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Fitness and weight loss.


Everyone has an opinion...I am sure the military researchers have a bit more knowledge than you though.

I doubt it, especially if his education came soley from a main stream university. He claimed that endurace athletes can not function solely on simple carbs but this is 100% false. Being a military researcher doesn't make you knowledgeable unfortunately, not to mention he probably has very little knowledge of human physiology like most nutritionist

It is amazing the difference between normal eggs and what most folks buy at the store. Grass fed beef is superior to wagyu at times...IN MY OPINION!

Agreed, animal products bought from the store are generally very unhealthy compared to there free range grass fed organic counterparts.


I doubt it, especially if his education came soley from a main stream university. He claimed that endurace athletes can not function solely on simple carbs but this is 100% false. Being a military researcher doesn't make you knowledgeable unfortunately, not to mention he probably has very little knowledge of human physiology like most nutritionist

You honestly think that one guy writes the fitness programs for spec ops? You are only showing ignorance...I mean ignorance as in lack of knowledge, not to offend you. We can banter all day back and forth.

All in all, I supplied researched information that has been hugely successful for at least 15+ years for someone entering into military special ops. It is one of the most efficient and well thought out workout plans I have ever seen or participated in.

Everything I have posted is based on basic science and kinesiology, not what you think, or what your heard from a guy.
I definitely wouldn't recommend doing an Atkins type diet for any extended period of time. As stated it can be really hard on your liver and in some cases even lead to ketosis.

That said, the most effective diet is V B M. Variety, Balance, and Moderation. Change up the types of foods you eat, but keep them healthy and nutritious. Add to a healthy diet a good excersize regimen and your good to go.

Also, as a endurance runner I can say firsthand that carbs are absolutely necessary for any long, long run.

Good luck on your journey to health!

Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
Long term vegan diets are setup to fail, I've done the vegan thing for a year or so and I always notice health declines till I add back some animal foods. Definitely great for a short term detox/weight loss but long term you need nutrients from animal foods.

So how do you explain all the super fit Rastafarians ?

It was putting some analgesic back rub on my Rasta buddy that made me realise his body was like wood, no fat or soft tissue, just bone and muscle .... it was his brother who got blown out of the water off the coast of Cuba by the US Navy and swam/drifted his way the 90 miles back to Jamaica, another Rasta

When I asked if he'd eaten any of the plentiful flying fish to keep going he replied "No..... fish, him like him life too"

A carefully managed Vegan diet is easy IF YOU HAVE THE WILLPOWER, now there is tofu, etc vitamin deficiency is history

Have a look at the % of protein in peanut butter

I have a bowl of peanut porridge every morning an hour before I go to the gym, if I'm working (site engineer so lots of running about) I have cornmeal porridge with coconut milk, the cornmeal keeps you feeling satisfied

I managed to loose 40 lbs of fat and now have put on 6lbs of muscle, my overall health is vastly improved, I sleep well, I smoke a lot of weed so I'm not very irritable, I don't tire like everyone I know on a 'regular' diet .....

Any diet needs to be studied, calcium and B12 are my problems but eating the right foods solves that

Good luck with your new lifestyle



You realize a 30% protien diet is ridiculous?? If I ate 30% of my calories from protien I would get 200-300 grams of protien a day, this puts lots of extra stress on the liver. 1-2 grams per kg of body weight is the standard recommendation, I usually end up getting about 1.5g/kg body weight and I eat like 10-15% protien average.

Well, this is advice concerning a bodybuilding diet. In terms of danger I can tell you that this advice is not unusual or untested. I thought that excess protein is more of a danger to the kidneys than the liver. This can be circumvented by increased intake of fluid. I should have written that drinking a lot of water is a good idea to prevent damage to the kidneys (kidney stones). I have not heard that excess protein damages the liver, in what way? Are there increased instances of liver damage among bodybuilders and athletes?

EDIT: From sources related to diets for bodybuilding 1g-1.5g per pound of bodyweight is standard. Also, on another note, if we're talking about 'ridiculous' isn't eating 20 oranges a day a bit ridiculous, much too much vitamin C? That is a little over a third of your calories from oranges alone, another third from bread alone.

