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I looked On Google

I looked On Google

Rooster, nice pics. i hope your seeds pop, GREEN MOJO

on 10/8 i put 8 seeds in a wet papertowel and put in a ziplock baggie and 3 days later 3 popped. one has sprouted this morning, it must be the good vibes playing from JJ Grey & Mofro..........Lochloosa www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SHZlqfuFz0&NR=1

the crowd rocked the begenning of this song at the House of Blues a few weeks ago and JJ paid us all back by jamming for a few hours.

I found it:yoinks:
Its just above Ocala And Looks Like My Kind Of Country. And Tha JJ Band Is Sounding Just Great, Thanks For The You Tube Info, I do love some Good Blues

And Thanks Whiskey for The Good Vibes I Always Get When I Read Your Posts Here.


Growth Technology - CLONEX 1 - 0.4 - 1

Growth Technology - CLONEX 1 - 0.4 - 1

Whats Clonex x mixture? I know what Clonex is, whats the mixture part? Or is that Clonex and water?
No, the clonex won't harm the seedlings. I germ in coco as well, (well, I pop them in paper towels them drop them in coco) and my coco has nothing it either. Usually I don't have to give them anything except water until they have a true set of leaves or the little round leaves start turning yellow.
I use a spoon and keep the spot moist where I know the seed is.
Btw, your room is looking nice.

The bottel says to add 2 Tesspoons to A Quart so I just Put 1 Teaspoons to A Gal. of 5.5 Water. So Im hoping that will help out my seeds


Guest 18340

The bottel says to add 2 Tesspoons to A Quart so I just Put 1 Teaspoons to A Gal. of 5.5 Water. So Im hoping that will help out my seeds

Yeah, you'll be fine. Thought you had mixed Clonex with something else.

SSH, I got a lot of respect for you dude, I've seen what severe pain+pain killers can do to a persons soul. K+ for choosing to use MJ instead.
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Guest 88950

my choosing mj was a result of seeing other SCI's legally smoke in cali and in europe. since smoking my lung capacity has increased (reduced risk of pheumonia) all the monster bong rips and since i dont sweat anymore the mj makes me more heat tolorent.

i love being outdoors so tolerating the heat is a must.

another big plus for me is some strains are extremly creative and being in product development thats a huge plus.

thanks for the kind words everyone, we make due with the hand were dealt.

Rooster, glad to turn your ear to some good jams. try out the Black Keys.

WiskeyTango, good luck on your surgery. i feel lucky to have escaped the pain associated with spasms. btw, i love your disclaimer.


Active member
I have had a couple herniated discs for the past 15 years. I don't think my condition is as bad as SSH. I am usually ok as long as I do my exercises everyday. Opiates make me very sick, so I try to get by with mj when I can. If the pain gets too bad I will have to go to an anesthesiologist to have a pain killer injected directly into my spine. That takes a lot of trust because if he is off by half an inch he can hit the spinal cord and cause permanent nerve damage, paralysis.


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
I have had a couple herniated discs for the past 15 years. I don't think my condition is as bad as SSH. I am usually ok as long as I do my exercises everyday. Opiates make me very sick, so I try to get by with mj when I can. If the pain gets too bad I will have to go to an anesthesiologist to have a pain killer injected directly into my spine. That takes a lot of trust because if he is off by half an inch he can hit the spinal cord and cause permanent nerve damage, paralysis.

I just got that done the other day...Had me sore as shit for a few days, ask Snsstealth, I could barely walk...lol. But the injections will help not have to take the pills...I am working on pain-relief specific strain (the Misty x Bunk) that will be a knock down relaxer...I need it, lol...But instead of just mixing shit together, and breeding the hyped strains of the year together...fuck that. There is already 100 people doing that...I wanna make ailment specific strains...hard work Im sure, but its worth it when you believe in what you do, and aren't driven by the $...:rant:

anyhoo...Enjoy the cool weather we are getting this weekend guys!


