplace.

Clemens says 15 other states have passed similar legislation. The bill has not been assigned to a committee for a hearing, and faces long odds in the conservative legislature.

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