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first try hyrdo cabinet!


New member
Long time dreamer, first time grower and poster here! I've been reading a ton of threads on here for a while but haven't had a chance to talk yet, so HI!:joint: I just built this system up two weeks ago, and got three clones in last week. I have been learning tons everyday and already made a small handful of mistakes. I ended up dropping a lot more money on this than I expected as usual, so now funds are low and I am in kindof an awkward grow moment.

Anyway here goes, I got a DWC bubble bucket system going, a 400w MH light, intake/outake fans set, and have reflectix in the majority of grow area.

Brought in 3 clones last week, but left door open and left the room right after transplanting, and my cat immediately pulled out one plant and started chewing on it:wallbash:, needless to say even though I tried, that little girl didn't make it.

I actually transplanted one clone one night, the other two the next day. May have been a mistake not doing them all at once, as the two later ones were right away the weaklings. So now I have two plants, one doing great and one half-alive.

In the first couple days my heat was waaaaaaaay to high, reaching almost 100 degress a couple times. I immediately got another fan in, which brought my temps to 90-85 average during the day, 80-70 at night. I know I need better control over my temps but at the moment there isn't much I can do.
I have been changing my water every 7 days, and adding 1/2 strength nutes, Ionic Bloom.

Now let me introduce my plants:

This is Bertha, she is Blue Cheese and doing pretty damned well! About 6 inches tall, good lookin leaves and roots. The last couple days these brown spots started showing up along the tips of the sides of leaves, only on a couple though. All in all plant is my one hope for this shit to work out, gonna put up a SCROG screen in the next couple days.

This is my other girl, she isn't and hasn't been doing good. Also Blue Cheese, her sister that was sick got cat mauled, but she has still survived with very little new growth. Had to clip a couple leaves, and she has been getting super yellowed tips. I figured getting the heat down was my most major issue, but compared to her sister she should be doing better. Any info or tips would be appreciated! I am waiting for pH tester to ship, so I haven't had any chance to test it yet or worry about pH, which I know is important but unfortunately overlooked till now.

If the second plant dies off I dunno what I will do, I can't afford more clones for another week and by then it'll be way too late to try and get all my plants on one light cycle for this harvest. It may end up being a one-shot-deal till then, which sucks cause i'm allowed 6 plants with my medical requirements so right now i'm wasting space big time.

I'm gonna see what happens to these plants and keep posting, i'd appreciate any tips, info, love, hate, or tomatoes so I know what to change. I know i'm a noob but I love this site and the community here and I plan on being a longtime member so lets do this together!:party:
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Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Given your space and lamp, I'd suggest much larger buckets. The smaller the res, the faster the disaster.


New member
Thanks for your input FreezerBoy! Yeah I have thought about this cause I noticed that 1) My water will get warmer with less space 2) My healthy plant has roots already filling in a lot of water space, and it's still so small. How big would you recommend? I thought about 5 gal buckets but that seemed like overkill in the beginning, these are about 1 gal. I just don't wanna fill every inch of floor space, it is 30"x40" but as of right now I will probably fill it to maybe 4 plants, as I dunno if my little pump can handle more and I am short on immediate funds for a bigger pump too.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
I use an 18 gal tub with 12 gal of water for a single plant (on rare occasion, two plants) Remember that tubs only hold about 60% of advertised volume once we allow for net cup and air gap. You have maybe 1/2 gal in a 1 gal bucket. Whatever happens in such a small space is going to happen fast. If it's something bad, it could happen faster than you can react. You've already encountered two shortcomings of a small res: excessive res heat and lack of root space. Others will include violent swings in EC and pH, greater maintenance (perhaps daily) and increased potential for disaster.

