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Flood- survivability under water?


Due to recent experiences i would like to ask how long the plants can survive under water? My plants have been fully submerged for an unknown period of time but the damage seems negligible.


The entire plant submerged ?
How big are the plants ?
Have a picture ?
Sounds like they will pull through by your reaction...

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
That happened to me once. My plants were totally submerged for about 2 hrs and it took about 6 hrs before all of the water was off of them. They were in early flower at the time.

They survived but they were hurt by the experience and never did really grow properly afterwards. They were about 6' tall at the time. All had been leaned in the direction of the current. I had a harvest but it was probably 1/2 of what i felt i should have gotten


One of my swamp patches last year was real wet. Not underwater, but the plants were in mud from 1 june until 15 July or so. Didn't grow real well, all the normal overwatering symptoms. By August when the swamp finally dried out they were healthy again, and had a healthy (although small) harvest.


One thing worth mentioning is that cannabis (industrial hemp) has been used through the ages to dry out wetlands and swamps.

Plant enough plants and they will dry out that mudland in a couple of years.


At times it seems like it's up to the plant and it's will to live. I've seen plants dunked under nutrient filled water, and others smashed by t-12's that survived and flourished. And I've seen plants that were treated like a princess that just croaked off for no reason. In your situation, if they made it through the flood, and still look good, they'll probably recover.


The entire plant submerged ?
Definetly, because the current toppled and dropped them on the ground. Floating debris and mud were clinging to them.
I had to reerect them and fortify the soil again.
Thank you all for your kind words, i have no worries my babys won't survive, i was asking because of possible additional floods in the future.

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