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First vertical donut


ICMag Donor
I often get buds bleached by the lights and burnt yellow leafs closest to the light. The light mover has solved this problem. On top of that the constantly changing angle of light better penetrates the canopy. Wish I started using a light mover years ago.

Ppl use movers for different reasons. ODB and I are thinking along the same lines here. I use the mover out of necessity more than anything. In my very narrow space, a stationary 600 would not be good for any part of my canopy within 12" of said bulb. But with the mover, the buds are often within less than 6" of the bulb for short periods of time. With out the mover, I'd have to go back to 4oo watt bulbs.

Light movers don't do much when u have bulbs stacked already. They do cause a lot of headaches and another spot for something to go wrong.

So MM, as stacked lights may work for you, and several others, they are not ideal for maximizing every situation.

Right on, I get bleaching at 12" and the mover has helped to even out the color on all the buds. There always seems to be a few buds that are half purp/light green though even now.

Haven't tried stacking lights yet man will think on it. But I've already got 1k's mixed in there with the 600's so would require my cheap ass to buy new lights haha.


ICMag Donor
I've never tried stacking lights one on top of another, simply bcus of the lack of height in my room. But I'm assuming the advantages come from having multiple light sources, and the overlapping light created by these multiple sources. Both of which I'm also benefiting from with the side by side bulbs...

Sorry Gil, didn't mean to derail ya thread...

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
I dig what ur saying marlo, each situation requires different circumstances. that's why I said cool that it works for odb.

odb, plenty of people have done the 1k over 6's with success, Ichabod would be one that comes to mind. He beat the gpw pretty good. If he would have mono cropped his heavy strain he would have crushed it.

Gil Tokerson

Active member
I really don't consider this a derail. It's all relevant. If you go back to the first few pages, it was just me trying to figure out the best way to position and mount the lights. I settled on bare bulbs that are independently adjustable. I considered light movers. And I also considered 2 single 600 donuts. I think 2 singles would out yield my stacked 600's, but I think I would end up with way more popcorn also. I like not having a bunch of popcorn to deal with. On this run,I have none. Like really...none! I wouldn't mind experimenting with different setups, but this is working, and I don't have the time.
The whole reason I made this thread was for future experimenters to learn from. So anything you guys want to add, please feel free...just be nice!

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
I really don't consider this a derail. It's all relevant. If you go back to the first few pages, it was just me trying to figure out the best way to position and mount the lights. I settled on bare bulbs that are independently adjustable. I considered light movers. And I also considered 2 single 600 donuts. I think 2 singles would out yield my stacked 600's, but I think I would end up with way more popcorn also. I like not having a bunch of popcorn to deal with. On this run,I have none. Like really...none! I wouldn't mind experimenting with different setups, but this is working, and I don't have the time.
The whole reason I made this thread was for future experimenters to learn from. So anything you guys want to add, please feel free...just be nice!

But did u fill in ur screens, and how big are ur screens, and how far from the light are they. Those things dialed, and u cant beat the yield with separate 6's, vs the stacked ones. But it all depends on if u dial those other parameters. The side lighting of stacking or side by side like marlo's gives u a real significant advantage compared to separating them.
Well however you set it up man I'm in love with that strain. Hardy and looks like a heavy yielder from what I've seen. Can't wait to see when it's dialed in.

Gil Tokerson

Active member
Miraculous meds - I have no doubt I could rock 2 separate 600 donuts, but I dint think I have enough room for it. At least not if I want to be able to walk around, and train my plants/ change my buckets. I think I did pretty good with filling the screens this round. I'm guessing I could probably add around 30% with this strain if I really did a good job of training and such.

As for the strain, most of this run was a strain that a friend gave to me as "OG". I have no idea exactly what it is, but it has a foul stank, and checks all the other important boxes also. It's not the biggest yielder, but not bad either. I didn't post a ton of pics of her versus the others because she's not really photogenic. It looks good, but kind of has a pale green color all over. The hairs aren't that brightly coloured. It just looks like nice green buds.
...however,I did have a few smaller bluedigiberry f2s, and my own lemon-berry cross in there also. Those 2 are both very pretty to look at, and smell like heaven!


ICMag Donor
it all depends on if u dial those other parameters.

I started to see major improvements when I changed very little in the room at a time. After each run, find something you can improve. Whether its environment, strain, nutes, etc.... After each run you will improve and get closer to perfection.
My setup has looked the same for a cpl years, but I will always try to improve things whether minor or major. Temps, trimming, veg time etc...

Looks like you are definitely on the right track Gil!


Gil Tokerson

Active member
My OG was from clone. The bluedigiberry f2 was from verdant green on seedbay, and the lemon berry is lemon skunk (dna) hit with pollen from a male bluedigiberry f2.