good evening stonerz...jow we doin tonight...I'm sore as hell, as usual but tonight I see I'm joined by others with a bad back...SSH is certianly one of my heros for toughing it out with his ailments...makes me feel like I'm a baby...I was in 2 clinics in tghe last year asking about remedial work on my spine...I appears the 45 broken bones, falling with half a 'chute from 9500', being shot and stabbed, and 2 years of chemo may have had something to do with hurting all the time...fuck me...
rooster, nice work bro...you may be a new grower but you certianly have listened...very nice set up, just be careful...this island has severe penalties for over 25 plants...you never see daylight again...
OGH my ass, it ain't that hot out there kid...ahahahaha...wait til you aproach geezerhood, the heat fries ya...you doin ok bro...closet is looking good...
whisky...you find that strain and I'm on your doorstep...3 blown discs, stenosis, cracked vert. at L5-S1, sciatica, hot nerve endings flashing pain...lortabs 2x daily for this old man...been takin them for 34 years and the dose hasn't changed...
evl mentioned the k.i.s.s. program...truer words have never been spoken...it's a weed folks, one that is simple to grow but difficult to master...some strains just won't cooperate and turn out twisted...try another but never get discouraged...were all here to help folks...just ask...SSH, the mites will drive ya nuts...I have my arsenal of special forces juice to deal them the death blow and send them straight to hell...I've used 3 ounces in 10 years...damn fine juice...
trop, I do believe it's too late...here today, gone tomorrow...
spicoli...what the hell have you been up to son...
folks, I'm outta here in the afterrnoon with my trusty pal rainman...he's my dog and we travel alot together...tomorrow night we have a date with a large iso ball in the mountians...we have a cabin on the water in the hills and the streetglide is waiting for us...were gonna be gone for the weekend so y'all be safe, enjoy the cool weather, and go gators...


Staying Safe

Staying Safe

Thanks Boo, I will be very carfull and I will Keep My Ear To This Thread For Sure.:listen2: You Guys Are The Coolest:headbange:bow:
Its just the way this Goverment is doing things and the way Work out here is Going. I just have to bite the Bullit and Go All the way and Do what I need to do to Keep the Bill collectors Away from my Door, And A Roof Over Me And My Sons Heads.
So Im All Ears With All The Info I Can Get From You All Here. On Growing And Safty For My Ass To Stay Out:moon: Thats For:angrymod: Im not planing to Meet Him Again.



Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
LOL im here boo...dont worry bout that :D...got some Golden Cindy and Chunk D crosses goin right now....ill get some pics up sometime in the near future...Peace

Guest 88950

Boo, enjoy your mountian High.

Wiskey, below is a recipe from MysticWolf on another forum he runs a patient collective in Mt and his Nirvana Tonic.

“Nirvana Bionic Tonic Recipe”

Items Needed:

1.This Tonic uses 3 specific Nirvana Seed Strains,Full Moon ,White Castle, Aurora Indica

2. 1 Fifth of EverClear.

3. A crock pot or rice cooker with a low setting.

4. 3 paper coffee filters.

5. 1 reusable mesh coffee filter.

6. 1 32 ounce plastic cup with 3 1/16th holes drilled in the bottom.

7. 1 funnel.

8. 1 box activated carbon or charcoal for aquarium.

9. 1 wire coat hanger to bend into a 3 or 4 leg stand for the funnel.

10. 3 mason or well sealing jars, or 1 large sealing jar.

11. Medicine flavoring of your choice. I get cherry from WallGreens.

This recipe uses only dry trim, fan leaves, and stems ,and stalks only NO BUD. It takes a total of 3 ounces of trim which is also 85 grams total.

Here is the trim break down

A. 17 grams of dry Full Moon trim stems and stalk.

B. 34 grams of dry White Castle trim stems and stalk.

C. 34 grams of dry Aurora Indica trim stems and stalk

Step 1. Pre Prep the night before either put all trim in one big jar or 3 small jars it does not matter. Add just enough Ever Clear to fully cover then I use a wooden spoon to crunch stir and work it up then cap and shake vigorously.

The next morning set up your funnel stand and place the funnel in it then set your mesh coffee filter in the funnel and strain the tonic into your crock pot or rice cooker then put the cover on just to stop any evaporation ...Add the rest of the Ever Clear back to the weed use your spoon again work it up then cap and shake. I like to let the second wash sit 15 minutes...Then I strain it off through the filter and funnel into the crock pot or rice cooker ...At this point compress out your wet weed good through the reusable coffee strainer because you want every drop! Then discard the damp weed to your compost pile.

