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! Fishy ass shit, whatever that may be let us share our experiences!

Space Toker

Active member
For my part in this thread I hope many will participate in for the good of all, please share!

OK as for me, my bro needed to renew a firearms license or whatever you call it here, he went to the Police office or whatever you call it, like 8 weeks ago about and no one there, it is a fairly small town so maybe that was to be expected, so he wrote some message in some written log they had there that he had to renew. Soon after, we got a call from the local PD with this guys name mentioned. I thought this was a generalized thing anyone could handle but he seemed to take this on personally. He showed mu bro where they jail prisoners and discussed the common crimes happening in the town like domestic violence and drunk issues, said there is a grace period even after the gun license expires and my bro thought he was a great guy even though he is part time officer in 3 towns and bragged about a dream house he was building north of here... and promised he'd hand deliver the liscense when it came time, should have been the 1st week of March but the state dragged their feet the last time too...

OK so now I have been having bad dreams and unpleasant symptoms to say the least and urging him to go there and say he has an unpredictable schedule in retail. He kept saying he would, he never did. Epic procrastinator guess it runs in the family! :D

Today, I was caught unawares as the Brits say, with my pants down quite literally you could say, when I hear a bang bang sound twice like fists against metal and think "oh God"! Well, don't know what the sound was but a second or so later no kidding, I see a town police cruiser coming into view. Oh hell I grabbed real pants and boots and put them on and ran outside not soon enough for my liking!

By the time I went out, he was practically on the doorstep maybe 5-10 feet away.. don't know what he saw/interpreted in the meantime...

I go out and he says he has the gun license for my bro, but there is something else he has to discuss and can he go inside and talk to him? Said he was not home, as was true, working a 3-11 shift as he will be the next day. He alternated at least twice between giving it to me and saying there was another liscense to renew and finally did not give it. I sent bro a message, and no 2nd issue from what he heard, and even though my bro is 3-11 next day and supposedly the other guy, he can now meet at 8 AM and no mention of a second issue. WTF?!

Space Toker

Active member
He tells me and bro diff info, yet he said crazy driveway or sonething similar.. he mentioned that and the next point to both of us.. he took forever to leave the parked position and then did like a 30 point turn then went away as slow as possible, seriously I think it all took like 10-20 minutes.. was he detecting something in some way? Seemed like he was phishing for an excuse to come inside and made less and less sense thereafter... did seem like he was always wanting an excuse with that original offer... did/does he know something? Not enough I think or worse things could have happened by now.. that's how the last 6 years or almost have seeemed!

Space Toker

Active member
He was not available now he is? He couldn't give it to me on my bro's behalf after suggesting he could and offering to do so only to decline? Now no mention of the 2nd issue that prevented it and now no issue and all is fine at 8 AM? Fucked up shit it seems

Either he is inept as hell surprising as a veteran for many years or up to something!

Space Toker

Active member
oh haha over and over, 27 views and no responses? Shouldn't we reassure or warn each other already?!


Well-known member
hand delivering a firearm license? if i understood your post correctly
that doesn't sound like SOP to me, but i may be ignorant of this practice
it's a safe bet he was looking, because it's what they do

Space Toker

Active member
that's what I thought too
well there were circling planes now a white chopper with an orangish red front and a dark nose that circled a few times. My bro went there, we will soon know.

Space Toker

Active member
I guess all is OK, they were chatting like long lost friends from what my bro describes. A few things still seem funny, but prob nothing.

Space Toker

Active member
no you wiseass! :D It was an orange or red or organgish red white and blue chopper that circled and passed over at least 3 times, and while I was worrying while my bro was away no less... and still while he was away I get a call from the town first or second time that ever happened... hung up no message and was worried that was his one call... I was all out of my mind worried... later too many cars and then not any, rinse and repeat... so my bro goes out and that cop was at a neighbor almost a mile away, kids sled on that hill and we are kind of the same hill as that one only not quite, seperated by a little woods or fiields but not by much, this is MA and at least a few slaves got hung on a tree I still see there and what a crazy twisted tree it is!!!

Anyway my bro goes out and he is sitting there, no kidding less than a mile from the house, I tried to pry him into action to do it sooner and said he'd shoot me as he does often, but he later admitted it was a good thing as he was probably on his way up. Turns out he wants property closer than the 5-8 miles he already is and wants to raise kids despite looking 50+. he wants secluded so people won't bother him on his off hours and was at that nearby place to serve a summons to appear in court yet wanted that property and was interested in ours as well. That was the supposed excuse for wanting to come in, and as for me he said I was so nervous it made him nervous (was a little at first but was calm as a cucumber compared to most of the time, although I got to give them credit they have been lenient of late compared to what they could have done with minor traffic offenses no tickets no warnings just OK be aware and on my way) and besides he wanted to discuss the intricate details about the pin number on the license which my bro already knew about.... still was this story for real or just a story? Don't know but my bro found out he gets around and is a well, you know... crazy... with crazy women... from another cop who works with my bro who knows him...

Seems fishy after all that he was seeming to be staking out less than a mile away, while that chopper was circling relentlessly and the NG chopper later... and all kinds of planes...while aerial activity had been silent or very little for weeks if not months now? Well in response to he saying I was nervous, bro said I have anxiety and borderline pzisophenic or however you say it, making up shit but maybe not too far from the truth, not to that extreme despite what you may think, but close enough to be more close than most of you... I have pending things that have to wait now, don't know what this means, yeah 99% likely it's epic coincidence upon so many of the same kind of crap, but who the hell knows?

Oh fuck cant believe a detractor tricked me into being this honest but WTF do I have to lose at this point? Telling it like it is may work for me as it has many times before. If they know you know what they are up to, they may have to regroup and rethink things and that gives me tine to do the same. I am looking forward to the garden season coming up though, all kinds of new things I am trying and hoping for a great garden of great healthy things to fight all the physical ailments and maybe the other ones, great fishing and hunting and too live a little less off corporate teets and more off the land, good for health and peace of mind!

Space Toker

Active member
HAHA yes you are right I guess, but what else can I say? he is my bother but we have been through rough tines and has been an instigator and antagonist if not enemy more than a friend, but since my mom died almost 10 years ago, he has been great more than he has been horrible but a little of both. He hates most cops along with a lot of other types of people and things, so he would not betray me to cops but could betray me to others maybe (aunt) eventually. Don't think so as she is 3x more unpleasent than my bother and me could ever be combined! Ok enough bro i must admit! :D

Space Toker

Active member
Too many "bro"s

Have only one.. :D
Last family I have besides an aunt that well... let's just leave it as a cantankerous aunt... like I said I feel I have only one family member left and don't know which ever way the wind blows... so practically all alone but hey at least things are not all bad yet... still hope for better. keep hope alive!

Space Toker

Active member
yeah and things have been a lot quieter and more peaceful overall for it seems even months before that happened, with a few rare exceptions sprinkled in... but that morning was nuts and like the bad old days for sure, while my brother was at their office.. how many coincidences are really that? Most sure, but I can't believe all when there are that many. OK going to go chill and relax now.

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