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Active member
And sign the petition to get MMJ on the proposed constitutional amendment
on next years ballot.
They need 700,000 ppl to sign the petition to GIT R DONE!
13 states have it and 9 states are going for it SO FLORIDIANS STEP UP AND QUIT YER BITCHIN'

Kim Russell of Orlando started a political committee because she thinks Florida lawmakers are open to it if the PPL want it. If they could get voter support for it. These politicians are afraid to piss off the MM here.

So lets don't let the Moral Majority run our state anymore.

The biggest obstacle is Kim says is educating the public.

"Its not as bad as everyone thinks and there ARE medicinal qualities to it,"

She said today here on channel 13 in Tampa Bay .....

I like this gal and am gonna try to help somehow. I have been looking for a MMJ movement here to try to work for and contribute somehow.....

Hey Sparky.....you were not at the Tampa DEA smoke out last week where tokers were lighting up in front of DEA office......sooooo at least sign the petition for next years vote.

Not all of us sick ppl can grow ya know and still need our MMJ.


Pull my finger
Is therea way to print out petitions that I could take to the beach or something? I would so do that.


Active member
Is therea way to print out petitions that I could take to the beach or something? I would so do that.

Swamp I am trying to find out and will let you know.....but you and Mrs Swamp need to get on board and sign it. Then you can grow it and sell it to sick crazy old ladies like me.....te he

Swampdank Brand Primo MMJ.......Good business for Florida cause' you know us beach bums luv to toke.

YEEEEEeeehaaaaawwwww!!!!! hope on the horizon......I am in granny HEAVEN TODAY!:woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:


Florida of all places need to just Legalize it.

Sun fun and weed...

They need the tourist dollars big time!!!


Active member
We need tourist dollars and weed dollars and the Cali govenator is getting on board even.
Our govenor has smoked weed but he is running for Pres on the Repub ticket next time and is afraid to get onboard. He got married recently even though it is well known he is closet Gay....but he got married to get on Repub ticket next time.

So he is just a man who can't stand up for his true beliefs and is a puppet politician and self serving..


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
Hell yeah. I spend alot of time in florida..though i live in Europe. Get your asses up florida! I need this :D


Active member
My whole building is Europeans and they are good ppl and bring a lot of money here.
So I hope we get it as I know a lot of ppl want it here.....especially the sick ppl here. A paraplegic from Plant City said today on the news that he is forced to take opiates as they are legal and weed helps his pain and spasms better anyway,

What a great travesty. Stupidist law I ever saw.
Both my parents (in their late 70's) and my brother are FL residents and I know that they all support cannabis!! My brother would like to cultivate, but isn't willing to risk losing his property so has his meds shipped in from out of state!!



Active member
I can relate to that Goddess.....I live in a seniors condo and my son owns it. I don't wanna put my sons property at risk. And children are in my home daily and it is a small condo anyway. But those plants that I did grow recently was good smoke and I really wish to do it again someday, So hopefully Floridians get on the bandwagon and get this on the ballot for voting next year. The MMJ movement is speading nicely IMO!

I have a friend in Texas who posts over on Stoners Forum who was busted for getting MMJ by mail,.....I still get Dr Green in Cali's menu online but fearful of recieving it by mail or UPS


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
i got a feeling guys legalization will be here in the next few years all over the u.s.


Active member
ME TOO and it truly lifts my spirits. A lot of progress is truly being made....BUT greedy coporate and government taxation might hurt our cause. All the ppl who were against it all these years are gonna want to make money off of it now. Damn Hypocrits!

Storm Crow

Active member
Hi Madrecinco!

Hi Madrecinco!

I got to thinking that a small list of articles from my list might be helpful in dealing with "fence-sitters". So I put together easy to read, but "heavy" articles. Maybe you guys and gals could write something for the flip side and make it into a flier.

BUT I ran into a problem with the posting- this site, like many others, shorten all but the shortest URLs and fill in with "..." That will not work if you type it in a search engine. :noway: So you are going to have to do some work to make it right. Don't worry- it will be easy. Here's the "raw" list.

Granny's Mini-List

Marijuana may block Alzheimer's

Chemicals in Marijuana May Fight MRSA

Pot-Based Drug Promising for Arthritis

Cannabis compound tackles blood vessel disease

Cannabis Compound May Stop Metastatic Breast Cancer

Cannabis extract makes brain tumors shrink, halts growth of blood vessels

Inhalation marijuana as an antiemetic for cancer chemotherapy.

Crohn's Patients Report Symptomatic Relief From Cannabis

Marijuana Compound May Help Stop Diabetic Retinopathy

Cannabidiol May be Effective in Preventing Bovine Spongiforme Enzephalopathy (Mad Cow Disease)

Cannabis could hold the key to ending multiple sclerosis misery

Prototype drug to prevent osteoporosis based on cannabinoids

Cannabis reduces opioid dose in the treatment of chronic non-cancer pain.

Most pain patients gain benefit from cannabis in a British study

Cannabis for the Wounded - Another Walter Reed Scandal

Cannabis use in sickle cell disease: a questionnaire study.