Step two: Take your rice cooker or crock pot out side plug it in turn it on low take the cover off it. Do not smoke or have any open flame near it and let the double washed batched simmer on low for 45 minutes.

Step three: Go inside set up your funnel in your stand again then place one paper coffee filter in it then your clean washed mesh reusable filter then one last paper filter so you have a triple layer filter.

Then go to your sink and pour your box of carbon/charcoal into your cup with the three tiny holes in the bottom and run cold water through the cup till it comes out clear and give it time to let any excess water drain out too.

Set your drained carbon filled cup inside your funnel filter stand combo. I use three pieces of duct tape to hold the rig solid.

Step four: go get your cooled tonic pour it through the charcoal filter combo till it comes out golden to amber and most all the green is gone ...This may take 3 to 4 slow pours through the filter combo.

Step five: wipe out your cooker. Then return your clarified tonic to the cooker and take it back outside ..I personally just let it sit in the evening a few hours to evaporate down to 1 pint of tonic at this point but if your in a hurry you can turn it on low to speed the process...AGAIN NO SMOKING OR OPEN FLAMES IF YOU TURN THE COOKER ON!!!.

Step 6 pour in a pint bottle or a large mason jar and add a little bit of the flavoring at a time and shake between adding drops as a little of the flavoring goes a long way ...Flavor to taste.

1st IMPORTANT Warning if you do not carbon/charcoal filter this Nirvana Bionic Tonic, DO NOT blame me when you taste DEAD SKUNK. Store in a dark cupboard.

Dosing and Use:

I put one teaspoon full under my tongue and swish there for 1 minute...It will burn a tad then swallow then I add a second teaspoon full to My soda or iced tea and sip slowly like over an hour.

What you will notice is first deep body aches will just fall away and drift off and then your body and spasms will just relax you won’t feel stoned or high just good all over after about the first 10 minutes ...Then the Strong Stava of the Full Moon kicks in good,and you’ll feel alive vibrant mentally alert,alive...And you will feel energizer bunny powered in a Great way for the next 6 to 8 hours...the folks here call the tonic Rocket Fuel...Me I rather like the name Bionic Tonic.

2nd Important Warning Be Very careful on going past the 17 grams of the Full Moon Stava. I like mine up to 20 grams then I bump down the other trim a bit, but with other people I’ve noticed through lots of input that 17 grams is the happy number for the trim blend.

3rd and Last Important Warning...DO NOT DO Whole shots of this tonic go slow build up from the first teaspoon and give the first teaspoon 10 to 15 minutes to work Please.
Here is hoping a few enjoy the recipe and that it helps there as much as here.


Active member
SSH, is the affect of the potion different than just eating a cookie based on cannabutter cooked from that same trim?

Guest 88950

Tropical i have not tried the tonic but have had many edibles. the big difference i see is the tonic is sublingual and therefore its effect are pretty immediate. the patient report indicates no drunk feeling b/c the Everclear is slowly evaporated.

ive not eaten edibles made with CannaButter but i assume the effects would slowly come on within 30-45 min and made from the same trim im sure the effects would be similar, maybe take longer to kick in.

WT, let me know how it works if you make some.


Active member
SSH, I do edibles all the time, I have probably smoked less than an oz in my life. The peak effect takes about two hours on an empty stomach. I also dissolved some bho in Everclear and consumed it sublingually, the effect was pretty slow too. When I need immediate relief, I go with vapor.

Guest 88950

Tropical, right on. i want to get a vaporizer so i can quit smoking but im to impatient with edibles and ive always ended up smoking a few bowls before the edibles kicked in.

what kind of vaporizer do you use?

Guest 88950

good morning all. i had to get this thread back to pg 1.

i love the sound of rain pouring down

Guest 18340

Not raining here yet, cloudy for sure. And windy. Got a 6' tall c99 thats doing a back bend. A brick on her bucket is all thats keeping her upright.
Raising a spliff to all my Florida Brethren:joint:, stay safe guys and gals.
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