When you take in very little calories your body go's into survival mode and will try to store pretty much anything you eat.

I agree with this and thought that this was the biggest flaw of his current diet.

The problem with arguing over diet is that there are so many different incongruent opinions, in the end you have to subscribe to one and giving this guy advice with different beliefs in each post is gonna get him nowhere...


So how do you explain all the super fit Rastafarians ?

Most rastafarians are not vegan and practice a vital diet which includes animal products

A carefully managed Vegan diet is easy IF YOU HAVE THE WILLPOWER, now there is tofu, etc vitamin deficiency is history

A vegan diet with supplements can work long term but it won't be as good as a supplement free vegetarian diet.

Have a look at the % of protein in peanut butter

Who said anything about protien?? Protein has nothing to do with why vegan diets fail. Its mainly the lack of fat soluble viamins and b12. Check out the sample menu I posted, my diets like 75-80% carbs and mostly plant based

I don't tire like everyone I know on a 'regular' diet

And how long have you been following a vegan diet? I was pretty strict vegan for about a year, energy levels were always fine as I consumed adequate fuel but my overall health wasn't as good as it could be. Adding in egg yolks made a considerable difference in the way I feel and corrected the health problems almost over night. My vegan diet was far from deficient as well, its was pretty much as good as it gets when it comes to vegan diets.

Any diet needs to be studied, calcium and B12 are my problems but eating the right foods solves that

A plant based moderate animal food diet has already been time tested by just about every culture. There are no long term vegan cultures, this is a red flag to me.

Its your choice overall, if you feel good doing vegan that's great but I feel more optimal health can be reached on a vegetarian diet personally.


I have not heard that excess protein damages the liver, in what way?

A high-protein diet may cause or worsen liver or kidney problems because your body may already have trouble eliminating all the waste products of protein metabolism.


Are there increased instances of liver damage among bodybuilders and athletes?

Some body builders do get liver problems, most athletes(except body builders) aren't gonna consume the 250+ grams of protien necessary to start causing damage.

A healthy man of 27, a fanatical bodybuilder, developed liver damage and jaundice after using sports supplements containing creatine and whey protein
Also, on another note, if we're talking about 'ridiculous' isn't eating 20 oranges a day a bit ridiculous, much too much vitamin C? That is a little over a third of your calories from oranges alone, another third from bread alone.

How is eating 20 oranges ridiculous?? You realize you need 12 grams per kg of body weight to even come close to OD'ing on vit C(thats the ld50 in rats)? our closest living ancestors get around 5 grams of vitamin C a day, 20 oranges has about 2 grams. I personally don't think I would blast as hard as I do in sporting activities without all the vitamin C and antioxidants I get from the oranges.

What would you suggest I replace the orange calories with? Oranges are a powerhouse for nutrition and fuel. Most my calories come from bread and fruit because I follow a high carb diet. If I don't eat hamburgers at every meal my diet is ridiculous??

The problem with arguing over diet is that there are so many different incongruent opinions, in the end you have to subscribe to one and giving this guy advice with different beliefs in each post is gonna get him nowhere

You can easily figure out whats gonna be the best food and diet to follow through self experimentation and research. Asking stoners a grow forum isn't necessarily the best way to figure out a optimal diet lol. I suggest the OP learn some basic physiology and study up on what long lived cultures consume. Also I would personally only ever follow someone else's dietary advice if I knew without a doubt they were getting the results I wanted.


What are these "diet pills"?
You're losing weight to have a better health, yet you take lots of pharmaceutical crap.


Asking stoners a grow forum isn't necessarily the best way to figure out a optimal diet lol. I suggest the OP learn some basic physiology and study up on what long lived cultures consume.
First of all I didn't start this thread to get your opinions to help myself. Though I won't throw out good advice. You can leave.. wouldn't bother me a bit. I started this thread to help everyone that is trying to lose weight or who has already lost it to share there experience, so that when other people start trying to lose weight they can refer to this thread to see what has worked for others. Enough of your bickering it's ridiculous.

What are these "diet pills"?
You're losing weight to have a better health, yet you take lots of pharmaceutical crap.
I said already in the thread I chose to put that instead of advertising any certain kind of diet supplement. As stated above I didn't start this thread for myself, though I don't mind criticism, but please if you can't add something that someone else hasn't already added then..

