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Florida Growers Thread

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Guest 18340

toasted1, no shit dude? So when I put my shit out in 2 weeks they're gonna start flowering? Anything I can do to prevent that, other than keep them inside? No wonder my gf/bb moms started flowering:bashhead:
Will they keep flowering all summer?

Guest 18340

good stuff, thanks Spicoli!! i think there's a different between being safe and being too parnoid! i've always been very safe bout my business and new people, but i'm a good judge of character...it's like some folks here just assume everyone is out to get em and everybody is a narc, haha, that's just not the case...i hope that day comes, but i'm not gettin any younger, i'm not some 18 yr old, i turn 27 this year, so we'll see....happy growing my friends....


27? You old geezer!!! lol, kidding, I'm 41.
Yeah, I hate when people throw the word "narc" around loosely. Like you said, judge their character.
Their are some good folks right here in the Florida growers thread, you know who they are.
I'd love to some day soon set up a "meet & greet" type of thing. Vouched folks only etc.
Its coming dude. Theirs strength in numbers and its only natural for people like us to wanna meet each other.
We growers have to live a double life most of the time and it so cool when you finally meet up with a guy you've been talking to on the board and sit back an burn and talk about MJ growing for hours.
Sometimes growing pot can be so lonely...:joint:


Active member
mine always flower completely never had 1 reveg :joint: and i havent figured out how to beat it yet ive heard keep ur light schedule to match closely to your outdoor sched but even if i clone and get it out right when i c roots they all flower on me never veg but i think thats cuz the moms have lived under 24/0 light and the cuts are mature :confused: it might work better with a plant from seed if u kept the lights close to outsides schedule like 14/10 or sumthin close but then why veg indoors if ur not gettin the advantage of a longer light cycle = faster veg might as well start them outside for free or veg indoors 24/0 and put them out to flower when they are as big as u want :2cents: the longest days of the year down here are june 19-22 time of day 13h52m so we have a big ass year round flower room outdoors that stays damn near 12/12 year round :jump:
like i said i dont claim to b the most experinced outdoor grower but this has been my experince and i could b wrong but i dont think so :D

stay safe


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
Ya your pretty much right toasted....if you have anything that is a hybrid it will def start flowering in a month or 2 from seed outside...only difference I have noticed is if you are growing a pretty sativa dominant strain it will want to veg a while longer....this only really happens (that ive seen) in strains that are 90 to 100% sativa....Just my 2 cents

GKN ya I know some people are very very paranoid...wasn't trying to insult in the first post...but being safe is my number 1 priorty....Im sure you will meet up will a fellow grower someday....Like evl said it just takes time bro....27 aint that old bro....Like I said it will def happen eventually


Active member
as far as meetin people i have about 5 ppl that know i grow and have been in my room 4 of them have plants of there own that i talked into start grow'n for them selves :D i have met other growers that dont no i grow on construction sites it normally starts out as "my boy grows this" then after a few times smokin they finally tell u they grow it and start talkin bout it i sit back and listen if they bullshitin i act like they know there shit and ease away from them if there real then we might help each other out cuts/material/info but they most likely aint commin to the grow :noway: the 5 thats been here ive known for over 15 years and grew up in the game with them and trust them with my life and the life of my kids
like Spicoli and evlme said it just takes time keep ur ears and eyes open and growers are not to hard to find :2cents:

stay safe

Guest 18340

I think you guys are spot on about the Sativas'. Last year I put out a (skunkmans) Thai/haze and it vegged and grew to over 8ft. I never got a chance to see it flower 'cause the town came around and deepened the drainage canal that runs behind my house and they wouldve seen it had I not cut her down.
I like the way you think toasted1, sit back, let them talk and silently figure out whos bullshittin'. Classic.


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
Ya thats a perfect example evlme2....I had a pure sativa I put out last summer that had been vegging inside for a month. after it went outside it took at least a month before it even showed preflower...Peace

Guest 18340

Well, the kids are off at Nanas' house so the wife and I blazed up and went outside to do some trimming.
My wife is standing behind the plant. And if you look closely at the black milk crate you'll see a lizard chillin. Thats his plant. He lives in/around the bucket and crate and goes up in the plant and snoozes.
Peace broz...Evl


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Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
Damn evl those are some fuckin monster bro....def can't not be stoked with those:D


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
One day it would be cool as hell to have a lil FL cup....lol.

