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Flexing my ninja skills: My no hydro store grow


Normally, there's an unwritten rule in here that you don't give people grow advice unless they ask for it. I am always looking to improve my techniques, so that rule won't apply here. Any constructive criticism, comments and questions are welcome.

As the title suggests, not one of my supplies came from a hydro store. I use bone meal, garden manure and Plant-Tone as my primary ferts, all of which are made by Espoma and available at home improvement stores. I try to stay away from salt ferts. I use a silicon supplement and some Kelp extract, also.

My tapwater has tons of calcium hardness, so I use a mix of tap and distilled water with a pinch of Epsom salt.

I read an article about how aspirin(salicylic acid) is great for plants, so I've been pHing with that. It seems to be working pretty well. Half of a tab of aspirin per gallon brings my pH into the perfect range.

My veg setup is a ghetto mix of fluoros, cfls and a small (150 watt) hps.
I will be flowering under a 1 kw hps.

My soil is a mix of Pro-Mix potting soil with sea-based compost and mycorise, peat moss, perlite and some vermiculite.

Well enough of that bullshit, on with the pics. Strains are: ISS from Fed, Indian Haze from Seedsman and Chunky Cheese from Cannacopia

Everything-red is IH plant 1, green is ISS, yellow(between green and red,hard to see) is CC, blue is IH plant 2 and the black arrow points to where I have 2 CCs and 2 IHs. And yes, not only do I grow dope, I am a notorious milk crate thief as well.

IH plant 1

IH plant 2

Plant 3

Plant 4 Unsexed IH and potential pollen source

ISS, she's a little scorched from the light, pretty lousy pic, but it was the best of the bunch.

Unsexed Chunky Cheese, also a little scorched. If he shows balls, he's getting the chop.



Chunky Cheese male

None of the pics of my largest Chunky Cheese female were good enough to post, so in my next update, I will try to get some.



Here's my largest Chunky Cheese female for all 79 of you who visited my thread :violin:

ISS. All of the lower branches will be cut for clones.

My new bubble cloner and the 2nd pic is why organic matter can be bad for hydro.....Root snot. Back to the drawing board. :fsu:

Nice sativa leaf structure. It's my IH plant 2

My unsexed Chunky Cheese. He/she is starting to show preflowers, but it's still too early to tell.
Happy New Year IC Maggers!! :joint: :rasta:
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lookin good friend.

How did you get the 1000W hps w/o going to a hydro store?

When do you plan on flipping to flower?

Stay safe happy new year.



All right, I cheated a little. I got it on ebay. Fluoros suck so baaaaaad, for sativas especially.

Glad you asked. I have a fungus gnat problem that I'd like to get rid of before I flip. I would like to give beneficial nematodes a shot. I also need to build up my clones a little.

Thanks for looking in.


Im pretty sure your gonna have some nice homegrown.. especially since its ALL you growing it.. not some prebought setup..

Hope those gnats take a hike. There are gnat-traps you can build yourself or get those yellow sticky squares to hang in the plants.

With all the improvising your doing I would recomend using some hydrogen peroxide somewhere along the lines.

Also your clone bubbler should be fine with just water alone.. no organic matter needed.. or i misread something.

best of luck



I do use peroxide in the cloner. I wasn't using enough, so I'm using more now and the root snot is history. The black shit you can see in the pic came from me adding B vitamins to the water. That was a failed experiment.

I've done about 5 runs with that new cloner, each one with 10 clones and so far I've only gotten one to root. I have another trick up my sleeve and if that doesn't work, I'm going back to my old cloner.

This is my first update in 6 months. Ih plant 1 was my 4/20 smoke. I love that girl, I still have her.

The other Chunky Cheese turned out to be a male. He was much more vigorous than the first male, so I kept him and chucked the 1st one. He has since pollinated IH #4, which was a girl.


Yeah I found spraying 3% peroxide directly on the roots blasts the slime so does physan 20

you should definitely update more often

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