I weighed in today- I've lost 18 pounds since I started. Started at 250, 16 days later I'm at 232. So, don't tell me it don't work. I have energy to workout and still have plenty of energy to do all my daily activities. I feel a lot better than I did just 16 days ago, and until I stop getting results from this method I'll keep it up.

18 pounds in 16 days. Yea, may not be the most healthy, but what other kind of diet workout plan do you get results like that, and I know it will vary person to person. Maybe I just got lucky. To each their own, right?

Daily calories - 550
Calories from fat - 115
Carbs - 46g

From protein shake:
32g protein
35% Vitamin A,C,D,E,B6,B12
35% calcium,Iron, Phosphorous, Magnesium, Zinc, Copper,


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
2 tsp of cinnamon and 1 tsp of honey mixed together and taken every day will cut your cholesterol in half in under 3 weeks.

It's fast it's simple and most of all it's organic :)

My Penny


A healthy man of 27, a fanatical bodybuilder, developed liver damage and jaundice after using sports supplements containing creatine and whey protein

1st or 2nd result off a google search and if you actually read the article it states:

"We put ‘dangerous’ in quotes advisedly. We don’t actually believe that healthy people can get jaundice from creatine and proteins"


"[it was suspected] that the bodybuilder in question was also using steroids, and developed jaundice as a result of these"

How is eating 20 oranges ridiculous?? You realize you need 12 grams per kg of body weight to even come close to OD'ing on vit C(thats the ld50 in rats)?

I didn't claim it was lethal, unusual. A range of fruits would provide a variety of vitamins so I don't understand why you would eat so much of one thing.

If I don't eat hamburgers at every meal my diet is ridiculous??

Lean meats such as chicken breast or tuna are a much better source of protein and are very healthy foods.


Sorry for messing up your thread a bit, I can't resist a debate. Congratulations on your lost weight, keep it up!


I didn't claim it was lethal, unusual. A range of fruits would provide a variety of vitamins so I don't understand why you would eat so much of one thing.

Believe me I would love to eat a range of fruit but unfortunately(fortunately? I love oranges) oranges are the most economical fruit choice. Can't beat $9/25lb of organic tree ripened oranges, I do indulge in melons and stone fruits occasionally tho

Lean meats such as chicken breast or tuna are a much better source of protein and are very healthy foods.

Source of protien compared to what? Both can be very healthy foods if bought from good sources(family farms, organic, wild caught etc.). I never denied the health benefits of either of these foods, just thought it was odd that some how you can label me ridiculous because I eat 20 oranges lol

On the protien issue regardless of weather or not it will cause liver problems it will be guaranteed to cause some sort of problem eaten in excess. Most bodybuilders have some sort of problem weather it be weird acne, stomach problems, constipation etc. The harmful effects of excess protien has been demonstrated over and over again in scientific studies as well. Excess protien being pretty much anything over 250g and the only people who can justify anything near that amount are humongous body builders imo.


I started this thread to help everyone that is trying to lose weight or who has already lost it to share there experience, so that when other people start trying to lose weight they can refer to this thread to see what has worked for others. Enough of your bickering it's ridiculous.

I figured if people want to lose weight they probably want to be healthier?

If your actually interested in losing a significant amount of weight without starving yourself I suggest you check out my first post in the thread. I lost like 50 pounds within a month or 2 eating bags of cashews, fruits and salads.

Sounds like your just interested in a quick fix with that 500 calories starvation diet tho, good luck with that.


18 lbs in 16 days is pretty significant, would you agree? I don't know a whole lot about dieting, but I do know I don't feel starved. I feel great, I'm losing weight, and I'm getting stronger. There's nothing wrong here. There is no perfect fix for everyone. Something that is good for someone won't be as good for someone else. So please stop pushing your advice on people. Stating your opinions, and posting your experience is great. It's what this thread is about, but arguing about what is better is a personal opinion and shouldn't be pressed onto someone.

