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Florida Bans Bong Sales


Original Editor of ICMagazine
More insanity from the conservatives has convinced Floridians that bongs are bad bad things, and need to be banned.

Florida Rep. Darryl Rouson says these are "destructive utensils" that "destroy communities"

A bill passed Wednesday will make it illegal to sell bongs and other glass pipes in Florida.

The "Bong Bill" passed unanimously by both the Senate (36-0) and now by the House (115-0) heads to the desk of Florida Gov. Charlie Crist for his signature, reports Brian Hamacher at NBC Miami.

The bill outlaws the sale of the pipes by businesses that don't make at least 75 percent of their money from tobacco sales, or if they make more than 25 percent of their money from selling the pipes.

Violators could face up to a year in jail.

The bill, sponsored by former crackhead Rep. Darryl Rouson (D-St. Petersburg), will go into effect July 1 once Gov. Crist signs it.

More here.


Well-known member
i'll give florida its due, its consistent
the unanimous votes are pretty amazing
there must be some kind of time warp deal here


One day you will have to answer to the children of
What did you think was going to happen???

You can smoke Oxy on foil strips, how many hillybilly herione users use glass?
Why am I not surprised. When I lived in tallahassee in the 90's, cops used to raid head shops on a regular basis.Smash up all there merch and leave, rarely arresting anyone. Fuckin' thugs with badges.


Active member
Actually, the bill is that any store that doesn't sell 75% of their sales in tobacco cannot sell paraphernalia. It's not everything, but we'll have to go to a cigar shop or tobacconist to get our head gear.

The gov has not yet signed, but he prolly will.

Goes into effect July 1st, so go shopping now!


Active member
So, basically, they are promoting tobacco, a deadly and addictive substance.
Makes sense. The sale of the harmless bongs will help offset the devastation caused by tobacco sales.


Holy shit, thank god I got out of Florida....forget bongs, the big one that passed was last year

25 plants is felony trafficking, where the federal charge is 100 plants for felony trafficking...

Yes, Florida, 4 times more illegal than the Federal law!!!!

And yes, the pain management clinics there make the dispensaries in Colorado look like a joke. Romer should go down there for a weekend and see how easy it is to just buy a doctors rec and score some legal heroin, without even a local state ID or any medical records, or sometimes a paper trail of ANY kind! And those pills kill people, they are bitching that its too easy to get an MMJ rec, what a joke.

I was in a brutal car accident in Florida, and I was offered almost anything you can imagine, barbiturates, opiates, steroids, by my doctors..and they were shocked that I didn't want to take it, where most of the "clients" (addicts) were eating that shit up!

Its so out of context, its ridiculous...and a lot of big pharma companies have headquarters in Florida, the sales reps brag that they sell (push) the most pills in their regions....


One day you will have to answer to the children of

Go to 'Vanguard' in Left Toolbar,

Then look for 'Oxycontin Express'.

Oh yeah, I won't tell you what I used to do with my 16yr old brother's Ritalin, when I was 14.
Legal Meth is all the rage for your kid who is getting bad grades.

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