Personally, I can't imagine using a 5 gallon bucket without doing RDWC and external res. For straight, grow in the res DWC, I'd want at least a 10 gal tub but, my work commonly takes me away for weeks at a time. If you're going to be there every day without exception, smaller buckets will do, they just take more work


New member
Yeah right now I basically did this as a temporary solution while I am in smaller housing. I have definitely been doing daily maintenance which I quite enjoy but I need to make things easier to control in the future so I don't have to spend as much time working and can have things more systematic. I just wanted to keep things on the simple side to start but I will get bigger buckets asap. I definitely underestimated some things but had the right idea I'm glad I'm catching stuff early on though so hopefully problems will be much less frequent in the future. Thanks a ton for your input! Happy smokin:joint:
i totally under estimated both time and $$ at the beginning too.....after the initial "push" is over, you'll be fine

give the other plant still some time to repair itself. the yellowing could be heat or too strong of nutes too early in a stressed out beginning. Get her some good, plain water and cross more then just your fingers :)


New member
Well tonight I'm gonna go pick up 5 more clones and put them in the smaller tubs just for the next few days till I can upgrade my buckets and pump all at once for 6 plants. I'm most likely just gonna call my yellowed off plant dead, it hasn't shown any growth in the last week at least and i'd rather focus my time on the new girls coming in and their older roomate. Hopefully Bertha isn't too old to stay on the same light cycle as these new ones, i'll just have her vegging an extra week. I'll post pics when the work is done!:joint:


New member
Quick update:
My best plant, Bertha, is showing great growth! Got my pH tester, and have been steadily adding correctly pHed and nute'd water and she's been growin! No more nutrient burn or anything of the sort.:joint:

#2, I had left for dead but never bothered pulling her out, kept her pH correct and kept spraying and feeding her for whatever reason but somehow she pulled it out and started showing new root growth, although it was delayed. I think she will sprout out quickly and join her sister.


Got a few Ak-57 clones from a dispensary, don't know anything about the strain but pulled 20 off 4 plants. the numbers seemed right so I got them under a light and they are doing alright! It's been 4 days now and they seem strong. I'm new to cloning but I thing I did a good job, I don't have them on any nutes is there anything I should be giving them? Right now they are all just in a tray of water which I change almost daily and spray them daily.

I have a good vibe about this project, the ladies are smelling good! As soon as I get paid I am upgrading my fans and hopefully getting some 5 gallon buckets but for now these ones are doing ok. Any advice or anything would be great!

peace, love, :joint:


New member
Soo.... it's been a minute!:smokeit:

Sorry for the lack of updates if anyone has even read this, I've been crazy busy. Moved all the plants into a new grow tent, and they have been flowering now for 31 days. I'll post more later on the subject. Anyway, here is my current problem:

My start performer is no longer my star, she started showing nute deficiency (i believe) about 3 days ago, I flushed the water and gave her fresh pH'ed and nuted water, and nothin. Now she looks half dead, and I don't know what to do!!! I'm giving her Ionic nutrients, and she was doing fine up till now. gotta run, heres current pix!



i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
nice grow dont you just love buckets your plants dont look dead at all i cant see the pics well but it looks like burnt tips. whats ur ec/ppms do u top off? with what? when i flower i like to max out my plants i set my soup ec alittle high and back it off if i start to see some tips yellowing that way i know my plants are getting everything they could possibly want and if my bucket is getting low i top off with ro and its back down if you let your bucket go for a full week and its almost empty check the ppms of the 3in of water left it will be rediculously high i think i let mine get to 2400 once never again i monitor my buckets 5gal very closely you need to give out more info and im sure freezerboy will help u out better
see my yellow tips plant im on week3-4 of flower and swelling up everyday

peace stoney


New member
so this will sound quite n00b-ish, but I still don't really get what the ec/ppm is? All I know is I'm supposed to monitor it and control it and I have no idea how or what to do. I tried searching around a bit and couldn't find anything, someone wanna point me to a thread? the plant isn't dead but the majority of the cover leaves have turned yellow and died off, and all the other leaves are yellowing too. I have put so much into this girly I don't want to see her die off! I won't be able to buy anything till monday as far as other nutrients or an ec tester, but any suggestions? every time my leaves start yellowing like this it has been from nute deficiency, but I've been feeding her all the same! Thanks for any and all help!