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Flooding duration?


New member
I've seen a number of opinions on how OFTEN to flood but not how long to flood for...

I've been going 2 x a day for 15 minutes with the water going halfway up 6" rockwool blocks -

this allows the top to dry out although the bottom still is heavy with water when the second feeding comes.

kindly advise


Active member
I flood for 15 mins because my timer has 15 min increments. All you really need is long enough to fill the tray to your chosen overflow height.


New member
It takes 3 minutes to hit my overflow valve...that seems like less than enough time no? Right now I have it going 2 x a day for 10 mins - water level comes up halfway to top of cubes


Well-known member
It takes 3 minutes to hit my overflow valve...that seems like less than enough time no? Right now I have it going 2 x a day for 10 mins - water level comes up halfway to top of cubes

Sounds like 3 minutes will do the trick. A six inch rockwool cube only needs to be flooded one to one and a half inches and it will draw the solution up through capillary action.
one flood a day would probably work well for the first couple of weeks then two floods around eight hours apart (while lights on)
I get nervous if my rockwool flood and drain still has water on it for more than ten minutes after the pump starts
do it right and when you flip over a cube all that you see is nice white healthy smelling roots


Well-known member
I flood 8 x day, 15 mins every hour with a break at mid day.

Plants love the fresh nutes and air.

this irrigation cycle would be great with clay pellets or other fast drying media but a root rotting nightmare with rockwool.


New member
cool - while we're on the subject of timing...when you do a clearex/final phase loaded flush for 1 day, do you replace the nute solution with the clearex and let your normal timer flood the table or do you want more saturation with the flushing stuff?


this irrigation cycle would be great with clay pellets or other fast drying media but a root rotting nightmare with rockwool.

Use Fytocell dude, it is impossible to over-water and it is the best thing you can grow your plants in.

Nothing beats Fytocell on all counts. Growth rates, yeild and ease of use - Fytocell fact.

The quicker you guys get onto Fytocell the better your grows will be.

Honestly, you are seriously missing out if you don't use this.