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Florida Growers Thread

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easy trim if your trimming a few buds...they grow large in these parts

artist, no...just enjoy what I do but I'll take that as a complement

y'all keep under the radar and you'll live free to tell about it


Just wanted to drop in and pay my respects to you Floridians. Going tarpon fishing after work with a few bong rips is a life I dream of. I absolutely love Florida's natural beaty, perhaps more than any place on Earth. Alas, my testicles are not made of steel; the laws scare me too much. I wouldn't even be able to enjoy myself. I'd be paranoid at all times.

Real shame. Anyway, respect for living your lives undeterred amidst the chaos! Keep it green!

Ioni Botani

...burning spliffs does more for world peace than burning korans.


Put a big fucking target on Florida why dontcha...?
Close minded idiots.


BIG UPS for my 420th post being in the FLA Growers Thread!
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Ioni Botani








Guest 18340

What will Florida try and ban next...

What will Florida try and ban next...


Florida officials want to ban so-called "legal weed," packs of herbs treated with chemicals that mimic the high of marijuana and have sent a rising number of smokers to emergency rooms.

The herbs are sold as incense in head shops and hookah bars under brand names such as K2 and Spice. They've become popular in the past year among teens and young adults who want legal substitutes for pot.

Doctors said some legal weed smokers have been stricken by short-lived yet potentially serious side effects, such as racing heartbeat, high blood pressure, agitation, panic attacks, severe vomiting and occasionally fevers as high as 106.

"We've seen a couple really bad things," said Richard Weisman, director of the Florida Poison Information Center at the University of Miami. "If you had asked about this at this time last year, we wouldn't have known what you were talking about."

The Miami poison center logged about 50 cases of side effects from legal weed, none before May. Florida's other centers in Tampa and Jacksonville reported a few cases each. Nationally, 1,259 cases have been reported so far this year compared to 14 last year, said the American Association of Poison Control Centers.

Although no one's tracking the severity of illnesses caused by legal weed in Florida, a check of news reports shows a 17-year-old girl was found unresponsive on the ground and hospitalized in June near Tallahassee after smoking K2. Officials in Iowa contend that K2 may have contributed to a teen's suicide.

Florida's drug control director, Bruce Grant, said he and the state Drug Policy Advisory Council will ask the Legislature next year to add synthetic marijuana products to the state's list of illegal drugs — as at least 11 other states have done.

"They are psychoactive and intoxicating, and they are a risk if you use them and drive," Grant said. "Law enforcement knows this is an issue, but their hands are tied."

Those who sell and smoke legal weed say authorities are overreacting to rare problems with products they call generally harmless.

"We've heard nothing bad about it whatsoever," said Jay Work, who sells Spice at Grateful J's Deadhead Shops in Margate and Boca Raton. "It's an incense. It's labeled as not for human consumption. What people do with it after they leave, I don't know. It's like inhaling [cleaning spray] for your computer. People abuse a lot of things. You can't ban everything."

Carlos, a Tamarac student who asked that his full name not be used, said he smoked legal weed items called Mr. Nice Guy and Blaze after he was arrested for pot possession.

"It's just as good as regular marijuana, and it's cheaper, too, and it's legal," said Carlos, who was sent by a drug court to the Starting Place treatment center in Plantation. "I like it a lot. I can control it, and I can moderate it. I would like it to stay legal."

The weed products abound on the Internet, along with at least one online petition urging government officials not to ban it.

Legal herbs for smoking have been around for decades, but a new generation came out a few years ago using synthetic cannabinoids called JWH 018, CP 4797 and HU-210, developed in labs to imitate THC, the active ingredient in pot.

Makers spray the chemicals on herbs and sell them under brand names such as Zohai, Jamaican Gold Bud, Orange Krush, Black Magic, Serenity Now, California Dreams, Armageddon, King Krypto, Spike 99 and Bombay Blue. Officials worry because there's no control over what's really in the products.

K2 and Spice are the most common. They caught on in Europe, then spread to the United States. They're not cheap. K2 sells for $30 to $35 for a three-gram packet, or $170 an ounce.

A few South Florida head shops stopped selling K2 after incidents earlier in the year led to bans in Kansas, Kentucky, North Dakota and eight other states. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration calls K2 a "drug of concern" but has not banned it.

Because few blood tests can detect legal weed, it is catching on with people trying to kick addictions to other drugs, said Kevin Bandy, adolescent outpatient coordinator at the Hanley Center treatment program in West Palm Beach. The Starting Place has the same problem, Chief Executive Joel Kaufman said.

"I have seen this drug be a complicating factor for people trying to get clean, trying to get sober," Bandy said. "It will be hard to control. If they ban one of these, they'll just change the name and keep going."


