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Floods in QLD

Donald Mallard

el duck
Its astounding that people believe that the nations and industries that are causing the most planet-wide environmental damage and carbon emissions, are the ones who are creating the climate change conspiracy to begin with. Why would they do that?

These people are the ones who benefit most from people believing such conspiracy theories, because all they want is permission to continue making trillions of dollars from pumping shit into the atmosphere like they have for the last 50 years.

In all likelihood they created the conspiracy theory to dupe gullible people into conserving the status quo.

The truth is people have grown fat and comfortable with the consumerist way of life, and are too lazy to accept the necessity of change, at least until they're kicked fair up the arse. Until then, its easier on the conscience to subscribe to conspiracy theories than to accept that the way we live, all of us, is tantamount to fucking the planet. That's the reality.

The world's wealthiest nations and multinationals are ignoring climate change, not promulgating it as a means to oppress us. We do that by playing their economic rational game and believing the cospiracy theories they create. These are the people who buy up the patents for alternative energy sources and quash them. These are the people who invade countries for no reason other than to secure their supply of carbon rich fossil fuels.

Its glaringly obvious, but people prefer to live in a world of fiction and conspiracy, perhaps because the lives they lead - working in meaningless & unhealthy industries and watching intellectually underwhelming crap on television, creates an empty and mundane existence.

OK i'll get off my soapbox now, but c'mon....isn't it fucken obvious what's going on here? The climate change conspiracy theory is the real conspiracy. Shadows within shadows oh credulous one.
hey bushy ,,
you know how much i am a fan of conspiracy theories ,
climate change is nothing new , but a nice way for you to feel less comfortable and then need reassurance .. and who will provide that assurance , u guessed it ,, hehehe .
most of those places have flooded before way more than this time ,, several times in fact , just less people and a lack of awareness etc
gotta say im loving the aussie spirit from the folks that have been through the most trauma and survived . , darn champions , big thumb s up .. for sure ...


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
OK boys. You believe what you want and so will i.

Once the mini ice age really sets in you will change your mind.

The truth is you have been manipulated by the propaganda much like the data has been manipulated to suit the agenda for a one world government.

The human spirit is strong and we will survive and prosper.

Stay safe :wave:


Be sure to give us a call and let us know when it starts.

I cant wait to see my first ice age. :dance013:

Hey Donald, just because those places have been flooded before doesnt mean climate change is not to blame for this event. We have rain events nowadays that are dumping way more water than recorded before. This is a growing trend worldwide. Just sit back and watch the records tumble.

sallyforthDeleted member 75382

Been watching this flooding on news here in little Britain. Just wishing all effected the best of luck in re-building your lives.

Just a note on the global warming. Here in the Northern Hemisphere I've noticed cooler summers and now even colder record breaking winters ( last 2 ), minus 20C not far from where I live not so long ago, and another very cold front on its way for next week.

Good luck to you all down under.


Well-known member
Poor Lockyer Valley etc.

We've had like 6 or 7 floods here in the last year or two. At least 3 or 4 were major too. (towns cut off etc)

But no flash floods. That shit's hectic!

Fuck this global warming/climate change crap, too. The floods were caused by volcanic activity under the sea. We got taught that in school. Its all cycles, its been happening for years.... If you're really that worried, maybe you shouldn't be SMOKING. (smoke is CO2+super heated water, basically anyway) Or even better - stop breathing - you're contaminating the air!! bastards!!

seriously tho, shut up about the climate crap. people died in these floods, you wankers.

hard rain

Poor Lockyer Valley etc.

We've had like 6 or 7 floods here in the last year or two. At least 3 or 4 were major too. (towns cut off etc)

But no flash floods. That shit's hectic!

Fuck this global warming/climate change crap, too. The floods were caused by volcanic activity under the sea. We got taught that in school. Its all cycles, its been happening for years.... If you're really that worried, maybe you shouldn't be SMOKING. (smoke is CO2+super heated water, basically anyway) Or even better - stop breathing - you're contaminating the air!! bastards!!

seriously tho, shut up about the climate crap. people died in these floods, you wankers.
Couldn't help but notice you managed to get your views on climate change across while telling everyone else to shut up.:moon:

Condolences to the flood victims. I live in this general area but am not flood effected. The rain leading up to this has been phenomenal and there are a few months of the wet season to go. All the dams are full and overflowing and the ground is saturated. I really hope we don't get much more.:gday:


Fuck this global warming/climate change crap, too. The floods were caused by volcanic activity under the sea. We got taught that in school. Its all cycles, its been happening for years.... If you're really that worried, maybe you shouldn't be SMOKING. (smoke is CO2+super heated water, basically anyway) Or even better - stop breathing - you're contaminating the air!! bastards!!

seriously tho, shut up about the climate crap. people died in these floods, you wankers.

Oh no! People died!
Quick, everyone shut up about what caused it because it upsets the braindead luddites who believe what their 3rd grade teacher told them.


The saying 'When it rains, it pours' has been uncannily and unfortunately true for eastern australia lately.
It wasn't long ago at all that most of the dams were nearly empty, now they are flooded.
And the world continues to turn..............



Active member
could be worse, could be in Brazil !!

Thats exactly right huh, you dont see it unless you turn on Sbs world news here at the moment, and gosh its horrendous there! over 400 dead last time i saw it. and i am sure its gone up to over 500-600 now

My brother was pretty lucky in some respects the bremer didnt peak at what it was ment to, but his whole under house and backyard is covered in mud..

bit sad his car's didnt get filled with mud tho.. as he kinda wanted a new one..


Floods happen almost all over the world but in your region more hazardous thing than i.e. in Europe are the predators you can meet in the water. I heard in the news that some butcher seen a shark in the flooded city and that's really sick! Nature revenges so be good for your plants :)


The brazilians need to look at their planning laws. The way some of those houses were perched on hill sides has contributed largely to the death toll. It reminded me of the Thredbo land slide. We are lucky to have all this land so we dont have to build in precarious places.

back home
The Gov can spend $16Billion on roof insulation but only chip in $10Million for flood repairs. But in saying that, householders are responsible for insuring their properties and we dont need the Gov to get cleaned out while fixing peoples homes and lives every time there is kaos.
I notice in Brazil they are calling for blood, medical supplies and food. Here they are worried about losing the PS3.. *runs off to slip into flameproof suit* well not exactly, but you can see the stark difference.
its a joke ay,
i see tongiht the premiers flood appeal has raised 78million so far.ets hope it gets channelled into thsoe who truely deserve it !!


I hope with all this sediment carrying runoff, all the good farmers will have super crops for the next few years to try and get back on top of things a little.
We went through the house the other day to find things to donate to the flood victims. Low and behold, at the back of the clothes closet in amongst some unworn clothes, was a bag of last years Thai!



stoke this joint
ICMag Donor
The worst hit farming areas have had their precious top soil washed away,, its gonna be incredibly tough for these farming communities to bounce back., soil rebuilding / replacement on such a large scale will take yrs of planning & hard yakka. Even with financial assistance this event was a major kick in the face after the long drought they've experienced.
all this run off will wipe out the sea-grass beds in MOrten, going to be a lot of fallout fomr this event, will run into the billions !!!