DAMN nice tree evil! My lil outdoor guys are about 10in tall, and one is already variegating... flower already...

I have only met two people off this board, and one of em was outta state. You talk to someone on here long enough, you can get a good enough feeling of how that person is/thinks...
make your decisions based on your experiences..

good vibes
good stuff, thanks Spicoli!! i think there's a different between being safe and being too parnoid! i've always been very safe bout my business and new people, but i'm a good judge of character...it's like some folks here just assume everyone is out to get em and everybody is a narc, haha, that's just not the case...i hope that day comes, but i'm not gettin any younger, i'm not some 18 yr old, i turn 27 this year, so we'll see....happy growing my friends....


Yea GKN, thats me you're talkin bout there! I am truly paranoid about this. Getting squeezed for a quarter is nothing like getting hauled in on a cultivation/distribution charge on 28 plants (all the seedlings + all the clones + all the vegging plants = a full grow room!) My family couldn't and wouldn't survive if I had to go to prison - hell, my wife doesn't even like me posting here. She knows as well as I do that the fucking pigs troll here looking for clues (BTW pigs - Fuck you, you motherfucking assholes. Why don't you spend your fucking time - and MY tax money - busting the fucking murderers and baby rapers instead of plant growers. Twisted fucking priorities you fucking assholes have.)

I had the same frustration you are feeling a month or so ago and posted here basically the same thing you just did. Everyone was supportive and understands your frustration, they've all been there too. I am just taking it slow. I know there are growers on here from central Fla and I will get together with one of them someday, I just don't know when. I'm 40-something and know what you mean on the age thing, you can't judge a persons age on here, and that freaks me out a little too. I am not really ready for any good genetics yet, I don't want to fuck it up, besides I'm really having fun seeing all the phenos that are popping out of the bagseeds I'm growing. I don't know if I will ever get known genetics, this is just too much fun!

Peace out bro, give it a while and I'll meet you to exchange clones (do like stretchy sativas or fat indies?!?! LOL!)


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
Whut up Slow...Ya you put it perfectly...We do this because we have to (regarding safety)
Hope all is well everyone
Yo Spicoli, what up? Met my buddy at the St. Augustine lighthouse boat ramp at 6 AM today and spent a wonderful day trolling for kings and getting baked (but the buds AND the sun!)

We got skunked - not a fucking NIBBLE! LOL! But it was still a fine fine Fla day. College buddies are a wonderful thing - especially when they picked a major that nets them big bucks and and I boat to fish off of! He brings the boat and I bring the buds - good trade!

Peace out and stay safe homies!


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
Nice must have been a hell of a day....sounds like a good trade off too:D....Peace and stay safe
Yo Spicoli, what up? Met my buddy at the St. Augustine lighthouse boat ramp at 6 AM today and spent a wonderful day trolling for kings and getting baked (but the buds AND the sun!)

We got skunked - not a fucking NIBBLE! LOL! But it was still a fine fine Fla day. College buddies are a wonderful thing - especially when they picked a major that nets them big bucks and and I boat to fish off of! He brings the boat and I bring the buds - good trade!

Peace out and stay safe homies!

St Auggie? Was out there today trollin for cuties on the beach. Many good memories out there.


Active member
Re: Vegging in Florida - You can bet that sexually mature indicas will flower as soon as you put them outside here. There aren't any hard rules for sativas. Some can veg, some can't. Skunk#1 is only 75% sativa, but it will veg from late April until mid-August. Some pure sativas will flower though.

The way to force vegging outdoors is to make sure that the plant gets strong lighting for a couple hours in the middle of the night. That keeps the dark period to less than six hours. So, if it stays in veg indoors with an 18/6 schedule, it will stay in veg outdoors with a 10/6/2/6 (light/dark/light/dark). Some sativas can veg even if the dark period is up to ten hours long.

Re: Meetups - I have met around ten people from Overgrow. I never brought anything illegal with me and I never did a meetup with more than a dozen plants at home. For most meets, I didn't have anything growing at the moment. I'm in my 40's and cautious too. I bet 99% of the meetups are fine. I'm concerned about the 1%. I have never heard of anybody getting in trouble for posting here. I think the posting risk is closer to 0% unless you post something as stupid as "I'm going to be on the*corner of Flagler and Biscayne Thursday at noon with 50 pounds of pot on me." If you don't get busted, you'll get jacked (assuming that you actually stand there at that time with that quantity).
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