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New member
Thanks T.Baggins but I must be to stoned from the rom diesal because I am still not fully comprehending this . Would like to do this But if I cant figure this out I need to still plug into my 240v board . Which I'm not sure if I need specific timers to plug my balasts into while running them at 240v or if regular ones would work . If regular ones will work , the flip flop using timers will be great for now until I can figure out the relays and run the 2 lights from every balast .


Active member
this works

this works

Here are the stats for my room - 2x400wHPS ballasts, 1x400wMH ballast, these are connected to my flip-flop relay
and from there they are connected to 6x400w lights, 4x400wHPS, and 2x400wMH. my lights are arranged in a 6-pack configuration with the HPS's on the ends, and the MH's in the middle. I have the two HPS's on one side one with the MH from the other and this switches every two hours. I drew a diagram of my relay but I am afraid that it didn't come out very well, I will post it anyway

Hope that this helps someone.


With the zig-zag flip method, the best way for it to work, is not to switch off a group of lights, then switch on another group of equal number of lights. It works best when you sequence the switch. If you have 10 lights in a room and you only want 5 on at a time, switch one light off and one on in five minute intervals, and do this every couple hours. I've been doing this with one side of a 40 light setup. Two rooms with 20 lights in each. I'm doing my own experiment with this. One side with 20 lights has all the lights on for 12 hours and off for 12 hours. The other side, I've programmed a zig-zag flip pattern with the PLCs in my Flip and Loadcenter. This way only 10 lights are on at a time on that side, and when I switch from the ten off to the ten on, I sequence them and turn the ballast(s) off before each switch. It's easier on the relays in the Flip.



I'm really thinking about trying this method. Right now I'm running 2 600's and want to add 2 more with out adding the extra 1200 watts. Just interested to see if anyone is still using this method and how it's working out. I'm also interested to see if there is flippers availible for this set up or do you have to make your own. I know there is 12 hour flippers but i wasn't sure if they are just 12 on and 12 off with no time adjustment. I was also thinking about just adding another room with the 2 extra lights working off the 2 ballasts I have. But that makes mor problems with my CO2 and A/C since I only have one of each and adding another room I'de have to figure out how to use what I have or get another CO2 set up and A/C unit for the extra room. Which I don't want to do. If flipping 4 lights in the same room works I think that would be my best bet. Any info would be great. Thanks in advance.


Active member
i know a geezer whos over 55 and has been taking what u describe to another dimension completely.

he adds one more thing. instead of running just a 12 light flip, he runs a 24. 48 lights in total. so 1 room has 24 lights burning intermitadly for 12 hours, then runs the other room of 24 lights total for 12 hours.

most people just do 10 10 or 12 12 max flips that i know of.

he said with the space he covers vs the light used, in a year he yields 2.5 as much as someone with just a 12/12. for the same draw, i was blown away, hes been rocking the same barn since the 80's.

this is an awesome alternative to light movers and space management. d


Shit I wish I could rock 48 lights. I think I'm gonna run 4 600's alternating diagonally with a 400 in the center on for the complete 12 hour cycle(to make up for any dim time during flip flops). If all goes right I'll be using the same wattage I am currently using just way more effeciently.

Current set up now looks like this.
[600] [400] [600]

Any info if there are flip flops that will do this(2 hour flip with 12 hours off) or will I have to build them myself. I'm ok with building them but would prefer to just buy something pre made.

Also I have Lumatek digital ballasts if that matters.I hear they don't work good with flip flops.

Worst comes to worst I'll buy 2 more ballasts and just use timers to flip them the way I want. Just would like to save wear and tear on the ballast by leaving them on all the time.


So to avoid having to hassle with the HPS timing so the room never is dark.... couldn't you just put some flouros at the ceiling of the room that stay lit during the flip flop but still go dark for night? Or not enough light?


Would it be enough light to prevent stress?

I am now picturing 4000 watts of light and 2 ballasts..... or 6 and 3 then each plant can have it's own 1000 every 2 hours :D


This system would work even better with the Lumatek 600w duo ballasts, Efectivly you could have a staggared room 12/12 flip rooms and a 24hr veg room of 2x flip boxes and 2 duo's a 8 week strain coming down every 2 weeks from each single light too...

2400 w 24 hrs a day I love it,,,

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