Granny Storm Crow's List- 100s of medical marijuana studies and articles.

The link for my list is to an "innocent" MMJ site. No culture shock :yoinks: (well, maybe, minimal- just the concept of MMJ is a bit much for some. lol)

In font size 10, New Times Roman- that should be exactly 1 page. Copy and paste it into a WORD document. Look for those dang "..." s in the post and click those studies to bring up the study and you can get the full URL. (Numbers 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 14, 15 & 16 need work) A quick copy and paste- Replacing the broken links with good ones. Print it up, add your own flip side and you're set! I think it will increase the number of signers.

If it were me doing the signature collecting, I'd not only have the fliers, I'd do a hard copy of each of the articles and put it in a notebook as a reference. It would make a nice little display. Good luck!

Granny :joint:


burnt out og'er
madrecino, this thread calls for stickyhood, (and a 420 am doobie for Florida)


Active member
LOL....Guys I want to help out this petition drive and hope maybe educating the older voters might get us some votes. You guys know I live in the most densley populated county in Florida and lots of us old ppl here and not all as enlightened as Nurse Madre.

The movie COCOON was made here and pretty much depicts life here with old farts everywhere.

I even live in a huge area of 55+ seniors condos. I know these old unenlightened ppl here need to be educated in the medicinal qualities of MMJ but it is a little frustrating as at almost 61.....
I live with ppl much older around me WWII war survivors basically and Catholic and I am controvercial myself being prolly the first regular toker in the bldg and Humanist and being a feminist non conventional woman...And outspoken Texan to boot.

But seriously you guys even though I am an educated nurse I was born in 48 and am sorta techno dumbo and don't even know what 10k has said and need him to clarify...LOL
Glad I retired 4 years ago as the hospital has gone paperless.
My husband is techno smart and when he retires soon and I don't have a baby crawling all over me as I type......I will try to learn more so I can be of use in the weed movement here and know all the computer skills to help spread the movement here..

I hope at least to educate some old ppl to vote for it. I no longer worry about losing my nursing credentials anymore because I doubt I will work again other than some volunteer.

I am hoping some voters will listen to a nurse's rationale as I was once OCN which means I saw many of my chemo patients benefitted from MMJ for the side effects of chemo which is horrible.

So I need to know just how I can really help here in Florida. Thanks for your interest and help.
I have to leave now to go to Jacksonville to visit my sick mom in law for Mothers Day.
Luv you ppl and Happy Mothers Day and I will work on this when I get back home and try to help out as best I can. I do have the passion I gave to the Feminist movement....BUT my one problem is my businessman son might run for the upcoming empty seat in City Council seat in Tampa. Our names are different now that I have remarried but I don't want to ruin my Conservative Republicans aspirations with my causes. But he says
'Mom do what you gotta do." I just love that boy and glad he still loves his crazy mom.
Later guys....because FLORIDA is getting MMJ I hope.


Active member
madrecino, this thread calls for stickyhood, (and a 420 am doobie for Florida)

ERRRRR can you say that in old lady language?????

This doobs for you 10K and a fine board we have here to discuss our common cause,:joint:

Lean Green

Operating Outside the Law
ICMag Donor
I have been telling all my friends to get on this petition. I can't vote but I can help inform the people I know. All of the Floridians on this board need to get involved with this. It is a step in the right direction.


Well-known member
do like I did and print hundreds of the petitions out and get everyone you know to sign or at least try. go to your co-workers especially the churchy types and try to get them on board. let them know its not about getting high it about improving quality of life. print out some the articles listed on page 1 and let people against the cause read them and see the light. Ive already got 2 people from work going out in their neigborhoods to get signatures. Everyday I try to talk to at least 1 person Ive never talked to before at work and get them on board. I start with are you registered to vote and if yes I say how do you feel about the legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes. If they say something like i dont think that would be a good idea I ask why. Most often people against us say something like I dont think its effective or they could use something else thats not illegal. Counter that with medical articles proving otherwise. i had one moron that told me she was against it because she didnt want high people driving around on the roads. I pointed out to her different things affect people different ways and it didnt seem to bother her driving after taking a lortab for her backpain. If I where to take a lortab I shouldnt be driving because they make me feel drunk but apparently she feels they dont affect her in that way. Same as with tobacco. If I smoke cigs i get much more intoxicated feeling than if I burn a joint. hell I dipped once as a teenager and less that 1 minute after putting it in my mouth I was on the floor with the room spinning and trying to find a place to throw up. she would never come around so I told her dont worry Im partriotic and I wont vote against your rights if they try to ban tobacco outright even though it is deadly. They greatest place to make progress is with church people because they spread the word. I like to point out to churchy types that still believe in modern medicine that they would take a medication the doctor prescribed even knowing they are man made and could have very harmful side effects why would they not take a medication the doctor prescribed that was a plant God put here for us to utilize as any other. And how could you support a government telling a doctor that he cant prescribe the most effective treatment for your ailment? Especially when that treatment is much cheaper. Good luck everyone.

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