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Florida Growers Thread; Reloaded

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CannaSavant that bud shot just looks oh so scrumptious!

Thank you sir I try


Dawn Patrol

Well this is some bullshit right here.....
I may have fucked up.....

I may have fucked up.....

with the Guatamala's. I topped at the third node but if they keep stretching (and these will probably go 90+ days) they still may get 6+ feet tall. Hate to think how tall they would be if I hadn't topped them....yardstick for perspective.


Dawn Patrol

Well this is some bullshit right here.....
Still not sure what I have here

Still not sure what I have here

but I should know in a week or two. Mandala's Beyond the Brain - nothing stands out so far but since I'm throwing up pictures....

Anybody else think that's a male on the left?


Let's have a hand for Valley OG!

Let's have a hand for Valley OG!

After damn near pulling my hair out over this damn plant she finally popped roots for me. Turns out I just didn't have enough juice over the dome. I sweated it out over her and the D for so long and they finally rewarded me.

I was beginning to doubt myself. But I made it happen. Now my head is as big as it ever was.

Now if this room being put together will keep the momentum, there will be some happy swampers.

I also found out what Spirit in the Sky or what the fuck ever it's name is. Might be worth a round or two. If ai can figure out which plant she is.

Our outdoor stash is looking great except the fucking grasshoppers are eating my haze alive. I have done the azomax thing to no avail. They just shake it off and keep chomping. Ahh the pleasure of gulf coast outdoors.




Well, I got the first 1k fired up last night and of course had to go and fuck up a few plants in the process. I guess I was slacking and didn't hang the bare bulb worth a fuck because during the wee hours it managed to slide down and murder a GG4 and half a cookies bush. Go figure.

The good news is it DID NOT harm my precious and so very missed Chem D or my spoiled Valley OG. I still have the lineup although I am considering dropping cookies altogether. It's pretty pot but kind of bland when facing such heavy hitters.

I am aiming to bloom mostly Stardawg and GG4 this first round merely due to their yield potential but all the others are getting a chance too. Burkle and pre98 are identical in structure but burkle has a hint of that purple nose to her.

Amnesia Haze is still the stinker in veg and she never disappoints.

I have a renewed interest in this Lemon Skunk lady as she has really take. Off this past week outdoors and seems to lean to the sativs side. Maybe she could be special. She came from a picky and well connected member and he seemed to think she was worth keeping so I should not be so quick to judge. Hopefully she finished as I think she will.

Thinking about dropping Burkle and bubba after this run simply because they veg so slow but I won't completely drop me until I finish a couple rounds and see if they deserve precious space.

Btw, Spicoli, I see ya lurking bro. Glad to see ya around. It's crazy to think how many years already in the tank. Hope all is well with ya.

We have been blessed with decent rainfall this year and I hope this outdoor season rewards us. Outdoors has always been my preferred head stash. The most powerful herb I have ever toked and also the most flavorful gas been grown outdoors in the Florida sunshine. I hope it's that way this year.




Asslover, sorry I missed the bullshit and thats exactly what it is. The story sure changed 180° from when I was told it on the day the incident wen down. Statement was "Do you smell that"......"yep" and they turned and left. No threats, no conversation, just turned and left.

To back up you Asslover here is what comes from a search you were asked to do, kinda funny>>>

Myth: Smart meters are an invasion of privacy.
Truth: Smart meters measure how much energy you use, based on time of day, not how you use that energy. Unless you install a home energy management system, smart meters cannot tell whether the energy used is from your oven, air conditioner, or hairdryer. Utilities adhere to strict policies, following state laws that regulate the use of personal information for business functions like billing and customer service.

Dawn Patrol

Well this is some bullshit right here.....
Our outdoor stash is looking great except the fucking grasshoppers are eating my haze alive. I have done the azomax thing to no avail. They just shake it off and keep chomping.

Unfortunately I've found the only defense is vigilance and a boot. Find them, squash them, lather, rinse, repeat. I had a bunch of seedlings killed by grasshoppers this year. Never saw the hatch (and I was looking for the little bastards) but there they were.....eating the fuck out of everything they could.

We have been blessed with decent rainfall this year and I hope this outdoor season rewards us. Outdoors has always been my preferred head stash. The most powerful herb I have ever toked and also the most flavorful gas been grown outdoors in the Florida sunshine. I hope it's that way this year.


the best stuff I've ever had was outdoor grown - I'm not sure why so many people dismiss it as if it's somehow garbage. I know a lot of guerilla grown stuff isn't great due to circumstances but properly fed and attended outdoor is something special IMHO. Weather, pests, rainfall and proper preparation all affect the final product but when you know what you're doing and things fall into place the results can be amazing.

Then again I laughed my ass off when the Tampa police chief defended a bust by claiming that they got a lot of "hydroponic" marijuana. Keep in mind that they didn't find a grow, just weed packaged for sale and labeled. I'm certain she has no earthly idea what the terminology "hydroponic" means, to many people it's just a marketing term that folks associate with the primo smoke whether it was grown that way or not.

I'm not trying to put down hydro or indoor growers - the DIY tinkering geek in me would love a room full of technology to play God in. I may still get to do it one day before I'm gone but right now that is not crossed off my growing bucket list.

I get that not everybody has the space, place and risk tolerance to grow outdoors (God knows it's taken some years off my life) but to think it's automatically a superior product to good outdoor grown is probably an indicator that they've never had the pleasure of sampling some really good outdoor grown buds.


New member
hello yall cheers from the Suwannee any buddy got advice on battling this rainy season almost every day my candy kush is flowering in week 4 i believe and she looks a lil sick from over watering from the rain and me feedin her just coconut water the flowers look better than any meds i can get jus trans planted her to a ceder crate box so the roots will breath i got her while flowering think they had her in the wood flowered to early i think shes only 16 inches tall and topd twice from the looks leaves curld under sort or looks like little eagle claws this battle with yard placement is an issue to need advice on what to do ill post pics if i figure out how
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