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Fishy ferts...



has anyone ever used this fish fert? Do you notice it to be really acidic? I tried mixing a batch today and I did 30 drops of my pH up and did nothing...so I didn't u se it...anyone with tips...let me know PLEASE


Call me crazy.....but once i have a good organic mix going i NEVER check ph. I use that to add N to my guano tea and let it bubble for 24-36 hrs. Never had a problem with deficiencies or stunted plants. It works great but dont use to much and dont use it anywhere near the end of flowering......leaves a funky taste to the buds if ya ask me. I alternate between the tea and pure blend pro w/cal mag every other watering but you really have to develop an eye for when they are hungary. I'm a chronic underfeeder which i think is the best way to do it. When you have a striving microheard.....PH becomes WAY less of an issue than with hydro. Organic is just too damn easy once you've got it down.


I'm using an off brand of fish fert. Not speaking from experience : I read that it should only drop the ph by 1 point. The best thing you can do is add dolomite lime to your soil, in your next transplant. I am about to be trying this fish emulsion myself in a pot with my same neutral soil and neutral distilled water. Let me know what the ph was before the feeding and also now.


I agree with Sonshinewurship..I dont even test my ph, dont got a tester at the moment. But with organics I never really need to worry becuase they planst always seem to love it. Havnet used chemicals ever so Not sure how much the differance is.


Be easy with that stuff. The heavy metals in it is off the chart. I like to use a little of everything: Bone meal, blood meal, wood ash, fish ferts, seaweed, three types of guano, earthworm castings, chicken shit, crab meal, mushroom compost, cow manure.....whatever i can get my hands on. The plants couldn't be happier. Just go easy with everything and give your mix a good month to cook and its magic. I always have a good full spectrum liquid organic around as well. I used to use age old but it was really lacking in the Mg department so i switched to pure blend pro. Love the stuff. Find a good starter mix and go from there. I always got my advice from lavender cowboy (indirectly) he knows the deal.


Active member
I agree verbatim with sunshine..the fish is great early on..I highly recommend their 2-1-2 start-up.Fish can also be great for a quick N pick me-up if needed..usually about a teaspoon/gal is fine.I don't think it's the best choice as a complete, do the whole grow fert. Plus you really need to use it all at once, and rinse out you're mixing containers,the stuff will smell up the whole place.It gets putrid if left in anything,even over night.


a week ago, i tried to shake the fish emulsion bottle before opening it and it turns out the cap wasnt tight...

my whole terrace stunk like rotten fish for a coupla days.

fish emulsion works fine in the early stages, with a little liquid sea weed extract added to it. One application basically to help the plant develop roots (in addition to root juice).

After that its straight PBP.


maybe I should bubble it or something...I have a big sativa girl, that is looking N def. bout half way into flowring...I wanted to give here a quick N shot to last to the end...


I tried that Alaskan stuff before I switched to GHBB Fish-Mix. I found that teh GH stuff dont hammer my PH as hard and it works better. Give it a try you may like it. I do however use the Alaskan Mor-BLOOM 0-10-10 with the GHBB Bio-Bloom. Seems to give a little extra kick to my flowering.

Kush King

I use the dutch masters FISH MIX.

Fuck dont leave any of your mixed food layin around or your room will reak like rotan fish!!!!


baccas125 said:
I lobve the mor-bloom

I was just shopping around the local nursery store and found this stuff. And for $5 its gotta be the best fertilizer for the price.I just use it as an additive to my GHBB stuff but I do deffinately notice a diff since starting using it.


I totally forgot about the Alaska Start-Up. AWESOME product. Its made with beets and it great thru the growing cycle. It has B-1 and loads of sugar to feed your soil. I need to get me some more of it but they stopped carrying it at my store i buy my stuff at. And its really cheap as well. Good Stuff.......anyone else use it??


So whats the diference between a PK-13-14 and the Alaska MoorBloom?? MoorBloom is a strait 0-10-10 with nothing else. I usually foliar feed with this and use it on my roses....never in the soil. Its dirt cheap and definately does the job. Anybody use the PK-13-14??


Active member
Alittle ditty on that Alaska 2-1-2. I fRICKINN Love the stuff. I bought a bottle last year for 3.99. I needed something really low NPK for young seedlings..just to give em a little nudge,before moving into bigger containers. Well I just can't say enough good things about it..It's dark brown,almost molasses consistency,1tsp will turn a galon of water dark brown,and the little ones seem to thrive on it.I think it would also work well on mature plants suffering from N def. I usually only use it mixed at 1tsp/gal for the little guys @ 2-3 weeks old.


Its made from beets......like a cheap version of botanicare's "sweet" It's the shit. Everyone who does organics needs to go out tomorrow and find this shit. Your plants will thank you. TRUST ME ! !