Active member
That stuff is all over the place down under.. i've seen some demon(deamon) stuff in a black package sell for 60 an 1/8th.. the g-stations are making a killing selling the cheap stuff at 10 a g and 20 a g for the "better" stuff..

shit looks like various spices i have on my seasoning rack:laughing:

IMO the one thing that has made it blow up in the states is the amount of people on papers for drug charges..

never tried it and don't plan to just like brick weed:tiphat:

Ioni Botani

Yes, and why would you try that shit? We have access to a safe alternative that has little to NO side effects.
It's just illegal....here.
However people in MANY other states are using it as a medicine, allowing the local economies to collect literally MILLIONS in revenues.

But us 'Floridians' (IE money mongering right-wing extremely Ummmm 'Reborn' Politicians) don't have the cunning to realize that something like 25% do or would prefer to smoke Cannabis.


I believe it has something to do with the number of elderly in Fla. Florida a MAJOR source of revenue for: Health Care, Hospitals, Rehabilitation Centers, etc. We couldn't have the majority of old folks realize that most of their current issues (mostly solved..and started.. by pill after pill) could be resolved by smoking a simple herb......THAT THEY CAN GROW THEMSELVES.
(Don't even get me STARTED on Cancer.)



Well-known member

A little shout out to all my Fl brothers.....evil, ioni, Komrad,dagnamit, IGYB, Boo, Gsizzle,Tropical,SuperSilverHaze,Dawn Patrol, spicoli......hope I didn't miss anyone.

Been laying low ( I've gotten a new perspective on it), and expanding my "Facilities".
I've added another 3' x 9' box, that I've moved my veging into for now, and opened my 5x5 from two too one box. Also added another 600w for 1800w in the day, and 600w at night.
Next big move is to Coco, the hydrotron is a bit of a pain in the ass to deal with and I hear such great things about it. I'm not sure how it will affect the TMV infection I've gotten, it's really been kicking my ass. I just had to cut down three plants in there third week of flower due to them being flat out fucked up.

I'll get some pic up this evening of the new box and some kick ass QWISO I made last weekend!


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Good to see ya still around and hanging in there even with your mishaps. Stay safe and keep it rolling buddy.....

Guest 88950

MK, layin low too and trying hard not to use all the space i have to expand. im not good a practicing restraint, just look at my empty jar of meds.

while some of the lucky fucks in Cali are pissin' and moaning over the MIN 25 sq ft proposed in prop19 we are living with the reality of being fucked for going over 25 plants.

its hard to keep a few diff strains going perpetually, keeping clones and mothers and stay under 25. jackass mccollum and his propagandist belief got us the current situation and im glad Billionaire scott put him out of the race for Governor.

if your going over 25 then go WAY over, jmo.


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
If your goin over 25 stay under 100 aleast, thats when it becomes a federal offense. Then your really really fucked(if they get ya), instead of being just fucked for 24.

On a lighter note hope everyone is safe and stoned to the bone, Enjoying some Coastal Chemage (coastal collision x chemage) myself:D peace


Game Bred
That stuff is all over the place down under.. i've seen some demon(deamon) stuff in a black package sell for 60 an 1/8th.. the g-stations are making a killing selling the cheap stuff at 10 a g and 20 a g for the "better" stuff..

shit looks like various spices i have on my seasoning rack:laughing:

IMO the one thing that has made it blow up in the states is the amount of people on papers for drug charges..

never tried it and don't plan to just like brick weed:tiphat:
a dispensary near me i saw they had brick for BHOing..
bought an oz for nostalgia...
right back to 1988...van halen blasting...snuck off behind a sand dune on pensacola beach..girlfriend whips out a tampax...i whip out a sack 'o brick....

the rest is history...

Guest 88950

Spicoli, im staying under 25 but i like Heath Robinsons new thread where hes growin trees in small #'s. im not interested in growing monsters b/c it would be too much for me to tie trees up b/c im in a wheelchair so im staying with smaller plants, short & wide bushes.

im not interested in getting near the federal limit b/c i cant argue medical necessity unless its at the state level.
That stuff is all over the place down under.. i've seen some demon(deamon) stuff in a black package sell for 60 an 1/8th.. the g-stations are making a killing selling the cheap stuff at 10 a g and 20 a g for the "better" stuff..

shit looks like various spices i have on my seasoning rack:laughing:

IMO the one thing that has made it blow up in the states is the amount of people on papers for drug charges..

never tried it and don't plan to just like brick weed:tiphat:

they got that shit in every gas station here 10 buck a dime 20 a quad its crazy it says not 4 human consumption its orioma therpy(fucked spelling up lol) shits nuts fuck that ill jus smoke some weed thanks
shits called red majic they have kush flavor an like ten others black mamumba ect..
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