Sounds like your just interested in a quick fix with that 500 calories starvation diet tho, good luck with that.
Thank you for your sarcastic unneeded unwanted comment. If I did want a quick fix what would it matter? I never knew you cared so much about me.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
this is my kind of subject!

to much shit slinging already though.......good luck


New member
As a serial lurker and first time poster, I feel compelled to post since this is one subject I have much experience and knowledge in. Unlike my experience and knowledge in the green. Due to change perhaps.

Okay, losing fat and keeping it off takes 3 things to be successful:

1) A properly designed diet (this is 80% of it)
2) Lifting weights (this is 10-15% of it)
3) Cardio (this is 5-10% of it)

Now, if a person is at the obese condition level, then things change slightly:

1) A properly designed diet (STILL 80% of it)
2) Cardio (this is now 10-15% of it)
3) Weights (less important at this juncture. 5-10% of it)

We could all give you "general" tips - as many have thus far. But no one can give you a detailed caloric/meal plan without first knowing your current bodyweight and your goal weight. Why? From the above you can see that calories are very important when attempting to lose fat. 80% of it. Well, our caloric needs are based on how much lean body mass we have. Lean body mass is everything OTHER than body fat. Those near their goal weight can use their current bodyweight as a surrogate to determine their caloric needs. ALL others should use their goal weight unless they can get a dexa scan taken or a hydrostatic test to determine their bodyfat % and hence their lean body mass. We should feed the muscle and starve the fat.

A properly designed fat loss diet should leave us fairly full all day and night. This would eliminate the "starvation" diets which only lead to more fat gain down the road. Surely, starvation works at "weight" loss (muscle "weight" will be lost preferentially before body fat is due to a fuel substrate hierarchical system our body uses) - look at the starving kids in Africa as proof. But those children can't binge on food that doesn't exist. We have food all around us. Plus, the goal is to lose fat not muscle. We want to keep all our muscle we have. More muscle means a higher metabolism rate. A properly designed diet that works WITH, not against our body will eliminate the binges at night. It's not uncommon for a fat loss dieter to go to bed each night with an extended stomach due to all the foods eaten yet wake up each morning leaner and leaner. They general way to do this is increase our protein and healthy fat intake. Protein and fats digest a lot slower than carbs so they keep us fuller longer. The next step is to determine how many carbs we need. This is based on a number of factors:

1) our goal. (Fat loss or muscle gain)
2) our daily activities (An olympic athlete, nba player needs more than I do and I workout 2 hours every day)
3) our genetic response to carbs. (75% of the population do very well on high protein/fats low carbs. The other 25% do very well on carbs and hardly ever need to diet. Unless to get on stage.

I can't give further details (macronutrient recommendations (grams of protein/carbs/fats) unless I know your current weight and goal weight.

I also can't speak further about the last 2 tools (cardio and weights) until I know the above.

GOod luck on your journey!


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
I can't give further details (macronutrient recommendations (grams of protein/carbs/fats) unless I know your current weight and goal weight.

I also can't speak further about the last 2 tools (cardio and weights) until I know the above.

GOod luck on your journey!

hmmm, ill bite, interested in what you have to say......

current weight is 174 after waking up, 14% bf

looking to get around 10% bf, 165-170 weight

currently weight train 3 times a week, run 15-20 miles a week and walk 10-15 miles a week......


New member
Hey Krunchbubble,

I first notice three things:

1) You're darn close to your goal. The leaner we are the slower our fat loss. Especially if you just lost a bunch of fat. However, if this is the worse condition you've been in lately and this additional fat gain is new, then fat loss will be easier/faster.

2) You run, so you need more carbs then those that just lift weights and perhaps do stationary biking for their cardio.

3) Again, since you run, I would time your carb intake to be centered around your workouts.

Do you have a weekly schedule you stay on? For instance:

Monday: weights
Tuesday: run
Wed: weights
thurs: run
Fri: weights
Sat: run
Sun sun

I'd like to know how you break down your week. Please share as this info will help me to determine your macronutrient needs for each day.

I could easily say, "Ahhhh 1800 calories bro. Every day." But that is lazy and incomplete. "Calories" are important, just not AS important as the CONTENT of those calories as well as the timing of them.

I need to hit the track for some running myself, be back in 45 mins....

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